Annoyingly Obvious Signs Someone Thinks the World Revolves Around Them

Some people truly do believe they’re the centre of the universe.

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They’re wrong, of course, but that doesn’t stop them from going through life with an overwhelming sense of superiority that frustrates and annoys everyone around them. Not only is their general vibe one of haughtiness and entitlement, but they also tend to do these obnoxious things.

1. They dominate every conversation.


These folks can’t seem to stop talking about themselves. They’ll find a way to steer any chat back to their experiences or opinions. You usually wonder if they even heard a word you said. By the end of the conversation, you’ll probably know their life story, but they won’t have a clue about yours.

2. They expect instant responses to their messages.

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When they text or call, they expect you to drop everything and respond right away. If you don’t, they might get huffy or send multiple follow-up messages. It’s as if they can’t fathom that you might be busy with your own life. You might start to feel like you’re on call 24/7 just to manage their expectations.

3. They can’t handle criticism.

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Even the mildest feedback sends them into a tailspin. They might get defensive, lash out, or give you the silent treatment because they believe they’re above any kind of criticism. You end up walking on eggshells around them. Over time, you might stop giving them feedback altogether, which only reinforces their behaviour.

4. They’re always trying to outdo everyone.

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No matter what story you tell or achievement you share, they’ve got something bigger and better. Had a nice holiday? They’ve been somewhere more exotic. Got a promotion? They’re about to become CEO. It’s exhausting trying to have a normal conversation with them. You might start to feel like you’re in a constant, unwinnable competition you never signed up for.

5. They never ask about your life.

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These people rarely, if ever, ask how you’re doing or what’s new with you. And if you do start sharing, they quickly lose interest or find a way to bring the focus back to them. It’s like they’re starring in their own movie, and you’re just an extra. You might leave interactions feeling invisible or unimportant.

6. They expect special treatment everywhere they go.

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Whether it’s at a restaurant or in a queue, they always think they deserve preferential treatment. They might name-drop or make a fuss if they don’t get their way. It’s as if they believe normal rules don’t apply to them. You might find yourself cringing or trying to distance yourself when they start demanding special favours.

7. They’re constantly posting selfies on social media.

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Their social media feed is like a shrine to themselves. Every post is a selfie or a brag about their latest accomplishment. They seem to think their followers are dying to know every detail of their life. It’s enough to make you want to hit the ‘unfollow’ button. You might wonder if they ever do anything without documenting it for public approval.

8. They cancel plans at the last minute.

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They think nothing of bailing on plans at the eleventh hour if something better comes up. But heaven forbid you try to reschedule on them! It’s clear their time is more valuable than yours in their eyes. You probably start making backup plans whenever you arrange to meet them, just in case.

9. They name-drop constantly.

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They can’t go five minutes without mentioning some important person they know, as if they’re trying to prove how special they are by association. Do they even have any real friendships? It can get to the point where you start playing ‘name-drop bingo’ in your head during conversations with them.

10. They take credit for group efforts.

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When working in a team, they’re quick to claim all the glory for themselves. They downplay what other people bring to the table or straight-up pretend they did all the work. It’s frustrating for everyone who actually put in the effort. You might notice team morale dropping and people becoming less willing to collaborate with them over time.

11. They’re always the victim in their stories.

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No matter what goes wrong, it’s never their fault. They’ve always been wronged, misunderstood, or treated unfairly. You might start to wonder how one person can have so much bad luck without ever being responsible for any of it.

12. They don’t respect your boundaries.

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Personal space? What’s that? They’ll show up uninvited, overshare, or pry into your private life without a second thought. It’s as if your boundaries don’t even register on their radar. You start becoming increasingly guarded around them just to maintain some semblance of privacy.

13. They give backhanded compliments.

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Their compliments often come with a sting in the tail. “You look great today, usually you’re such a mess!” It’s like they can’t bear to say something nice without reminding you of your place beneath them. You might start to dread their ‘compliments’ more than their criticisms.

14. They interrupt people constantly.

Pavel Vladychenko

Waiting for their turn to speak? Not a chance. They’ll cut in mid-sentence if they’ve got something to say. They clearly think their thoughts are too important to wait. You might feel like you need a megaphone just to finish a sentence. Group conversations with them can start to feel like a verbal wrestling match.

15. They expect you to drop everything for them.

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When they need something, they expect you to be at their beck and call. Your plans, work, or other commitments don’t matter. It’s as if they believe their needs always trump everyone else’s. You might feel like you’re always on standby for their next crisis or whim. Over time, you might start resenting the constant demands on your time and energy.

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