
You probably think you’re a decent person, and chances are, you’re right. However, there may be some things you do on a daily basis that send the opposite message to the world around you. Doing these things means you’re not as great of a person as you think and that you have plenty of room for improvement.

1. You bad-mouth people behind their back.

Source: Unsplash

Sure, venting can feel good in the moment, but trashing someone who’s not there to defend themselves is a cowardly move. Stop pretending you’re so innocent. You know exactly what you’re doing — tearing people down because it makes your sad life feel a little bit better for two miserable seconds. Grow a spine and say that crap to their face if you’re so convinced it needs to be said.

2. You flake on plans last minute for lame reasons.

Source: Unsplash

Your friends make time for you, but you constantly bail or show up late because you can’t be bothered. Selfish much? They shift their schedules and responsibilities around for you, but you don’t even have the decency to let them know in advance. You just roll in hours late if you decide to show up at all. That’s a bold move for someone who claims to care about their friendships.

3. You hog the conversation.

Source: Unsplash

Newsflash — not everything is about you. Learn to shut up and actually listen to other people for once. You think you’re so fascinating, rambling on endlessly without any self-awareness that you’ve been monologuing for over an hour. Let others get a damn word in edgewise. Maybe you’ll realize your stories aren’t quite as riveting as you thought.

4. You litter without shame.

Source: Unsplash

Earth is not your personal dumpster, people. Stop treating the planet like trash. Yeah, yeah, one little candy wrapper or cigarette butt doesn’t seem like a big deal. But multiply that by the millions of selfish jerks who all think the same way. That pretty green earth you enjoy gets buried under years of laziness. But why should you care? You’ll be dead someday, so might as well leave a crappy legacy behind.

5. You let doors slam in people’s faces.

Source: Unsplash

Basic courtesy is holding the door, but you can’t be bothered. How hard is it to not be a jerk? Not everyone has two free hands to easily catch a door themselves. The elderly, disabled, or someone loaded down with bags could use a simple gesture of kindness. But no, you’ve got better things to do than basic human decency.

6. You take far too much credit.

Source: Unsplash

You love basking in glory, conveniently forgetting all the hard work your team put in. Arrogance is an ugly color on you. Riding on the coattails of others while pretending you’re a rock star is pathetic. Did you write every line of code or crunch all the numbers behind the scenes? Of course not. But you’re happy to let others think you did. As long as you’re #winning, right?

7. You make sexist/racist “jokes.”

Source: Unsplash

Enough with the excuses about having a “twisted sense of humor.” Punching down is never funny. Get this through your thick skull — marginalizing and demeaning others is objectively not a joke. It’s just you being an insensitive ass under the feeble excuse of “comedy.” If you really think discriminatory BS is hilarious, that says far more about your own biases than anyone else’s.

8. You leave disgusting messes for others to clean up.

Source: Unsplash

Your lack of consideration is appalling. Start respecting the people stuck dealing with your filth. You think you’re the only one that matters, smearing your crumbs and spills wherever you damn well please. Making your own personal pigs of restaurant staff, housekeepers, family, and anyone else who has to tidy up after your lazy slob routine. Well, they aren’t your maids, sport.

9. You blow off your family constantly.

man texting on phoneSource: Unsplash

They’ll always love you, but that’s no excuse to take them for granted like a selfish prick. You claim blood is thicker than water when it’s convenient for you. But you constantly ditch plans last minute, ignore calls and texts for days, and skip out on basically every event. At least your parents and siblings know they’ll always have a special spot last on your priority list.

10. You can dish it out but can’t take any criticism.

Source: Unsplash

Quit dishing out harsh “advice” to everyone if you crumble from the slightest negative feedback. Your ego is out of control. Everyone else has to just accept your blunt words as you arrogantly muse on how to improve their lives. But god forbid someone politely suggests you have room for improvement too. That’s when you reveal your insecure true colors.

11. You drunk dial/text exes for booty calls.

man looking a his phoneSource: Unsplash

Using people is gross. Grow up and stop these pathetic desperation acts. Your loneliness and lack of game is straight up embarrassing. You swear you’re over your ex, but you keep slithering back into their life at 2 a.m. like a creepy snake when the liquid courage hits. They’re better off without your toxic, selfish behavior infecting their life again.

12. You never pick up the bill.

Source: Unsplash

Quit being so cheap and start pulling your weight financially every once in a while. It’s called being a decent human. You have no problem hitting up friends to cover movie tickets, splitting bills 50/50, or even letting them foot the whole damn bill sometimes. But when it comes time to return the favor, you’re always “so broke” this month. Just shameful.

13. You love one-upping other people’s stories.

male and female colleague chatting at cafeSource: Unsplash

Not everything has to be a competition. Learn to be happy for people’s wins without making it about you. Sure, your buddy just ran a marathon, but you just HAVE to regale everyone with that 200-mile bike race you entered in college. Their accomplishment instantly gets diminished because you can’t stand having the spotlight shift for two seconds.

14. You gossip about your friends’ secrets.

two women looking at computerSource: Unsplash

If you can’t keep your mouth shut, don’t act surprised when your friends eventually dump your untrustworthy ass. Confidentiality means nothing to you as you blab private details to whoever will listen. You love being in-the-know until that trust is inevitably broken. Then you have the audacity to feel violated. You made that bed, now lie in it.