
When those butterflies start fluttering in your stomach and a goofy grin just won’t leave your face, it’s a pretty good sign you’ve got it bad. But if you’re still in the “is this crush or just a friend?” phase, here are some unmistakable clues that you’re definitely smitten. (It’s okay, don’t be embarrassed — it happens to the best of us!)

1. They’re on Your Mind…A Lot.

woman in beanie looking to sideSource: Unsplash

You find yourself daydreaming about them, wondering what they’re up to, or replaying your last conversation in your head. If they’re constantly popping into your thoughts, chances are your feelings are more than friendly. Maybe you catch yourself wondering what they’d think of your new outfit or imagining what it would be like to go on an adventure with them. That constant mental presence is a sure sign you’re hooked! You’re ready for a relationship and hoping it’s with them!

2. You Get Nervous Butterflies.

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Does your heart do a little skip when they’re around? Do your palms get a bit sweaty, or do you find yourself fumbling for words? Those nervous-excited jitters are a telltale sign of a crush in progress. You might even find yourself blushing unexpectedly when they pay you a compliment. Your body’s way of giving you away, even when you’re trying to play it cool!

3. Everything They Do is Cute.

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They tell a lame joke, and you laugh way too hard. They trip over their own feet, and you find it absolutely adorable. When you’ve got a soft spot for someone, even their flaws somehow become endearing. Suddenly, that weird snorting sound they make when they laugh isn’t annoying, it’s the most charming thing you’ve ever heard. They could probably burp the alphabet and you’d still think it was cute.

4. You Light Up When They Text.

woman mobileSource: Unsplash

Seeing their name pop up on your phone gives you an instant rush of excitement. You meticulously craft the perfect response instead of just sending a quick reply. You might even find yourself adding extra emojis or rereading your messages before hitting send, just to make sure they sound perfect. Bonus points if you screenshot their especially sweet texts to show your best friend later.

5. You “Accidentally” Brush Against Them.

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Suddenly, you’re super clumsy around them. You “accidentally” bump shoulders while walking together or find reasons to lightly graze their arm. Hey, any excuse for a bit of physical contact, right? You secretly crave those subtle moments of closeness. Maybe you even offer them your jacket when they feel the slightest chill, just for an excuse to stand a little closer.

6. You Want to Know EVERYTHING.

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You become a low-key detective, trying to learn about their hobbies, favorite foods, and secret dreams. You might even find yourself doing a bit of light social media stalking for extra details. You want to know everything that makes them tick, from their guilty-pleasure TV shows to their childhood memories. Their life suddenly seems way more interesting than your own!

7. You Analyze Every Interaction.

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Did they smile when they said hello? Were they flirting or just being friendly? You overthink every word, gesture, and text message, trying to decipher hidden meanings. That long hug…did it mean anything more, or are they just the huggy type? It’s enough to drive you crazy! If you find yourself dissecting interactions like you’re in a detective movie, well, your crush is definitely on your mind.

8. You Dress to Impress.

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You start putting extra effort into your appearance when you know you’ll see them. Picking out the perfect outfit and making sure your hair looks on point becomes a priority. You even add an extra spritz of your favorite perfume or cologne, just in case. Looking your best makes you feel more confident around them, and maybe they’ll even notice!

9. You Tease Them Playfully.

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A little good-natured teasing feels irresistible. It’s your way of flirting without being too obvious (and secretly hoping they dish it right back). You might poke fun at their cheesy taste in music or give them a playful nudge. It’s all part of the fun, flirty dance of a developing crush.

10. You Remember the Little Things.

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They mentioned loving a specific band in passing, and you add their songs to your playlist. You remember their coffee order, their birthday, and random facts they’ve shared – because you hang onto every word. Paying attention to those little details not only shows you care but helps you build a stronger connection with them.

11. You Talk About Them All. The. Time.

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Your friends and family are probably tired of you bringing them up constantly. You can’t help it – you just want to share your enthusiasm for this amazing person! You gush about everything from their sense of humor to their amazing baking skills. If your loved ones know way more about your crush than is strictly necessary, consider it a red flag (that you’re definitely smitten).

12. You Just Get a Good Feeling

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Sometimes, you can’t explain it. Being around them just makes you feel warm and fuzzy. That happy, glowy feeling is your intuition telling you it’s more than just a passing friendship. Trust your gut – it usually knows when something special is brewing. Even if you don’t understand exactly why, your heart feels light and happy whenever they’re around – that’s as good a sign as any!