Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Why does it sometimes seem like the universe is testing us by putting people who drive us absolutely mad in our paths on a daily basis?


Whether it’s the nosy, neighbour, the know-it-all colleague, or the “friend” who clearly loves talking about you behind your back, dealing with nonsense can be draining. Here’s how to handle these people without losing it (which is often a lot easier said than done, I have to admit).

1. Take a deep breath and count to ten before responding.

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When someone’s pushing your buttons, it’s natural to want to snap back. But trust me, a deep breath and a slow count to ten can make all the difference. It gives you just enough space to cool down, think things through, and stop yourself from saying something you’ll regret. Doing so helps you stay in control and keep the conversation from spiralling into an argument.

2. Make your boundaries clear — and don’t budge on them.

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When it comes to difficult people, boundaries are your best friend. Be upfront about what you won’t tolerate and calmly communicate those limits. If someone keeps crossing the line, don’t hesitate to reinforce them. It’s not “rude” — it’s called protecting your peace. By setting boundaries, you’re teaching people how to treat you, and trust me, your future self will thank you.

3. Use the “grey rock” method to shut down unwanted attention.

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Ever heard of the “grey rock” method? It’s all about making yourself as uninteresting as possible when dealing with someone who craves drama. Give short, bland responses and show little to no emotion. If you’re no longer entertaining their need for attention, they’re likely to move on and find someone else to bother. It’s not the flashiest tactic, but it’s definitely effective.

4. Listen more so you can try to understand the root of the issue.

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Sometimes, people’s annoying behaviour comes from deeper issues. If you can muster up the patience, try listening—really listening. Ask questions, clarify what they’re saying, and show that you care about understanding their perspective. You might find there’s more going on than meets the eye, and with a little empathy, a tense situation could turn into a real conversation.

5. Try to see the funny side (and help them to see it too).

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When there’s tension, a solid joke can go a long way in melting it away. Humour has a way of cutting through the nonsense and reminding everyone not to take things too seriously. Just keep it light—sarcasm or jokes at someone’s expense can make things worse. But when done right, a shared laugh can ease the tension and help both sides take a step back from whatever’s causing friction.

6. Don’t get caught up on the problem — look for a solution.

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It’s easy to get sucked into the negativity when dealing with obnoxious or trying people, but focusing on solutions can shift the whole conversation. Instead of going in circles complaining, try steering things toward, “Okay, what can we do to fix this?” It nkeeps things productive and setsa positive tone for the future, especially in work settings where it’s all about moving forward.

7. Choose your battles wisely and learn to let go.

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Not every annoying comment or petty behaviour is worth your time or energy. Sometimes, the best response is no response at all. Knowing when to walk away or let something slide is a skill worth mastering. Pick your battles carefully—save your energy for the issues that truly matter. It’s all about preserving your sanity and focusing on the things that really deserve your attention.

8. Try your hardest to be empathetic, even when it’s challenging.

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I know, it’s hard to feel empathy when someone is driving you crazy, but try to see things from their perspective. People have their own struggles and reasons for behaving the way they do, even if it’s frustrating. Empathy doesn’t mean excusing bad behaviour, but it can help you navigate tricky situations with a bit more understanding—and sometimes, that’s enough to turn things around.

9. Look after yourself and your needs.

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Dealing with other people’s nonsense can be exhausting, so make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Whether it’s hitting the gym, spending time with friends, or just chilling with a good book, self-care isn’t just a buzzword—it’s essential. When you’re feeling good, you’re way better equipped to handle whatever nonsense comes your way. After all, you’ve got to fill your own cup before you can deal with anyone else’s drama.

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