
Some people make you question their moral compass.

They might not be villains in a film, but their actions and behaviours leave a bad taste in our mouths. Ever wondered if someone you know might fit the bill? Here are 20 signs that might indicate you’re dealing with a less-than-stellar human being. You might want to avoid them as much as possible.

1. They consistently lack empathy for other people.


A terrible person struggles to put themselves in other people’s shoes. They dismiss people’s feelings, belittle their problems, or even take pleasure in their misfortune. They have a hard time understanding how their actions affect those around them and rarely offer genuine support or compassion.

2. They lie and manipulate to get what they want.

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Dishonesty is their second nature. They twist the truth, omit crucial details, or make promises they have no intention of keeping. They might use flattery, guilt trips, or even threats to manipulate people into doing their bidding. They prioritise their own needs and desires, regardless of the consequences for other people.

3. They constantly criticise and belittle people.

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They derive pleasure from putting people down and making them feel small. They might criticise your appearance, your choices, or your accomplishments. They thrive on negativity and never seem to have anything positive to say. Their words can be incredibly hurtful and damaging to your self-esteem.

4. They never take responsibility for their mistakes.

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A terrible person will always find someone else to blame for their own shortcomings. They might make excuses, shift the blame, or simply deny any wrongdoing. They lack accountability and refuse to acknowledge the impact of their actions on other people.

5. They’re selfish and self-centred

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Their world revolves around them, and they have little regard for other people’s feelings or needs. They might expect special treatment, take advantage of your kindness, or prioritise their own desires without considering how it might affect you. They lack generosity and are unwilling to compromise or make sacrifices for anyone else’s sake.

6. They have a sense of entitlement.


They believe they deserve special treatment and are quick to become angry or resentful when they don’t get what they want. They might demand your attention, your time, or your resources without considering your own needs or limitations. They lack gratitude and appreciation for what other people do for them.

7. They lack remorse or guilt for their actions.

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Even when confronted with the consequences of their behaviour, they show little to no remorse or guilt. They might try to justify their actions, minimise the harm they’ve caused, or simply brush it off as no big deal. They lack a moral compass and seem incapable of feeling empathy or taking responsibility for their mistakes.

8. They’re quick to anger and hold grudges.

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Their temper is short, and they lash out easily, whether it’s through verbal attacks, passive-aggressive behaviour, or even physical violence. They hold grudges for dear life, refusing to forgive or let go of past grievances. Their anger and resentment can poison their relationships and make them difficult to be around.

9. They gossip and spread rumours about people.

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Unsplash/Jandre Van Der Walt

They thrive on drama and enjoy talking behind people’s backs. They might spread rumours, exaggerate stories, or reveal personal information to create conflict and chaos. They lack discretion and respect for people’s privacy.

10. They’re unreliable and irresponsible.

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They make promises they don’t keep, show up late (or not at all), and generally fail to follow through on their commitments. They’re disorganised, careless, and often leave you to clean up their messes. Their unreliability can be frustrating and stressful, making it difficult to trust or depend on them.

11. They enjoy seeing people fail or suffer.

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Instead of feeling empathy or compassion when someone else is struggling, a terrible person might feel a sense of satisfaction or even joy. They might even go out of their way to sabotage people’s efforts or make their lives more difficult. Their schadenfreude can be truly disturbing and reveals a deep-seated meanness of spirit.

12. They use their charm and charisma to exploit people.

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Some terrible people are masters of disguise, using their charm, wit, and charisma to win people over and gain their trust. However, their charm is often a facade, a tool they use to manipulate and exploit people for their own gain. They might use their charisma to get ahead in their careers, take advantage of romantic partners, or simply make themselves feel superior.

13. They’re emotionally abusive and manipulative.

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They might not resort to physical violence, but their words and actions can be just as damaging. They use emotional manipulation tactics like gaslighting, guilt trips, and silent treatment to control and undermine their victims. They thrive on power and control, and they will do whatever it takes to maintain their dominance over people.

14. They lack boundaries and respect for personal space.

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They might overshare personal information, pry into your private life, or make inappropriate comments or advances. They don’t respect your need for alone time or personal boundaries, and they might even try to control your relationships with people. Their lack of respect can leave you feeling violated and uncomfortable.

15. They’re arrogant and condescending.

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They believe they’re better than everyone and often express this through condescending remarks, dismissive behaviour, or a general air of superiority. They might talk down to you, belittle your accomplishments, or act as if your opinions and feelings are unimportant. Their arrogance can be infuriating and make you feel like you’re not worthy of their respect.

16. They’re inconsistent and unpredictable.

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Their moods and behaviour can change on a dime, leaving you feeling confused and unsure of where you stand. They might be charming one moment and cruel the next. This unpredictability can be emotionally exhausting and make it difficult to trust or rely on them.

17. They’re unwilling to change or grow.

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Even when confronted with the negative consequences of their behaviour, they refuse to acknowledge their faults or make any effort to change. They might blame other people, make excuses, or simply deny that there’s a problem. Their unwillingness to grow and evolve can make it impossible to have a healthy relationship with them.

18. They’re habitually dishonest and deceitful.

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Lying comes naturally to them, and they often weave elaborate webs of deception to get what they want. They might lie about their past, their intentions, or even their feelings. Their dishonesty can be incredibly hurtful and destroy trust in the relationship.

19. They take pleasure in other people’s pain.

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They might revel in gossip, spread rumours, or even actively try to hurt or humiliate people. They lack empathy and seem to derive a twisted sense of satisfaction from causing pain or distress. Their cruelty can be shocking and leave lasting emotional scars on their victims.

20. They’re never truly happy for other people’s successes.

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Instead of celebrating your achievements, they might downplay your accomplishments, make sarcastic remarks, or even try to sabotage your efforts. They are envious and resentful of other people’s happiness, and their negativity can be a drag on your own joy and success.