Attractiveness isn’t just about having chiselled cheekbones or a perfect body.

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It’s about the energy you radiate, the confidence you exude, and the way you make people feel. Some people might not be conventionally attractive, but they still have a certain something that draws you in. It’s that “it factor,” that magnetic charm that makes them irresistible. So, what’s their secret? Here are 17 habits of people who might be average-looking but still give off an attractive vibe. It’s not about changing who you are; it’s about embracing your unique charm.

1. They’re comfortable in their own skin.

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They don’t obsess over their flaws or compare themselves to other people. They accept their bodies, their personalities, and their quirks. They own their imperfections and celebrate their individuality. This self-acceptance radiates confidence and makes them magnetic.

2. They have a great sense of humour.

Yuri Arcurs

They don’t take themselves too seriously. They can laugh at themselves, crack a joke, and lighten the mood. Their humour is infectious, drawing people in and making them feel comfortable and at ease.

3. They’re genuinely interested in what other people have to say.

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They ask questions, listen attentively, and show genuine curiosity about other people’s lives and experiences. They make people feel heard, valued, and understood. Their genuine interest in people makes them captivating and enjoyable to be around.

4. They’re passionate about something.

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They have hobbies, interests, and passions that they pursue with enthusiasm. Their passion is contagious, sparking curiosity and admiration in other people. It’s not about being the best at everything; it’s about having a zest for life and pursuing what brings them joy.

5. They’re confident, not arrogant.

Seva Levytskyi

They know their worth and own their strengths, but they don’t brag or boast. They carry themselves with a quiet confidence that’s both alluring and inspiring. They don’t need to put people down to feel good about themselves.

6. They’re kind and compassionate.

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They treat people with respect, empathy, and kindness. They’re quick to offer a helping hand, a listening ear, or a shoulder to cry on. Their kindness makes them approachable and easy to connect with.

7. They have a positive outlook on life.

Liubomyr Vorona

They focus on the good, even in the face of challenges. They don’t dwell on negativity or complain about their problems. Their optimism is refreshing and uplifting, drawing people towards their positive energy.

8. They’re not afraid to be vulnerable.

Avelino Calvar Martinez

They’re open about their feelings, insecurities, and struggles. They don’t put up a facade or pretend to be perfect. Their vulnerability creates a sense of authenticity and intimacy, allowing people to connect with them on a deeper level.

9. They take care of themselves.

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Their physical and mental well-being matters, and they put it front and center. They eat healthy, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. They also take time for self-care activities that nourish their souls. Their healthy habits radiate vitality and energy.

10. They have a strong sense of self.

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They know who they are, what they value, and what they want out of life. They don’t try to be someone they’re not or conform to other people’s expectations. Their strong sense of self makes them confident, independent, and magnetic.

11. They’re good communicators.

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They express themselves clearly and effectively. They listen actively, respond thoughtfully, and respect people’s opinions. Their communication skills make them easy to talk to and build rapport with.

12. They’re not afraid to be different.

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They embrace their unique quirks, interests, and personalities. They don’t try to fit into a mould or follow the crowd. Their individuality makes them stand out and spark curiosity in other people.

13. They have a great smile and positive body language.

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A genuine smile can light up a room. They smile often, make eye contact, and use open body language. They exude warmth and approachability, making people feel comfortable and welcome in their presence.

14. They dress in a way that makes them feel good.

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They don’t follow trends blindly or try to impress people with their clothes. They wear what makes them feel confident and comfortable, expressing their personal style. Their confidence shines through their appearance.

15. They’re authentic and genuine.

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They don’t put on airs or pretend to be someone they’re not. They’re true to themselves, their values, and their beliefs. Their authenticity is refreshing and makes them stand out in a world of phonies.

16. They’re not afraid to take risks.

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They’re willing to step outside their comfort zone and try new things. They don’t let fear hold them back from pursuing their dreams or taking chances. Their adventurous spirit is exciting and inspiring.

17. They have a good sense of humour about themselves.

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They don’t take themselves too seriously. They can laugh at their own mistakes, embrace their imperfections, and find humour in everyday situations. Their light-heartedness and ability to not take life too seriously makes them fun to be around.