Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Basic consideration is a quality that’s in short supply these days.

It doesn’t take much effort, and it costs nothing to think of other people’s feelings, but plenty of people still fail to do so. If you want to up your people skills and make people feel seen, heard, and respected more often, here are some habits of considerate people you should probably adopt for yourself.

1. They truly listen to people when they’re talking and care about what’s being said.


Considerate people aren’t constantly thinking about what they can say next; they actively listen to what other people have to say. They make eye contact, nod along, and ask thoughtful questions. They’re genuinely interested in understanding other perspectives, and their engagement makes people feel heard and valued.

2. They offer help without having to be asked.

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Considerate people are always on the lookout for ways to lend a helping hand. They notice when someone is struggling and offer assistance before being asked. It could be as simple as holding a door open, carrying groceries, or offering a ride. Their willingness to help makes them a valuable asset to their community.

3. They remember important details about people’s lives.

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Considerate people pay attention to the details. They remember birthdays, anniversaries, and other significant events. They ask about your family, your job, or your hobbies. This shows that they genuinely care about you and value your relationship.

4. They respect other people’s time and boundaries.


Considerate people understand that everyone’s time is valuable. They arrive on time for appointments, meetings, and social gatherings. They also respect personal boundaries and don’t overstep them. This shows that they value other people’s commitments and personal space.

5. They genuinely apologise when they make mistakes.

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Nobody’s perfect, and considerate people understand that. When they make a mistake, they own up to it and offer a sincere apology. They don’t make excuses or try to shift the blame. Their willingness to take responsibility shows humility and maturity.

6. They express their gratitude and appreciation regularly.

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Considerate people make a point of thanking people for their help, kindness, or generosity. They write thank-you notes, give compliments, and express their appreciation verbally. This positive reinforcement makes people feel good and strengthens relationships.

7. They’re empathetic and try to see things from other points of view.

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Unsplash/Brook Cagle

Considerate people put themselves in other people’s shoes. They try to understand their feelings, motivations, and challenges. This empathy allows them to respond to situations with compassion and understanding, even if they don’t agree with the other person’s perspective.

8. They pay attention to their impact on other people and the environment.

Source: Pexels

Considerate people consider how their actions affect those around them and the world at large. They are mindful of their noise levels, their consumption habits, and their carbon footprint. They strive to be good stewards of the environment and contribute positively to their community.

9. They give plenty of genuine compliments and avoid empty flattery.

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Considerate people understand the power of a sincere compliment. They notice the little things and express their appreciation for someone’s efforts, achievements, or simply their presence. They avoid empty flattery or generic compliments, focusing instead on specific details that show they’ve been paying attention.

10. They include everyone and make an effort to make people feel welcome.

Source: Pexels

Considerate people are inclusive and make an effort to ensure everyone feels included in social situations. They introduce new people to the group, make sure everyone has a chance to speak, and create a welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels valued and respected.

11. They offer constructive criticism with kindness and tact.

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When offering feedback or criticism, considerate people do so with kindness and respect. They focus on the behaviour or action, not the person. They offer suggestions for improvement rather than simply pointing out flaws. Their goal is to help the person grow and develop, not to tear them down.

12. They respect different opinions and beliefs, even if they don’t agree.

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Considerate people understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. They engage in respectful dialogue, even when they disagree with someone. They avoid personal attacks or insults and focus on the issue at hand. They strive to find common ground and build bridges of understanding.

13. They are mindful of their tone of voice and body language.

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Considerate people understand that communication is not just about the words we say, but also how we say them. They use a friendly and approachable tone of voice, and their body language is open and inviting. They avoid aggressive or dismissive gestures and strive to create a positive and welcoming atmosphere.

14. They go the extra mile to make special occasions memorable.

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Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion, considerate people put in the extra effort to make it memorable for their loved ones. They plan thoughtful surprises, write heartfelt notes, or simply spend quality time with them. Their thoughtfulness creates lasting memories and strengthens relationships.

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