When someone you’re closed to starts pulling away, it can be a frustrating and upsetting experience.

You don’t think you’ve done anything wrong, but for some reason, they’re just not as open with you as they once were. The last thing you want to do is lash out or push them when they’re going through something, but you also don’t want things to feel so strained and distant between you. Here are some things to say in this situation that open the door for a frank conversation without being overbearing.
1. “I can see you’re upset. I’m here if you want to talk.”

It’s short, sweet, and to the point. This shows empathy and lets them know you’re more than happy to hear them out and offer support, but you’re not forcing them to speak if they’re not ready. Sometimes, just knowing you’re there is enough to begin the process of reconnecting.
2. “I’m not going anywhere. We can take as long as you need.”

Being patient can be incredibly soothing when someone is shutting down. It lets them know you’re in this for the long haul and are willing to give them the space they need without running away. The less pressure they feel, the more likely they are to want to open up.
3. “I respect your space, but I want you to know I’m here for you.”

By acknowledging their need for space while reassuring them of your support, you’re showing that you respect their boundaries but also care about how they’re doing and want to be there for them. They might not take you up on that, but at least they know the offer’s there.
4. “I miss talking to you. When you’re ready, I’d love to listen.”

This lets the person know that you’re not giving up on them and that you value your connection. It’s an invitation, not a demand, and shows them that you’re there when they’re ready. Sometimes just being given the freedom to do things at their own pace is enough to make them want to open up sooner.
5. “I know things are tough right now, but I want to help if I can.”

Offering help without being pushy is a great way to show you care. Sometimes people shut you out because they’re overwhelmed, and this can reassure them that they don’t have to face it alone. There might not be anything you can actually do to help, but if there is, they know you’re ready and willing.
6. “I’m sorry if I did something to upset you.”

If you think you actually might have done something to contribute to the distance between you, apologising can make a huge difference. It shows self-awareness and takes the pressure off them by acknowledging your part in the situation. They may not be ready to forgive you or resolve the issue just yet, but it’s the first step in the right direction.
7. “Take your time. I’ll be right here when you’re ready.”

This helps alleviate the pressure for them to open up immediately. By showing you’re okay with waiting, you’re creating a calm space for them to return when they feel ready. Because they’re not feeling rushed or pressured, you might be surprised at how quickly they become “ready.”
8. “If you need to get away for a bit, I understand.”

Sometimes, giving someone permission to step away is all they need. This shows you understand the need for solitude and that you’re not trying to push them into conversation before they’re ready. Everyone has been through times where they just want to run away and not talk to anyone, but they feel bad about it. Giving them permission (in so many words) can be really comforting.
9. “I’m not judging you. I just want to understand.”

When someone is shutting you out, it’s often because they’re scared of being judged. Letting them know that you’d never judge them and that you accept them just as they are can help ease some of their anxiety and allow for more openness.
10. “I care about you and I want to support you, no matter what.”

This reaffirms your commitment to the person and helps them feel safe in expressing their feelings. It’s a reminder that your support isn’t conditional on their behaviour or mood. They can be who they are, imperfections and all, and you’re just going to feel the same about them. That’s powerful.
11. “I understand if you need time alone. I’m here whenever you’re ready.”

Sometimes people just need a little space to process. By acknowledging that need, you’re showing respect for their emotional space while keeping the door open for reconnection later. It’s direct, not overbearing, but says everything that needs to be said.
12. “Would it help if I gave you some quiet time? We can talk later.”

Offering to give them space without abandoning them is a helpful way to let them know you’re not trying to force a conversation, but still want to keep communication open for the future. It’s clear that you want to know what’s going on with them, but you don’t expect it to be right now.
13. “You don’t have to talk about it right now, but I’m here when you do.”

Again, this is just another way of showing that you understand that they might not be ready to talk. It takes the pressure off them and reassures them that you’re still there when they feel prepared to share. Who knows, maybe whatever’s going on with them will pass by without them needing to discuss, but at least the option’s there.
14. “If you want to share, I’ll listen—no rush, no pressure.”

Giving them control over the situation helps them feel empowered rather than cornered. The absence of pressure can make them feel safer in opening up when they’re ready. Even if they don’t end up wanting to chat about it, they might still feel comforted by these words.
15. “I care about you, and I want to make things better between us.”

Letting them know that you care and are invested in improving the relationship can be a powerful motivator. It shows them that you’re committed to working through the tough spots together, no matter how long it takes.