Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Everyone needs a break sometimes, but many of us (myself included!) feel pressure to make the most of the weekend by constantly being on the go.

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While it’s good to get out and have fun in your spare time, sometimes you really do need to slow down, breathe deep, and allow yourself to recharge. If you struggle with this like I do, here are some things you can do to focus on relaxation this weekend.

1. Start your day slowly.

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Resist the urge to jump out of bed and start your to-do list, and let yourself have a lazy morning, for once. Stay in your pyjamas, enjoy a cuppa in bed, or have a leisurely breakfast. Setting a relaxed tone for the day can make a huge difference.

2. Say no to plans that don’t excite you.

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It’s okay to turn down invitations if you’re not up for it or just can’t be bothered. Be honest with friends and family — they’ll understand. Your weekend is precious, so spend it doing things you genuinely want to do, even if that’s nothing at all.

3. Wear your comfiest clothes.

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Now’s the time to dig out those soft, well-worn clothes that make you feel good. Whether it’s your favourite jumper or those tracksuit bottoms you love, wear what feels most comfortable. Comfort is key to relaxation.

4. Prep easy meals.

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Avoid spending hours in the kitchen by opting for simple, nutritious meals that don’t require much effort. Consider prepping ingredients in advance or treating yourself to a takeaway. The goal is to nourish yourself without stress.

5. Create a cosy space.

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Make your living area as inviting as possible. Tidy up a bit, dim the lights, light a scented candle, or add some soft blankets. Creating a comfortable environment can help you unwind and enjoy your downtime more.

6. Indulge in a bit of self-care.

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Take some time for yourself. Have a long bath, do a face mask, or give yourself a mini massage. It seems silly, but these small acts of self-care can help you feel refreshed and pampered without much effort.

7. Limit your screen time.

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While scrolling through social media might seem relaxing, it can actually be quite draining. Try to reduce your screen time. Instead, pick up a book, listen to music, or simply enjoy some quiet time. Your eyes and mind will thank you.

8. Get some fresh air.

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A bit of outdoor time can be incredibly refreshing. It doesn’t have to be a long hike — even a short walk around the block or sitting in the garden can boost your mood (when the wonderful British weather allows, that is). The change of scenery can do wonders for your state of mind.

9. Do one thing you’ve been putting off.

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Choose just one small task you’ve been avoiding and get it done. It could be as simple as sorting through a drawer or replying to an email. Ticking it off your list can give you a sense of accomplishment and make relaxing afterwards even sweeter.

10. Connect with loved ones in a low-key way.

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Socialising doesn’t have to be a big production. Have a relaxed chat with a friend over the phone, or invite a family member over for a cuppa. Keep it simple and enjoy the company without the pressure of hosting.

11. Try a bit of gentle movement.

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Exercise doesn’t have to be intense to be beneficial. Some light stretching, a bit of yoga, or a leisurely stroll can help you feel good in your body without wearing you out. Move in a way that feels good to you.

12. Plan something to look forward to.

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End your weekend on a positive note by planning something nice for the week ahead. It could be as simple as deciding on a new recipe to try or scheduling a catch-up with a friend. Having something to look forward to can help you start the week feeling optimistic.