Envato Elements

We all want to make a good impression, but sometimes we unknowingly commit social faux pas that can make us appear less classy than we’d like. It’s not about being snobby or following rigid etiquette rules, but rather understanding subtle social cues and behaviours that can impact how we’re seen by the people around us. With that in mind, here are some common mistakes people make that can inadvertently detract from their classy aura.

1. You talk over people and interrupt them constantly.

Envato Elements

Interrupting someone mid-sentence shows a lack of respect and consideration for their thoughts and feelings. It’s like saying, “My words are more important than yours.” Classy people are patient listeners, and they let others finish their thoughts before responding thoughtfully. Remember, good conversations are like a tennis match – a back-and-forth exchange, not a monologue.

2. You constantly brag and boast about your accomplishments.

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Confidence is attractive, but arrogance is not. There’s a fine line between sharing your achievements with pride and rubbing them in people’s faces. Classy people understand that true confidence comes from within and doesn’t need constant validation or attention. Let your accomplishments speak for themselves, and let people discover your strengths organically.

3. You’re always late and make excuses for your tardiness.


Being chronically late demonstrates a lack of respect for other people’s time. It signals that you don’t value their schedules or commitments. Classy people are punctual and reliable, recognizing that being on time is a fundamental aspect of courtesy and professionalism. If you find yourself running late, communicate proactively and apologize sincerely.

4. You gossip excessively and spread rumours.

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Gossiping can be juicy and entertaining, but it can also be hurtful and damaging. Classy people understand that engaging in gossip reflects poorly on them and can create a toxic environment. Instead, focus on positive conversations and encouraging people/making them feel better about themselves. Remember, words have power, so use them wisely.

5. You’re constantly checking your phone and neglecting the people around you.

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Pretty much everyone is glued to their phones these days. However, constantly scrolling through social media or texting while in mixed company can be seen as rude and dismissive (and that’s because it is). Classy people are present and engaged, putting their phones away and giving their undivided attention to the people they’re with.

6. You use foul language and inappropriate humour in public.

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While casual conversations with friends might allow for some colourful language or risqué jokes, it’s important to be mindful of your audience. Using foul language or telling inappropriate jokes in public can make you appear immature and disrespectful. Classy people know how to tailor their communication to different social settings and maintain a certain level of decorum.

7. You dress sloppily and neglect your personal hygiene.

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Your appearance speaks volumes about your self-respect and attention to detail. Dressing sloppily or neglecting your personal hygiene can give the impression that you don’t care about yourself or how you present yourself to the world. Classy people take pride in their appearance, choosing attire that is appropriate for the occasion and ensuring they are well-groomed.

8. You’re overly critical and judgmental of other people.

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It’s easy to find flaws in other people, but constantly criticising and judging them can make you appear negative and insecure. Classy people focus on the positive aspects of people’s personalities, offering encouragement and support. Remember, everyone is fighting their own battles, and a little kindness goes a long way.