Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

The concept of a “twin flame” is relatively new, but it seems to have captivated hopeless romantics everywhere.

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The term itself was coined by American spiritualist Elizabeth Clare Prophet in 1999, but the idea goes all the way back to Plato’s Symposium (ooh, fancy!). Regardless of where it came from, however, the idea is a powerful one: two people are connected forever by a divine force in ways that nothing and no one can break. Whether that’s a good or bad thing is up for debate, but if you think you might have encountered your own twin flame in life, here are some signs you might be right.

1. You feel an instant, inexplicable connection.

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When you meet your twin flame, there’s often an immediate sense of familiarity. It’s as if you’ve known this person your entire life, even if you’ve just met. The connection feels electric and intense, unlike anything you’ve experienced before. You’re drawn to them in a way that defies logical explanation. It’s so intense, it’s almost scary.

2. There’s a sense of coming home when you’re together.

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Being with your twin flame feels like finding a piece of yourself you didn’t know was missing. There’s a deep comfort and ease in each other’s presence, even during silences. You might experience a profound sense of peace and belonging when you’re together, as if you’ve finally found your place in the world.

3. Your relationship is intense and sometimes challenging.

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Twin flame relationships aren’t always smooth sailing. The intensity of the connection can bring up deep-seated fears and insecurities. You might end up triggering each other’s emotional wounds, leading to arguments. However, these challenges often serve as catalysts for growth and healing, pushing both of you to confront your issues and evolve.

4. You share uncanny similarities and synchronicities.

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Twin flames often discover they have eerily similar backgrounds, experiences, or interests. You might find that you’ve lived parallel lives in many ways. Synchronicities, like seeing repeated numbers or having meaningful coincidences, are common in twin flame relationships. These shared experiences can strengthen your bond and reinforce the feeling that you’re meant to be in each other’s lives.

5. Your connection transcends the physical.

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While there’s often a strong physical attraction between twin flames, the connection goes far beyond the physical realm. You might feel a deep spiritual or energetic bond, sensing each other’s emotions or thoughts even when you’re apart. This psychic connection can be both comforting and unsettling, as it challenges conventional notions of relationships.

6. You inspire each other to be better versions of yourselves.

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A true twin flame relationship encourages personal growth and self-improvement. You push each other to face your fears, pursue your dreams, and become the best versions of yourselves. This mutual inspiration and support can lead to significant positive changes in both of your lives, as you challenge and motivate each other to reach your full potential.

7. Your relationship feels destined or fated.

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Many people who believe they’ve met their twin flame describe a sense of inevitability about their connection. You might feel that you were meant to meet this person and that your lives are intertwined for a greater purpose. This feeling of destiny can provide a sense of comfort and meaning, even during difficult times in the relationship.

8. You experience a rollercoaster of emotions.

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The twin flame journey is often marked by emotional highs and lows. You might experience intense joy and euphoria when things are going well, but also deep pain and confusion during periods of separation or conflict. This emotional intensity can be overwhelming at times, but it’s often seen as a necessary part of the twin flame experience, helping both partners to grow and evolve.

9. You share a deep, unspoken understanding.

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With your twin flame, words often become unnecessary. You might discover that you can communicate volumes with just a look or a touch. This unspoken understanding can make your interactions feel effortless and profound, as if you’re two parts of the same whole. It’s a level of connection that goes beyond what most people experience in their relationships.

10. Your relationship catalyses significant life changes.

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Meeting your twin flame often coincides with or triggers major life changes. You might begin reassessing your priorities, changing careers, or embarking on a spiritual journey. The relationship acts as a catalyst for transformation, pushing you out of your comfort zone and into a new phase of personal growth and self-discovery.