Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

A lot of people struggle with the idea of getting older, but men have some pretty bizarre responses to it sometimes.

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While women worry about looking young, men seem to be more concerned with the existential side of ageing, and many of them just can’t cope with the idea that they’re not in their 20s anymore. As a result, they start doing some pretty cringeworthy things in a misguided attempt to cling tight to their youth. Sorry, guys, you know many of you are guilty of these. (And for the record, yes, women do their share of strange things too, but that’s a topic for another day!)

1. Trying out slang that doesn’t fit

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When men suddenly start using slang they clearly didn’t grow up with, it often feels a bit forced. Dropping trendy phrases into conversation, especially if they’re out of context, just makes the age gap more obvious and, frankly, a bit sad.

2. Dressing like a teenager

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It’s great to stay stylish, but trying to pull off outfits meant for someone half your age? Not so much. When men completely switch up their style to match youth trends, it often looks like they’re trying too hard. Dressing your age doesn’t mean giving up style—just find what works for you.

3. Going overboard on social media

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Suddenly flooding Instagram or TikTok with posts and comments can come off as a bit desperate. When men overuse social platforms to seem ‘down with the kids,’ it often has the opposite effect, highlighting the generation gap rather than closing it.

4. Constantly reliving the “glory days”

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There’s nothing wrong with sharing memories, but if every conversation turns into a story from decades ago, it can get a bit tiresome. Dwelling too much on past achievements rather than living in the present can make you seem stuck in the past.

5. Trying to keep up physically with younger colleagues

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Pushing yourself to match the younger crowd in physical activities or even nights out can lead to injury or just embarrassing moments. It’s not worth the risk, and trying to ‘prove you’ve still got it’ often backfires.

6. Hitting on much younger people (creepy!)

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Consistently pursuing relationships with much younger people can make men seem predatory or desperate. While age gaps aren’t always a problem, when the focus is only on youth, it tends to raise eyebrows.

7. Overcompensating with expensive ‘toys’

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Buying that sports car or motorbike might feel like a good way to recapture your youth, but when it’s out of character or over-the-top, it tends to come off as a classic midlife crisis move. Treat yourself, sure, but don’t let it be all about showing off.

8. Trying too hard to be ‘cool’ around younger family members

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Awkward! It’s great to bond with younger relatives, but trying too hard to be their mate instead of keeping that natural uncle, dad, or older cousin role can make things awkward. It’s better to stay authentic and let those connections grow naturally.

9. Overdoing cosmetic procedures

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Wanting to look your best is normal, but going too far with cosmetic procedures can end up making you look older, not younger. Less is more when it comes to subtle enhancements.

10. Complaining about how nothing is like “the good old days”

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Constantly moaning about how everything was better back in the day makes you sound out of touch. It’s fine to miss the past, but finding a balance between appreciating the old and enjoying the new is key.

11. Dismissing new technology to seem ‘above it all’

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Ignoring or dismissing modern technology to seem superior usually has the opposite effect. Instead of coming across as ‘too cool for it,’ it just makes you look like you’re resisting the times.

12. Making up stories to seem more interesting

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Exaggerating past achievements or experiences doesn’t fool anyone. Most people can see through it, and it’s much better to stick to the truth than trying to impress with tall tales.

13. Neglecting health to seem invincible

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Skipping doctor visits or ignoring health issues to maintain the appearance of youthful invincibility isn’t just unwise—it’s potentially harmful. Taking care of your health is a sign of strength, not weakness.

14. Trying to relive wild youth moments

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Throwing yourself into activities you’ve long outgrown, like wild parties or reckless adventures, can feel out of place. It’s okay to have fun, but finding ways to enjoy life that suit where you are now is much more rewarding.