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Narcissists build elaborate facades to hide their true selves and charm their way into your life.

But what happens when you start seeing through their act? When you’re no longer falling for their tricks and manipulations? Well, let’s just say they don’t take it too well. Their carefully constructed world starts to crumble, and their true colours begin to show. Here are some ways a narcissist might act when they can’t fool you anymore.

1. They ramp up the gaslighting.

couple fightSource: Unsplash

They’ll twist your words, deny your reality, and make you question your own sanity. They’ll tell you that you’re the crazy one, that you’re imagining things, or that you’re the problem. They’ll do anything to keep you off balance and maintain their control.

2. They become more aggressive and hostile.

Their anger might bubble to the surface as they feel their power slipping away. They might lash out verbally or even physically, becoming increasingly volatile and unpredictable. They’ll try to intimidate you into submission and make you doubt yourself.

3. They try to isolate you from your support system.


They’ll try to turn your friends and family against you, painting themselves as the victim and you as the villain. In fact, they’ll even try to convince you that you’re better off without those who care about you, so they can have you all to themselves, as MindBodyGreen explains.

4. They resort to smear campaigns.

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If you dare to expose their true nature, they’ll launch a smear campaign to discredit you. They’ll spread lies and rumours, trying to ruin your reputation and isolate you further. They’ll do anything to protect their fragile ego and maintain their image.

5. They play the victim.

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They’ll twist the narrative to make themselves look like the victim of your “cruelty” or “misunderstanding.” They’ll try to guilt-trip you into feeling sorry for them and taking them back. They might even threaten to harm themselves or other people to manipulate you into staying.

6. They disappear and reappear.

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They might ghost you for a while, only to resurface with grand apologies and promises to change. They’ll try to lure you back in with their charm and charisma, hoping you’ll forget all the pain they’ve caused you.

7. They try to hoover you back in.

Photographer: Dragos Condrea

“Hoovering” is a manipulative tactic used by narcissists to suck you back into their toxic orbit. They might bombard you with messages, gifts, or promises of a future together. They’ll try to appeal to your emotions and remind you of the good times, conveniently forgetting all the bad ones.

8. They become increasingly unpredictable and erratic.

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As their mask slips, their true colours will shine through, and you’ll see a side of them that you never knew existed. They might swing between extreme emotions, from rage to despair, leaving you feeling confused and exhausted.

9. They try to make you jealous.

Valerii Honcharuk

A narcissist’s ego is fragile, Verywell Health explains, and when they feel threatened, they might try to regain control by making you jealous. They might flirt with other people in front of you, talk about their exes, or even start a new relationship to get a reaction from you. They want to remind you that they’re still desirable and that you should be grateful for their attention.

10. They blame you for everything.

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Nothing is ever their fault. If something goes wrong, it’s always your fault, even if it’s completely out of your control. They’ll twist the narrative to make you feel guilty and responsible for their unhappiness or failures. This is a way for them to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions and maintain their sense of superiority.

11. They try to punish you.


If you dare to challenge them or set boundaries, they might try to punish you. This could involve silent treatment, withdrawing affection, or even sabotaging your efforts. They want you to feel the consequences of your “disobedience” and learn to toe the line.

12. They become increasingly demanding and entitled.

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As their mask slips, their true sense of entitlement will become more apparent. They’ll expect you to cater to their every whim and demand, without any regard for your own needs or feelings. They might throw tantrums, guilt-trip you, or resort to emotional blackmail to get what they want.

13. They try to guilt-trip you.

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They’ll remind you of all the things they’ve done for you, how much they’ve sacrificed, and how ungrateful you are for not appreciating them. They’ll try to make you feel indebted to them so that you’ll be more likely to comply with their wishes and tolerate their bad behaviour.

14. They refuse to change or apologise.

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Even when their true colours are revealed, a narcissist is unlikely to admit their faults or take responsibility for their actions. They might offer insincere apologies or empty promises to change, but it’s usually just a tactic to manipulate you back into their control. Don’t fall for it.

15. They try to win you back.

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If all else fails, a narcissist might try to win you back with grand gestures, promises of a better future, or even love bombing. They’ll try to convince you that they’ve changed and that they’re the only one who truly understands you. Don’t be fooled – it’s just another manipulation tactic to regain control.