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We all want genuine connections with our friends, those built on trust, mutual respect, and support. However, sometimes, what seems like a close friendship can be one-sided, leaving you feeling drained and unfulfilled. Could it be that your friend has narcissistic tendencies? It’s a tricky topic to navigate, but recognising the signs is important if you want to protect yourself. Here are some red flags that might indicate your friendship isn’t as healthy as it seems.

1. It’s always about them.

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Every conversation seems to circle back to your friend’s achievements, problems, or interests. They rarely ask about your life, and when they do, it’s often just a segue back to their own stories. You might find yourself feeling like an audience member rather than an equal participant in the friendship.

2. They crave constant admiration.

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Narcissistic people need a steady stream of compliments and validation. They might fish for compliments, brag about their accomplishments, or subtly put others down to make themselves look better. If you find yourself constantly stroking their ego just to keep the peace, it might be a sign of a one-sided dynamic.

3. They lack empathy.

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When you share your struggles or concerns, your friend seems uninterested or dismissive. They might offer generic platitudes or change the subject altogether. They struggle to put themselves in your shoes and offer genuine emotional support.

4. They’re overly competitive.

Eugenio Marongiu

Everything is a competition for a narcissistic person. They always need to be the best, the smartest, the most successful. They might try to one-up your accomplishments, minimise your successes, or even sabotage your efforts. This constant need for comparison can create a toxic and draining atmosphere.

5. They’re manipulative and controlling.

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Narcissistic people often use subtle tactics to get what they want. They might guilt-trip you, play the victim, or use emotional blackmail to manipulate your decisions. They might try to isolate you from other friends or family members who don’t cater to their ego.

6. They have a sense of entitlement.

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They expect special treatment and favours from you, without reciprocating. They might assume you’ll always be there to listen to their problems, offer advice, or run errands for them. They might get angry or resentful if you don’t meet their demands or put your own needs first.

7. They take more than they give.

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The relationship feels one-sided, with you constantly giving your time, energy, and resources. You might feel emotionally drained and unappreciated after spending time with them. They rarely offer support or help when you need it, but they expect you to be there for them unconditionally.

8. They’re charming, but only on the surface.

Yuri Arcurs

Narcissistic people can be charismatic and charming, especially at first. They might shower you with compliments, attention, and gifts to win you over. But once they feel secure in the friendship, their true colours start to show, and the charm fades away.

9. They have difficulty handling criticism.

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Even constructive feedback is seen as a personal attack. They might become defensive, deflect blame, or lash out if you try to express your concerns or offer suggestions for improvement. They have a fragile ego that can’t handle any perceived slight.

10. They lack genuine interest in your life.

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They rarely ask about your day, your hobbies, or your goals. They seem uninterested in getting to know you on a deeper level. Conversations often revolve around their own experiences and interests, leaving you feeling unheard and unimportant.

11. They’re prone to jealousy and envy.

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Your successes or happiness can trigger their insecurities. They might downplay your achievements, make snide remarks, or even try to sabotage your efforts. Their inability to be genuinely happy for you can create a toxic and competitive dynamic in the friendship.

12. They have a history of unstable relationships.

Source: Pexels

If you delve into their past, you might discover a pattern of short-lived friendships and dramatic fallouts. They might have a reputation for being difficult to get along with or for causing drama in social circles. This could be a red flag that they struggle to maintain healthy and reciprocal relationships.

13. You feel drained and unhappy after spending time with them.

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Instead of feeling energised and uplifted, you often feel emotionally exhausted and depleted after interacting with them. The friendship feels like a one-way street, leaving you feeling used and unappreciated. It’s important to trust your instincts and prioritize your own well-being.