Don’t Spend Too Much Of Your Energy Doing These 14 Things

Energy is a limited resource, and how you spend it affects everything — your mood, your motivation, and even your health.

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Of course, it’s easy to waste time and emotional energy on things that don’t actually serve you. Whether it’s overthinking situations you can’t change or trying to please people who will never be satisfied, some things just really aren’t worth the mental exhaustion. If you constantly feel drained, it might be time to rethink where your energy is going. These things really aren’t worth wasting it on, that’s for sure.

1. Trying to make everyone like you

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No matter how kind, considerate, or easy-going you are, some people just won’t like you, and that’s okay. Spending too much energy trying to win over people who don’t appreciate you is exhausting and rarely worth it. People’s opinions are shaped by their own experiences, biases, and perspectives, and not all of them are fair. Instead of bending over backwards to be liked, focus on the people who already value you for who you are.

2. Overthinking every little thing

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Replaying conversations in your head, analysing every detail of a situation, and stressing over things that have already happened won’t change the outcome. Overthinking drains your energy and often makes problems feel bigger than they really are. If something is bothering you, ask yourself: will this matter in a week? A month? A year? If the answer is no, it’s not worth losing sleep over. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is let it go.

3. Trying to control things that aren’t yours to control


Some things are simply out of your hands: other people’s actions, the past, and random bad luck, for example. Yet, it’s easy to waste energy trying to fix or control things that aren’t your responsibility. Focusing on what you can control — your reactions, your decisions, and your mindset — is a much better use of your energy. Letting go of what isn’t yours to carry will free up mental space for the things that actually matter.

4. Worrying about what people think of you

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It’s natural to care about how you’re perceived, but spending too much energy worrying about what other people think will only hold you back. The truth is, most people are too focused on themselves to analyse your every move. Trying to please everyone is exhausting, and in the end, it’s impossible. Live in a way that makes you happy, and the right people will respect you for it.

5. Refusing to let go of mistakes you’ve made in the past

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Everyone makes mistakes, but constantly beating yourself up over them won’t change what happened. The energy spent dwelling on the past could be used to improve the present. Learn the lesson, make amends if needed, and move forward. The past only defines you if you let it. Growth happens when you accept what’s happened and use it to make better choices.

6. Saying yes when you really want to say no

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Agreeing to things just to keep the peace or avoid disappointing people can leave you feeling overwhelmed and resentful. Your time and energy are valuable, and you don’t have to give them away just because someone asks. Setting boundaries doesn’t make you selfish; it makes you healthier. Prioritise your own well-being and only say yes to things that align with your needs and values.

7. Trying to “fix” other people

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Wanting to help people is one thing, but trying to fix or change someone who doesn’t want to change is a huge energy drain. No matter how much effort you put in, people will only change when they are ready. Instead of exhausting yourself trying to save someone from their own choices, focus on being supportive without taking on their problems as your own. It’s not your job to carry their emotional burdens.

8. Comparing yourself to other people

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We all do it, but it’s the biggest time and energy drain ever. Social media makes it easy to fall into the comparison trap, but constantly measuring your life against someone else’s will only make you miserable. You’re seeing a highlight reel, not the full picture. Everyone has their own path, their own struggles, and their own timeline. Instead of wasting energy worrying about where someone else is in life, focus on making progress in your way.

9. Holding grudges

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Resentment takes up valuable space in your mind. While anger is a natural response to being hurt, holding onto it long-term only drains you emotionally and mentally. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean excusing what they did—it just means you’re not letting them take up any more of your energy. Sometimes, the best revenge is simply moving on.

10. Constantly explaining yourself

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Not everyone will agree with your choices, but you don’t have to justify every decision you make. If you’re spending too much time explaining yourself to people who don’t respect your boundaries, it’s time to stop. Your life is yours, and as long as your choices aren’t hurting anyone, you don’t owe anyone an explanation. The people who truly support you won’t demand one.

11. Waiting for the “perfect” time to start something

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Whether it’s chasing a goal, making a big life decision, or even just starting a new hobby, waiting for the perfect time will keep you stuck forever. There will always be reasons to delay, but progress happens when you start, not when everything is perfectly aligned. The best time to start was yesterday. The second-best time is right now. Stop wasting energy on waiting and just take the first step.

12. Overcommitting yourself to things that don’t matter

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There’s a difference between being busy and being productive. Filling your schedule with obligations you don’t actually care about will leave you drained, while doing things that genuinely bring you joy will energise you. Be honest about where your time and energy are going. If something isn’t adding value to your life, it might not be worth your effort.

13. Holding yourself to impossible standards


It’s great to aim high, but perfectionism will leave you exhausted. Expecting yourself to always get things right, never make mistakes, and have everything figured out is a surefire way to burn out. Give yourself permission to be human. Progress is better than perfection, and sometimes, good enough really is good enough.

14. Worrying about things that haven’t even happened yet


Anxiety about the future can steal your energy before anything has even gone wrong. While planning ahead is smart, constantly worrying about “what ifs” that might never happen is draining. Prepare for what you can, but don’t waste today stressing about a future you can’t predict. Most of the things we worry about never even happen, and even when they do, we handle them better than we expect.

Your energy is precious, and where you invest it determines how you feel every day. Let go of what drains you, focus on what genuinely matters, and watch how much lighter life feels.

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