Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Making a good impression doesn’t require going overboard with bragging or showboating.

The reality is that genuine connections usually form when people feel seen and appreciated for who they are, not for inflated versions of themselves. If you want to leave the best possible impression on everyone you meet, here are some things you should actually do.

1. Take a genuine interest in them.

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Most people love to talk about themselves, their passions, and their experiences. By asking thoughtful questions and actively listening to their responses, you demonstrate genuine interest in their lives. This goes beyond surface-level conversation – delve deeper, ask follow-up questions, and show curiosity about their thoughts and feelings. People appreciate when someone takes the time to truly understand them.

2. Help them out when they need it (without making them feel indebted).

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Whether it’s carrying a heavy bag, offering a ride, or assisting with a project, small acts of kindness go a long way in showing your willingness to help. Don’t wait to be asked – if you see someone struggling, offer your support. These gestures not only make their lives easier, but also demonstrate your compassionate and caring nature. Remember, even the smallest acts can leave a lasting positive impression.

3. Be a good listener

Envato Elements

Being a good listener means more than just hearing the words someone says; it involves paying attention to their body language, tone of voice, and underlying emotions. Put away distractions, maintain eye contact, and provide verbal and non-verbal cues that show you’re fully present. When people feel heard and understood, they feel valued and appreciated, which strengthens your connection with them.

4. Pay attention to details.

Yuri Arcurs

Remembering someone’s birthday, favourite coffee order, or a personal detail they shared previously demonstrates that you pay attention and care about the little things. It shows that you value them as individuals and that they’re not just another face in the crowd. These small acts of thoughtfulness can make a big difference in how someone perceives you.

5. Acknowledge their achievements.

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Celebrating someone else’s successes, whether big or small, is a simple yet powerful way to show you’re supportive and genuinely happy for them. Offer sincere congratulations, praise their efforts, and let them know you’re proud of their accomplishments. Avoid downplaying their achievements or comparing them to your own. Remember, their wins are not your losses – celebrating their success doesn’t diminish your own.

6. Give credit where it’s due.

Dmytro Sheremeta

When working on a team project or collaborating with other people, be sure to acknowledge the contributions of everyone involved. Don’t hog the spotlight or take credit for someone else’s work. Instead, highlight the individual efforts of your team members and express gratitude for their input. Giving credit where it’s due not only strengthens your relationships but also fosters a positive and collaborative work environment.

7. Show your appreciation.

Envato Elements

Expressing gratitude for the things people do for you, no matter how small, is a fundamental aspect of building positive relationships. A simple “thank you” can go a long way in showing your appreciation and making someone feel valued. Go beyond a generic thank you – be specific about what you’re grateful for and how their actions have impacted you. A heartfelt expression of gratitude can leave a lasting positive impression.

8. Be reliable and keep your word.

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Being dependable and following through on your commitments is crucial for building trust and credibility. If you say you’ll do something, make sure you do it. Avoid making promises you can’t keep or overcommitting yourself. When people know they can rely on you, they’re more likely to trust you and value your presence in their lives. Reliability is a key trait that fosters strong and lasting relationships.

9. Make them laugh.

Source: Unsplash

A good sense of humour can be incredibly endearing. Sharing a funny story, making a witty observation, or simply cracking a joke can lighten the mood and create a positive atmosphere. Laughter is contagious and can instantly create a bond between people. However, be mindful of the context and avoid humour that might be offensive or inappropriate. Aim for relaxed and inclusive jokes that bring people together.

10. Respect boundaries.

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Everyone has different comfort levels and personal boundaries. Respecting those boundaries is crucial for building trust and maintaining healthy relationships. Avoid prying into personal matters, pushing someone beyond their limits, or overstepping social norms. Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal cues that indicate someone’s ddiscomfort,and adjust your behaviour accordingly. Respecting boundaries shows that you value their autonomy and are considerate of their feelings.

11. Be open-minded and accepting.

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Being open to different perspectives can broaden your horizons and make you more approachable. Don’t judge people based on their backgrounds, beliefs, or lifestyles. Try to understand their viewpoints, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them. Have respectful conversations, ask questions, and challenge your own assumptions. Open-mindedness creates a sense of inclusivity and creates a welcoming environment for everyone.

12. Be authentic and genuine.

Source: Unsplash

People are drawn to those who are authentic and true to themselves. Don’t try to be someone you’re not or pretend to have interests or qualities that you don’t possess. Embrace your unique personality, quirks, and passions. Be honest and transparent in your interactions with other people. Authenticity creates a sense of trust and allows for deeper and more meaningful connections.

13. Take the initiative.

Source: Unsplash

Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you – go out and create them. Whether it’s planning a surprise outing, organising a team-building activity, or simply suggesting a new idea, taking the initiative shows that you’re proactive and willing to take charge. People appreciate those who are motivated and eager to make things happen.

14. Be a good sport.

Source: Unsplash

Being a good sport means being able to handle both wins and losses with grace and humility. Don’t gloat when you win or sulk when you lose. Instead, celebrate victories with enthusiasm and accept defeats with dignity. Show respect for your opponents or competitors, acknowledge their efforts, and learn from your experiences. A good sport attitude demonstrates good character and sportsmanship, which are admired qualities.

15. Be supportive and encouraging.

Source: Unsplash

Offering support and encouragement can make a significant impact on someone’s confidence and well-being. Be a cheerleader for their dreams, aspirations, and endeavours. Offer words of encouragement, provide constructive feedback, and celebrate their progress. Let them know you believe in their abilities and are rooting for their success. Your support can be a source of motivation and inspiration for them to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.