How To Spot A Pathological Liar In Real Life

Everyone bends the truth sometimes, but pathological liars are basically allergic to honesty.

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The good thing is that if you know what you’re looking for, they’re pretty obvious to spot in the wild. Here are some signs you’re dealing with someone who lies about pretty much everything for no real reason. Don’t believe a word that comes out of their mouth!

1. Their stories shift constantly.

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Ever notice how their tales never quite sound the same twice? One day, they’ll tell you they met a celebrity at the airport; the next, it was during a fancy dinner. When you ask questions, they tack on extra details to cover up the cracks. These constant “updates” give away how hard they’re working to keep the story straight, and each new version only gets messier as they scramble to keep it all together.

2. They lie about stuff that doesn’t even matter.


Keep an eye out for lies that seem completely pointless. They might say they had pasta for lunch when it was a sandwich, or claim there was terrible traffic when there wasn’t. These tiny, unnecessary lies are red flags, showing that they’ll lie even when there’s absolutely no benefit. It’s like they’re on autopilot – lying comes so naturally to them, they don’t even stop to consider if it’s worth it.

3. They never admit to lying.

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Even if you confront them with hard evidence, they’ll twist the story, make excuses, or blame everyone but themselves. They might accuse you of misunderstanding or even get angry to throw you off. Their denial only deepens as the pressure builds, and rather than admitting to the lie, they’ll do whatever it takes to defend it.

4. Every story makes them the hero.


In their world, they’re constantly the one saving the day, solving the big problem, or showing everyone else how it’s done. Every story is another opportunity for them to come out on top, shining as the smartest or bravest around. Their habit of hyping themselves up is often rooted in insecurity, and the need to appear exceptional just fuels their non-stop storytelling.

5. They have an answer for everything.

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They’re never at a loss for words, even when asked about things they can’t possibly know. Instead of admitting they’re unsure, they’ll make something up on the spot, however outlandish. Their quick, confident replies are so smooth that it’s easy to miss the fact they’re just spinning things as they go.

6. Their big promises never quite pan out.

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They’re always talking about job offers, inheritances, or big deals just around the corner – but somehow, none of these ever come through. There’s always a reason, usually dramatic, for why it all fell apart. This cycle of big talk followed by big disappointment is a pattern, and it keeps you waiting for something that will probably never happen.

7. They thrive on dramatic, over-the-top stories.

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Their life sounds like it’s straight out of a movie – packed with huge successes, heartbreaking losses, and endless surprises. Every week there’s a new twist. The constant drama keeps everyone paying attention to them, and if interest starts to fade, they crank it up another notch to reel people back in.

8. They play the guilt card like a pro.

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When confronted, they don’t just defend themselves – they make you feel guilty for questioning them. They’ll remind you of times they helped you or say you’re being unfair. This manipulation is their way of dodging any real accountability, using guilt as a shield to keep you from looking too closely.

9. Their lies escalate over time.

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What starts as small exaggerations quickly turns into an elaborate web of lies. Each story builds on the last, and as they get more confident, they aim higher and lie bolder. The more they lie, the harder it becomes for them to stop, leading to an unstoppable avalanche of deception.

10. They believe their own lies.

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When they tell a story, they’re all in – emotions, gestures, the whole lot. It’s like they’re not even aware they’re lying. Their level of self-deception makes their lies all the more believable because, to them, it feels like the truth. It’s shocking to see that they even believe their own nonsense!

11. They dodge direct questions.

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Ask them something direct, and they’ll shift the topic or give you a vague answer that says nothing. Sometimes, they’ll even turn on you, accusing you of prying or changing the subject entirely. Their goal is simple: avoid saying anything that could bring their stories crashing down.

12. Facts don’t match their claims.

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If you dig into the details, you’ll notice things don’t add up. They might claim to have been in two places at once or tell you about things that just aren’t possible. The more they lie, the bigger the gap between their tales and reality, and eventually, the inconsistencies start to stand out.

13. They make up “proof.”

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Be wary of any so-called evidence they present. They might whip out edited photos, fake documents, or staged situations. This level of commitment to their lies shows just how deeply rooted their deception is and the lengths they’ll go to keep their story going.

14. They’re always hanging around new people.

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Pathological liars tend to jump from one social group to another. New friends haven’t had a chance to spot the patterns, so they get to start fresh. They’re always on the move because keeping up a consistent lie becomes harder the longer people know them, so they stick with the short term to keep their cover intact.