Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Women often get unfairly tagged as being “high-maintenance”, especially in relationships, but that’s not actually the case.

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All we want is for our husbands to do a few basic things to contribute to the relationship and the household, and we don’t feel like they’re too much to ask. Fellas, if you want to be a better husband for your wife, here are some simple and relatively low effort things you can do.

1. Actually listen when your wife is talking to you.

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Put down your phone, turn off the telly, and give her your full attention. Show that you’re listening by maintaining eye contact and responding thoughtfully. Sometimes, she might just need you to hear her out rather than solve her problems.

2. Share the household responsibilities without being asked.

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Take initiative with chores and childcare. Notice what needs doing and do it without her having to chase you on it — you can surely see the bin’s overflowing and that the washing basket needs putting away, no? Doing this shows you’re a true partner who sees household management as a shared responsibility, not just “her job”.

3. Express your appreciation for the things she does.

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Whether it’s cooking dinner, managing the kids’ schedules, or supporting your career, make sure to acknowledge and thank her for her efforts. A heartfelt “thank you” can go a long way in making her feel valued.

4. Make time for regular date nights.

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Keep the romance alive by setting aside time just for the two of you. It doesn’t have to be fancy — even a walk in the park or a cup of tea together can help you reconnect amidst busy schedules.

5. Be honest and open in your communication.

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Share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns with your wife. Be vulnerable and let her in on your inner world. This openness builds trust and intimacy in your relationship.

6. Support her goals and dreams.

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Encourage your wife’s personal and professional aspirations. Offer practical help when you can, and be her biggest cheerleader. Your support can make a world of difference in her confidence and success.

7. Show physical affection regularly.

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Small gestures like hugs, kisses, and holding hands are important. They help maintain your connection and show her you still find her attractive, even if you’ve been together for years.

8. Remember important dates and details.

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Keep track of birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates. Also, remember the little things she mentions — her favourite flower, a book she wants to read. Showing you pay attention to these details will make her feel special.

9. Be patient and understanding during disagreements.

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Arguments are normal in any relationship, but how you handle them matters. Stay calm, listen to her perspective, and work towards a solution together. Avoid raising your voice or using hurtful words.

10. Take care of your health and appearance.

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Show that you value yourself and your relationship by looking after your physical and mental health. Regular exercise, good grooming habits, and managing stress all contribute to being a better partner.

11. Surprise her with thoughtful gestures.

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Small surprises can brighten her day and show you’re thinking of her. It could be as simple as bringing home her favourite treat or leaving a sweet note for her to find.

12. Respect her need for personal space and time.

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Everyone needs some alone time or time with friends. Encourage her to maintain her own interests and relationships outside of your marriage. This independence can actually strengthen your bond.

13. Be reliable and keep your promises.

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If you say you’ll do something, follow through. Being dependable builds trust and shows your wife she can count on you, both for big things and small everyday matters.

14. Show interest in her hobbies and passions.

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Even if you don’t share all the same interests, make an effort to understand and engage with the things she loves. Ask questions and be willing to try new activities together.

15. Practice forgiveness and let go of grudges.

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Everyone makes mistakes. Learn to forgive the small things and work through bigger issues together. Holding on to resentment only damages your relationship in the long run.

16. Be a team player in parenting.

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If you have children, be an active and involved parent. Support your wife’s parenting decisions and present a united front. Share in both the joys and challenges of raising your kids.

17. Prioritise intimacy in your relationship.

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This isn’t just about physical intimacy, but emotional closeness too. Make time for deep conversations, shared experiences, and physical affection to keep your bond strong.

18. Celebrate her achievements, big and small.

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Whether it’s a promotion at work or mastering a new recipe, show genuine excitement for her accomplishments. Your enthusiasm and pride in her success will mean the world to her.

19. Be willing to grow and change together.

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As individuals and as a couple, you’ll both change over the years, in both big and small ways. Be open to personal growth, willing to work on yourself, and ready to adapt to new stages in your relationship.

20. Express your love in words and actions.

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Don’t assume she knows how you feel — tell her you love her regularly. Back up your words with actions that demonstrate your love and commitment. Consistent, loving behaviour is the foundation of a strong marriage.

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