Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Love-bombing, gaslighting, and manipulation are a narcissist’s calling cards, but that’s not all they do.

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The longer you spend with a narcissist, the more you realise that the vibrant personality you used to have seems to be slipping away from you. Here’s how they turn you into a shell of your former self.

1. They become the echo of your dreams.

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At first, the narcissist mirrors your aspirations and passions with uncanny precision. They seem to share your exact vision for the future, making you feel deeply understood. However, this mirroring is a tactic to draw you in, gradually replacing your dreams with their own agenda.

2. Your preferences become inconveniences.

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Slowly, your likes and dislikes are framed as problematic. Your favourite activities are suddenly “boring” or “childish”. This constant criticism chips away at your confidence in your own tastes, making you second-guess your choices and adopt theirs instead.

3. They rewrite your personal history.

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The narcissist subtly alters your recollection of past events, emphasising your flaws and their contributions. This gaslighting technique makes you doubt your memories and experiences, replacing them with a narrative that serves their ego.

4. Your achievements shrink in their shadow.

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Any success you have is diminished or co-opted. They might claim credit for your ideas at work or downplay your accomplishments. Over time, you start to believe that your successes are either insignificant or not truly your own.

5. They become the gatekeeper of your social life.

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Gradually, they influence who you spend time with, often isolating you from friends and family who “don’t understand” your relationship. This control over your social circle limits your exposure to diverse perspectives and support systems.

6. Your emotions require their validation.

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The narcissist positions themselves as the authority on how you should feel. They dismiss or invalidate emotions that don’t align with their narrative, leaving you uncertain about the legitimacy of your own emotional responses.

7. They monopolise your time and energy.

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Your schedule becomes increasingly centred around their needs and whims. Hobbies, personal projects, and self-care activities are gradually pushed aside, leaving little time for you to nurture your individual interests and growth.

8. Your appearance becomes their project.

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Under the guise of “helping” you look your best, they start controlling your wardrobe and appearance. Subtle comments about your style or weight accumulate, pressuring you to conform to their ideal image rather than expressing your authentic self.

9. They weaponise your insecurities.

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The narcissist carefully catalogues your vulnerabilities, then uses them strategically. They might offer “constructive criticism” that targets your deepest insecurities, gradually destroying your self-esteem and making you more dependent on their approval.

10. Your language becomes theirs.

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You start adopting their phrases, speech patterns, and even their opinions. This linguistic shift is subtle but profound, signalling a deeper alignment with their world-view at the expense of your own unique voice and perspective.

11. They reframe your boundaries as selfishness.

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When you attempt to assert yourself or establish healthy boundaries, the narcissist paints you as unreasonable or selfish. This manipulation makes you hesitant to advocate for your needs, gradually erasing your sense of personal space and autonomy.

12. Your intuition is undermined.

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The narcissist consistently challenges your gut feelings and instincts. They convince you that your perceptions are flawed, leading you to doubt your ability to make sound judgments. Over time, you rely more on their interpretations of situations than your own.

13. They monopolise the narrative of your relationship.

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In social settings, the narcissist dominates conversations about your shared experiences. They present a curated version of your relationship, often portraying themselves as the hero or victim. Your perspective is sidelined, making you question your own recollection of events.

14. Your failures become their teachable moments.

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Every mistake or setback is framed as an opportunity for them to guide you. While this might seem supportive, it reinforces the idea that you’re incapable of navigating life without their constant input and direction.

15. They create a cycle of intermittent reinforcement.

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The narcissist alternates between lavish praise and harsh criticism, creating an addictive cycle. You find yourself constantly striving for their approval, losing sight of your own standards and values in the process.

16. Your creative expression is stifled.

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Any form of self-expression that doesn’t align with their vision is discouraged. Whether it’s your artistic pursuits, writing, or even your sense of humour, the narcissist subtly shapes these aspects to fit their preferences, diminishing your unique creative voice.

17. They become the arbiter of your worth.

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Gradually, your sense of self-worth becomes tied to their validation. Compliments from other people hold less weight than the narcissist’s approval, creating a dangerous dependency on their opinion for your self-esteem.

18. Your future becomes their vision.


Long-term plans and life goals are slowly replaced by their ambitions. Your original aspirations are framed as unrealistic or misaligned with the future they’ve envisioned for you both, leaving you feeling disconnected from your own life trajectory.