Sometimes, the secret to improving your life isn’t about adding more — it’s about getting rid of things.

That doesn’t mean Marie Kondo-ing your entire life (though that can certainly be a good thing); it’s more about slashing habits, behaviours, and patterns that aren’t serving you. Saying “no” to the right things can create space for peace, happiness, and growth. If you’re ready to improve your life, here are some things to swear off for good.
1. Comparing yourself to literally anyone else

It’s tempting to measure your life against someone else’s highlight reel, but comparison rarely ends well. There will always be someone who seems to have more, do more, or be more. Instead, focus on your own journey and progress. When you stop comparing, you make room for genuine self-acceptance and contentment.
2. Saying “yes” to everything

Overcommitting drains your energy and leaves you feeling stretched thin. Every “yes” to something you don’t want to do is a “no” to time for yourself. Practise saying “no” without guilt — your future self will thank you. Remember, setting boundaries isn’t selfish; it’s essential for your well-being.
3. Holding onto toxic relationships

Whether it’s a friend, a partner, or even a colleague, toxic people drain your mental energy. If someone consistently makes you feel small, anxious, or unworthy, it’s time to step back. Letting go of toxic connections creates space for healthier, more supportive relationships. Life’s too short for constant negativity.
4. Trying to please everyone

No matter how hard you try, you can’t make everyone happy — and that’s okay. Bending over backwards to keep the peace often leaves you neglecting your own needs. When you stop worrying about everyone’s opinion, you gain the freedom to live authentically. Focus on being kind, not on being universally liked.
5. Dwelling on past mistakes

We all mess up — it’s part of being human. Holding onto those mistakes, though, only traps you in a cycle of regret. Instead, learn the lesson, forgive yourself, and move forward. Letting go of the past allows you to grow into the person you’re meant to be. You’re more than your worst moments.
6. Seeking constant validation

Relying on other people for approval is exhausting and unsustainable. When you need constant validation, your self-worth becomes fragile. Learn to trust your own judgement and value your own opinions. The confidence you build from within is far more powerful than any external praise.
7. Procrastinating on important things

Putting things off might feel good in the moment, but it comes back to bite you. The stress of unfinished tasks lingers in the background, making you anxious. Start small, take one step, and watch how the relief of getting things done improves your mood. Future-you will breathe easier.
8. Obsessing over things you can’t control

Worrying about what you can’t change is like trying to control the weather — pointless and exhausting. Focus on what’s within your power, and let the rest go. When you stop obsessing over the uncontrollable, you gain mental clarity and peace. Life feels lighter when you’re not carrying unnecessary stress.
9. Negative self-talk

The voice in your head can be your biggest critic or your greatest supporter. Constantly putting yourself down only chips away at your confidence. Flip the script by speaking to yourself with kindness and encouragement. When you change your self-talk, you change your outlook on life.
10. Holding grudges

Resentment is like carrying a heavy backpack — it slows you down and wears you out. Letting go of grudges doesn’t mean what happened was okay; it means you’re choosing peace over bitterness. Free yourself from the weight of anger, and watch how your life feels lighter. Forgiveness is for you, not them.
11. Waiting for the “perfect” moment

Life doesn’t come with perfect timing or ideal conditions. Waiting for everything to be just right often leads to missed opportunities. Start now, even if it’s messy or imperfect. Taking action, no matter how small, creates momentum and growth. The perfect moment is the one you decide to seize.
12. Overthinking every decision

Overthinking turns simple choices into exhausting mental marathons. You end up paralysed, unable to move forward. Trust yourself to make the best decision with the information you have. Once you choose, let it go. Life gets easier when you stop second-guessing every move.
13. Clinging to unrealistic expectations

Setting the bar impossibly high only sets you up for disappointment. Life rarely goes exactly as planned, and that’s okay. Be flexible with your expectations and kind to yourself when things don’t go perfectly. Sometimes, the best moments happen when you let go of rigid plans.
14. Ignoring your own needs

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Putting everyone else first while neglecting yourself leads to burnout and resentment. Make time for rest, hobbies, and things that bring you joy. When you prioritise your needs, you show up as a better version of yourself for everyone else, too.