Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

You’ve had a long, hectic day at work and all you want to do is go home and face-plant into bed.

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It’s so important to chill out and relax after clocking out, but figuring out the best way to do so isn’t easy. You have dinner to cook, maybe kids to tend to, housework that needs doing… the responsibilities never stop! However, stop, take a deep breath, and try doing a few of these things. I promise you’ll head back to work feeling a lot more refreshed.

1. Create a ‘leaving work’ ritual.


Ever feel like you’re still in work mode even after you’ve left the building? Try creating a little ritual to signal the end of your workday. It could be as simple as changing your clothes when you get home, or taking a different route back. Maybe blast your favourite tune in the car. The idea is to create a clear line between work time and your time.

2. Get moving.

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I know, I know, after a long day the last thing you want to do is exercise. But hear me out. A bit of physical activity can work wonders for your stress levels. It doesn’t have to be a full-on gym session. A quick walk around the block, a few yoga stretches, or even a silly dance in your living room can help. You’re basically hitting the reset button on your body and mind. Plus, it’s a great way to shake off that ‘I’ve been sitting at a desk all day’ feeling.

3. Dive into a hobby.

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Do you have a hobby you love? Make time for it after work. Whether it’s painting, playing the guitar, or building miniature train sets, losing yourself in something you enjoy is a great way to de-stress. It gives your brain something else to focus on besides work worries. And let’s be honest, it’s much more fun than checking your work emails for the hundredth time. It’s your chance to be you, not just ‘work you’.

4. Have a proper chat.

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Sometimes, the best way to unwind is a good old chinwag. Call a mate, have a natter with your partner, or FaceTime your mum. Talk about anything but work. Laugh about something silly, catch up on gossip, or just have a moan about that weird smell in your fridge. Human connection is like a stress-busting superpower. It reminds you there’s a whole world outside of work drama.

5. Get your green on.

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Nature’s got a sneaky way of helping us chill out. If you can, spend some time outside after work. It could be pottering in the garden, sitting in a park, or even just looking after your houseplants. There’s something about green spaces that helps the stress melt away. You’re essentially pressing the mute button on all that work noise in your head. Plus, plants don’t ask for project updates or set deadlines, which is always a bonus.

6. Try a bit of mindfulness.


Now, don’t roll your eyes at me. Mindfulness doesn’t have to mean sitting cross-legged and chanting. It can be as simple as focusing on your breathing for a few minutes, or really paying attention to the taste of your food. It’s about being in the moment instead of worrying about work stuff. Think of it as giving your brain a mini-holiday from all that stress. Even a few minutes can help you feel more chilled.

7. Laugh it out.

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They say laughter is the best medicine, and when it comes to stress, it’s spot on. Stick on a funny show, watch some daft cat videos, or call that friend who always cracks you up. Laughing releases feel-good chemicals in your brain, which is like kryptonite for stress. It’s pretty hard to worry about work when you’re busy giggling at a dog wearing pants. Give yourself permission to be silly and let the laughter do its magic.

8. Have a proper pamper.

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Sometimes, you need to treat yourself to shake off the work stress. Run a bubble bath, slap on a face mask, or give yourself a mini massage. It doesn’t have to be fancy — even taking an extra long shower can help. It’s about doing something nice for yourself, showing your body some love after a hard day’s graft. Think of it as a physical way of washing off the stress. Plus, it’s a great excuse to use that fancy bath bomb you’ve been saving.

9. Get lost in a story.

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Books, podcasts, or TV shows — whatever your poison, losing yourself in a good story can be a great way to de-stress. It gives your brain a chance to focus on something that isn’t work-related. Whether you’re solving a mystery with a detective novel or exploring new worlds in a fantasy series, it’s a mini-vacation for your mind. Just try to avoid anything too related to your job — the last thing you need is to be reminded of work!

10. Prep for tomorrow.

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I know, I know, this sounds like more work. But hear me out. Spending a few minutes getting ready for tomorrow can actually help you relax tonight. Lay out your clothes, pack your lunch, or make a quick to-do list for the morning. It’s like giving your future self a little gift. Knowing you’re prepared can stop those “Oh no, I forgot to…” thoughts that pop up just as you’re trying to drift off to sleep. It’s all about setting yourself up for a stress-free start tomorrow.

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