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Love is a powerful emotion, but it’s also a choice and a commitment, especially in marriage.

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While every relationship has its ups and downs, there are certain behaviours that have no place in a loving partnership. Here are 18 things a man who truly loves his wife would never do.

1. He’d never cheat on her.

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Infidelity is a betrayal of trust and commitment. A man who genuinely loves his wife respects their bond too much to look for emotional or physical intimacy outside the marriage. True love involves loyalty and faithfulness, even when temptation arises.

2. He’d never belittle or mock her.

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Love is about building up, not tearing down. A loving husband doesn’t make fun of his wife’s insecurities, dreams, or struggles. He supports her and treats her with respect, both in private and in public. Mockery and belittlement have no place in a loving relationship.

3. He’d never ignore her emotional needs.

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A man who truly loves his wife is attentive to her emotional well-being. He listens when she needs to talk, offers comfort when she’s upset, and celebrates her joys. Dismissing or minimising her feelings is not an act of love.

4. He’d never use physical force against her.

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Physical abuse is never acceptable in any relationship, let alone a marriage. A loving husband controls his anger and never resorts to violence, no matter how heated an argument might become. Love protects; it doesn’t harm.

5. He’d never consistently prioritise his friends over her.

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While maintaining friendships is important, a man who loves his wife doesn’t regularly choose his friends over her. He balances his social life with his commitment to his marriage, making sure his wife feels valued and prioritised.

6. He’d never lie about important things.

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Honesty is crucial in a loving relationship. A man who truly loves his wife is truthful, even when it’s difficult. He doesn’t hide significant information or deceive her about important matters. Trust is the foundation of love.

7. He’d never disrespect her in front of their children.

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A loving husband maintains a united front with his wife, especially in front of their children. He doesn’t undermine her authority or speak negatively about her to the kids. He shows respect for her role as a mother and partner.

8. He’d never dismiss her career or personal goals.

Vladimir Poplavskis

Love involves supporting your partner’s aspirations. A man who truly loves his wife encourages her professional and personal growth. He doesn’t belittle her ambitions or treat them as less important than his own.

9. He’d never control her friendships or personal relationships.

Anna Bizon

Trust and respect are key in a loving marriage. A loving husband doesn’t try to dictate who his wife can be friends with or how she spends her time. He trusts her judgment and respects her autonomy.

10. He’d never make major decisions without consulting her.

Javier Sánchez Mingorance

Marriage is a partnership. A man who loves his wife includes her in important decisions that affect their life together. He values her input and sees them as a team facing life’s challenges together.

11. He’d never withhold affection as punishment.

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Using affection as a bargaining chip or withholding it to punish is manipulative and unloving. A man who truly loves his wife doesn’t use physical or emotional intimacy as a weapon in arguments or disagreements.

12. He’d never consistently put his own needs first.

Pavel Vladychenko

While self-care is important, love involves considering your partner’s needs as well as your own. A loving husband strives for balance and is willing to make sacrifices for his wife’s well-being and happiness.

13. He’d never disregard her boundaries.

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Respecting boundaries is crucial in any healthy relationship. A man who loves his wife listens when she expresses her limits and respects them, whether they’re physical, emotional, or related to privacy.

14. He’d never be intentionally hurtful during arguments.

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Disagreements happen in every marriage, but a loving husband doesn’t use them as an opportunity to wound. He avoids saying cruel things in the heat of the moment, focusing instead on resolving the issue at hand.

15. He’d never hide significant financial decisions from her.

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Financial transparency is important in a marriage. A man who truly loves his wife doesn’t make major financial moves without her knowledge. He sees their finances as a shared responsibility and includes her in financial planning and decision-making.

16. He’d never flirt with other women in front of her (or behind her back).

Photographer: Dragos Condrea

Flirting outside the marriage, whether openly or secretly, is disrespectful and hurtful. A loving husband doesn’t pursue that kind of attention from anyone but his wife. He shows her she’s the only one he desires.

17. He’d never refuse to apologise or admit when he’s wrong.

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Humility is an important part of love. A man who truly loves his wife can acknowledge his mistakes and offer sincere apologies. He doesn’t let pride get in the way of reconciliation and growth in their relationship.

18. He’d never stop trying to make her feel loved and appreciated.

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Love is an ongoing action, not just a feeling. A loving husband continually finds ways to show his wife he loves and values her. He doesn’t take her for granted or become complacent in expressing his love and appreciation.