Envato Elements

People can be pretty terrible sometimes.

Envato Elements

It’s not that everyone is inherently bad, but let’s face it — a lot of people out there kind of suck. Whether it’s selfishness, dishonesty, or just plain rudeness, there are plenty of reasons to be frustrated with your fellow humans. But why exactly do people suck so much? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to dive into 15 brutally honest reasons that might just make you lose faith in humanity (if you haven’t already).

1. People are self-centred.

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At the end of the day, most people are primarily concerned with themselves and their own interests. They’ll prioritise their own needs and wants over everyone else’s, even if it means stepping on some toes along the way. It’s not that they’re intentionally trying to be selfish, but when push comes to shove, they’ll usually choose themselves over anyone else. It’s just human nature, but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating when you’re on the receiving end of someone’s self-centredness.

2. People are flaky.

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You make plans with someone, only for them to cancel at the last-minute or just straight up not show. Sound familiar? Flakiness is an epidemic these days, and it’s one of the most annoying things about dealing with other people. Whether it’s a friend, a coworker, or even a romantic partner, it’s infuriating when someone can’t be bothered to follow through on their commitments. It’s disrespectful, inconsiderate, and just plain rude.

3. People are judgmental.

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Everyone judges people to some extent, but some people take it to a whole new level. They’re quick to form opinions about people based on superficial things like appearance, social status, or even just a single interaction. They’ll write someone off as “weird” or “annoying” without even taking the time to get to know them. It’s narrow-minded and unfair, but unfortunately, it’s all too common.

4. People are dishonest.

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From little white lies to full-blown deception, dishonesty is a pervasive problem in our society. People will lie to get what they want, to avoid consequences, or just to make themselves look better. It’s frustrating and erodes trust, making it hard to create genuine connections. Even when the lies are relatively harmless, it’s still a blow to your faith in humanity when you realize how easily people can deceive you.

5. People are inconsiderate.

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Whether it’s talking loudly on the phone in a public place, cutting in line, or just generally being oblivious to those around them, inconsiderate behaviour is another major reason why people suck. It’s amazing how many people seem to lack basic self-awareness and consideration for other people. They’ll do whatever they want without thinking about how it might affect the people around them, and it’s maddening.

6. People are quick to anger.

Source: Unsplash

It doesn’t take much to set some people off. They’ll fly into a rage over the smallest inconvenience or perceived slight, lashing out at anyone unlucky enough to be in their path. Road rage, online trolling, and just general hostility are all too common these days. It’s exhausting to be around people who are constantly on edge and ready to explode at any moment.

7. People are hypocritical.

Vadym Drobot

“Do as I say, not as I do” seems to be the motto of far too many people. They’ll preach one thing but practice another, holding other people to standards they don’t even hold themselves to. It’s frustrating to watch someone condemn a behaviour in others while engaging in it themselves, but hypocrisy is a common human failing. It’s hard to take someone seriously when their actions don’t align with their words.

8. People are unreliable.

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You know that friend who always says they’ll help you move but never shows up? Or the coworker who promises to have their part of the project done by a certain date, but always misses the deadline? Unreliability is another major reason why people suck. It’s hard to count on people when they consistently let you down, and it can make it difficult to trust people in general.

9. People are closed-minded.


Some people are so set in their ways that they refuse to even consider other perspectives or ideas. They’ll dismiss anything that doesn’t fit with their existing beliefs, even in the face of evidence to the contrary. This closed-mindedness can lead to all sorts of problems, from political polarisation to discrimination. It’s frustrating to try to have a constructive conversation with someone who is unwilling to even entertain the possibility that they might be wrong.

10. People are gossips.

serious woman with head in handsSource: Unsplash

People love to talk about others behind their backs, spreading rumours and sharing secrets that weren’t meant to be shared. Gossip can be hurtful and damaging, ruining reputations and relationships. Even if the gossip is relatively harmless, it’s still a violation of trust and a sign of immaturity. It’s hard to feel comfortable confiding in someone when you know they might turn around and spill your secrets to anyone who will listen.

11. People are jealous.


Jealousy and envy are ugly emotions, but they’re all too common in our society. People will resent others for their success, their possessions, or even just their happiness. They’ll tear people down in an attempt to make themselves feel better, or they’ll try to sabotage someone else’s achievements out of spite. It’s a toxic mindset that can poison relationships and lead to all sorts of negative behaviours.

12. People are lazy.

serious young woman looking at cameraSource: Unsplash

Some people just can’t be bothered to put in the effort, whether it’s at work, in their relationships, or just in life in general. They’ll do the bare minimum to get by, relying on people to pick up their slack. It’s frustrating to be around someone who is constantly making excuses and shirking their responsibilities, and it can be a major drain on your own energy and motivation.

13. People are entitled.

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There’s a growing sense of entitlement in our society, with people believing that they deserve certain things simply by virtue of existing. They’ll demand special treatment, expect people to cater to their every whim, and throw tantrums when they don’t get their way. This entitled attitude is not only annoying, but it’s also a major barrier to personal growth and responsibility.

14. People are unempathetic.

woman sitting downSource: Unsplash

Some people seem to lack the ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and understand their perspective. They’ll dismiss other people’s feelings, minimize their struggles, or just straight up not care about anyone but themselves. This lack of empathy can make it hard to form meaningful connections and can lead to all sorts of misunderstandings and conflicts.

15. People are resistant to change.

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Finally, people often suck because they’re resistant to change, even when it’s necessary or beneficial. They’ll cling to outdated beliefs, refuse to adapt to new circumstances, and generally just dig their heels in against anything that threatens the status quo. This stubbornness can hold back progress and make it difficult to solve problems or make meaningful improvements in our lives and in society as a whole.