
The word “divorce” can send shivers down anyone’s spine, especially when it comes to your own marriage.

However, weirdly enough, the act of preparing for the worst-case scenario can actually improve your relationship. It’s not about planning your exit strategy; it’s about facing the tough realities head-on, having honest conversations, and ultimately strengthening your bond.

1. It forces you to confront the uncomfortable truths.


Every marriage has its issues, of course, but sweeping them under the rug won’t make them disappear. Preparing for divorce means facing those uncomfortable truths head-on. This is where you acknowledge the cracks in your foundation and ask the tough questions: Are we truly happy? Are our values aligned? Are we willing to put in the work to make this last? It’s not always easy, but it’s a necessary step towards healing and growth.

2. It encourages honest and open communication.

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When divorce is on the table, there’s no room for sugar-coating or avoiding difficult conversations. You’re forced to communicate openly and honestly about your needs, wants, and concerns. This newfound transparency can be incredibly freeing and can lead to deeper understanding and connection. It’s a chance to address long-standing issues that have been festering beneath the surface and find solutions together.

3. It encourages you to re-evaluate your priorities.


Divorce preparation often involves assessing your financial situation, living arrangements, and custody arrangements. This process can be eye-opening, as it forces you to prioritise what truly matters. Do you really need that fancy car or designer handbag? Are you willing to compromise on your dream house for the sake of your children’s well-being? These tough choices can help you clarify your values and make decisions that align with your true priorities.

4. It helps you rediscover your independence.

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In a long-term marriage, it’s easy to lose yourself in the partnership. Preparing for divorce can help you rediscover your independence and individual identity. It’s a chance to reconnect with your passions, interests, and goals. When you feel empowered and self-sufficient, you bring a renewed sense of energy and vitality to your relationship.

5. It reminds you of what you stand to lose.

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The prospect of divorce can be a wake-up call, reminding you of the love, companionship, and shared memories you stand to lose. It can put things in perspective and make you appreciate the good times you’ve had together. This newfound appreciation can reignite the spark and motivate you to work on your marriage.

6. It encourages you to get professional help.

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Preparing for divorce often involves talking with lawyers, financial advisors, and therapists. These professionals can offer valuable guidance and support, helping you navigate the complexities of separation and divorce. However, this process can also highlight the importance of getting the help of a professional to address the underlying issues in your marriage. Couples therapy can provide a safe space to explore your feelings, communicate effectively, and learn new skills to strengthen your relationship.

7. It gives you a sense of control.

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Feeling trapped or powerless is a common experience in struggling marriages. Preparing for divorce can empower you by giving you a sense of control over your future. It allows you to explore your options, make informed decisions, and take proactive steps to protect yourself and your loved ones. This newfound agency can be incredibly empowering and can help you approach your marriage with a renewed sense of hope and determination.

8. It forces you to address financial issues.

Myron Standret

Money is a common source of fights in many marriages. Preparing for divorce requires a thorough examination of your finances, including assets, debts, and income. This process can be uncomfortable, but it’s also an opportunity to address any underlying financial issues that may be contributing to your marital problems. It can help you create a more transparent and equitable financial partnership, which can reduce stress and improve communication.

9. It clarifies expectations and boundaries.

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Often, marital problems stem from unmet expectations and unclear boundaries. Preparing for divorce can help you identify and articulate these expectations and boundaries. It’s a chance to have those crucial conversations about what you both need and want from the relationship. By setting clear expectations and establishing healthy boundaries, you can create a more harmonious and fulfilling partnership.

10. It encourages you to get individual counselling.

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While couples therapy is beneficial, individual counselling can also be transformative. It provides a safe space to explore your own emotions, patterns, and contributions to the marital issues. By understanding yourself better, you can become a more self-aware and compassionate partner. Individual therapy can also equip you with tools and strategies for managing conflict, improving communication, and cultivating a stronger sense of self-worth.

11. It motivates you to make positive changes.

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The prospect of divorce can be a powerful motivator for change. When faced with the potential loss of your marriage, you may be more willing to put in the effort to make things work. This could involve attending couples therapy, making more time for each other, or simply being more affectionate and appreciative. The fear of losing your partner can spark a renewed commitment to the relationship and a willingness to do whatever it takes to make it thrive.

12. It helps you practice empathy and understanding.

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Preparing for divorce often involves putting yourself in your partner’s shoes and considering their perspective. This can encourage empathy and understanding, which are essential for resolving conflict and rebuilding trust. By truly listening to your partner’s concerns and trying to understand their point of view, you can create a more compassionate and supportive environment for both of you.

13. It can lead to a renewed sense of commitment.

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Ironically, the act of preparing for divorce can sometimes reignite the spark of commitment. When you face the possibility of losing your partner, you may realise how much you value them and the life you’ve built together. This realisation can lead to a renewed sense of dedication to the relationship and a willingness to work through challenges together.

14. It teaches you valuable life lessons.

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Even if your marriage ultimately doesn’t survive, the process of preparing for divorce can be a valuable learning experience. It can teach you about your own strengths and weaknesses, your needs and desires, and what you truly want in a partner. These lessons can help you make wiser choices in future relationships and build a more fulfilling life for yourself.

15. It reminds you that love is a choice.

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Perhaps the most important lesson of all is that love is a choice, not just a feeling. It’s a conscious decision to commit to your partner, to work through challenges, and to choose each other every day. Preparing for divorce can remind you of this fundamental truth and inspire you to choose love, even when it’s difficult. And that choice can ultimately lead to a stronger, more resilient, and more fulfilling marriage.