Valerii Honcharuk

Everyone has a bit of an ego, but could yours be crossing the line into full-blown narcissism? We all know the blatant narcissists, the ones who shout their accomplishments from the rooftops and demand constant praise. But what about the quieter, more insidious type — the ones who charm their way into your life and subtly erode your self-worth? Could that be you? Here are 14 less obvious signs that might reveal a hidden narcissist lurking within.

1. People are always walking on eggshells around you.

Valerii Honcharuk

You command authority, which is technically a positive thing, but if people are tiptoeing around your moods and seem terrified of triggering your anger, there may be a problem. Extreme reactions, explosive anger, and mood swings will make people want to avoid you, not respect you. People don’t want to constantly feel anxious and on edge around someone. If they can never be certain which version of you they’re going to get on any given day, you need to take a long, hard look in the mirror.

2. People are always apologizing to you, even when it’s not their fault.

Envato Elements

We all mess up, but there’s no way everything that goes wrong is someone else’s fault and never yours. If you’re always deflecting blame and making other people responsible for your misery, that implies narcissistic tendencies. You twist their words, misinterpret their actions, and basically make them wonder if they’re going insane. You might not even realize you’re doing it, but your subtle manipulations leave people feeling guilty and apologizing profusely, even when they’ve done nothing wrong.

3. People feel emotionally drained and exhausted after spending time with you.


Your presence demands a lot of energy. You might be charming and charismatic, but you also have a way of sucking the life out of people. You crave attention, validation, and sympathy, and you’re always unloading your problems onto people without offering much in return. Your need for constant emotional support can leave everyone around you feeling exhausted and resentful.

4. You feel like you’re never good enough, no matter how much you achieve.

Envato Elements

Despite your accomplishments, a nagging feeling of inadequacy follows you. You set impossibly high standards for yourself and everyone else, criticizing every flaw and striving for unattainable perfection. You might crave external validation to fill the void within, but even that never seems to be enough, Psych Central notes. It’s a trap!

5. You feel like you’re constantly competing with the people around you for attention.

Envato Elements

You thrive on admiration and recognition — that’s a major sign of a narcissist (or at least narcissistic tendencies). You might subtly (or not so subtly) downplay other people’s achievements or try to one-up them as a result. You crave the spotlight and feel threatened when other people share it. This constant need for validation can create toxic dynamics in your relationships.

6. Your needs and feelings always take precedence over everyone else’s.

Envato Elements

You’re accustomed to having your way, and you expect everyone to cater to your needs and desires. You might interrupt conversations, dismiss people’s concerns, or disregard their boundaries without a second thought. Your self-centredness can leave people feeling unheard, unimportant, and resentful.

7. You often try to mould people to fit your ideal image of them.


You have a clear vision of how people should behave, dress, and think, and you’re not afraid to voice your criticisms. You might try to subtly (or not so subtly) change your friends, partners, or colleagues to better align with your preferences. This controlling behaviour can stifle individuality and create resentment in your relationships.

8. You feel entitled to special treatment.

Envato Elements

You believe you deserve more than everyone else, simply because you’re you. You might expect preferential treatment, special favours, or constant admiration. You can become angry or resentful when your expectations aren’t met, as if the world owes you something.

9. You constantly doubt yourself and question your own sanity, but only in private.

Envato Elements

Despite your outward confidence, you secretly struggle with self-doubt and insecurity. You might replay conversations in your head, second-guessing your actions and wondering if you’re the problem. This inner turmoil can lead to anxiety, depression, and a constant need for reassurance from everyone around you.

10. You feel like you have to hide your true thoughts and feelings to avoid drama.

Envato Elements

Honesty isn’t your strong suit, especially if it might ruffle feathers. You’ve learned that expressing your true opinions or disagreeing with people can lead to unpleasant consequences. So you bite your tongue, plaster on a fake smile, and keep the peace, even if it means sacrificing your authenticity.

11. You feel like you’re constantly testing and evaluating the people around you.

Envato Elements

You see relationships as a game of power and control. You might subtly test people’s loyalty, create drama to gauge their reactions, or offer backhanded compliments to keep them on their toes. You’re always assessing their worthiness of your time and attention, making them feel like they have to constantly prove themselves to you.

12. You always need to be the centre of attention, and other people are just supporting actors in your life’s drama.

Envato Elements

Conversations revolve around you, your achievements, your experiences, your opinions. You might interrupt people, steer the topic back to yourself (conversational narcissism!), or subtly belittle their accomplishments to make yours seem more impressive. Your need for the spotlight can leave people feeling invisible and unimportant.

13. You struggle to empathize with other people’s feelings or see things from their perspective.

Envato Elements

While you might feign sympathy or offer empty platitudes, your emotional connections often feel superficial. You might dismiss people’s concerns, invalidate their feelings, or offer unsolicited advice instead of genuine empathy. Your focus remains on your own needs and experiences, leaving little room for understanding anyone else.

14. You regularly manipulate and control people to get what you want.

Valerii Honcharuk

You’re a master of subtle manipulation, using guilt trips, silent treatment, or emotional blackmail to bend everyone to your will. You might isolate them from their loved ones, control their finances, or make decisions for them without their input. You see people as tools to serve your own needs and desires, rather than individuals with their own agency.