Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

If you feel like you’ve been in a bit of a bad place lately, you’re definitely not alone.


A lot of people are struggling to find meaning and fulfilment in their lives, but that doesn’t mean you have to just grin and bear it. All you need to do is reset your so-called ‘happiness biology’ so you can finally start feeling not just content with your life, but inspired by it.

1. Get your sweat on regularly.

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Exercise isn’t just for looking good in your jeans  — t’s a mood booster too. When you work out, your brain releases feel-good chemicals that can stick around long after you’ve hit the shower. Even a quick walk or a dance party in your living room can do wonders. Find something you enjoy and make it a habit.

2. Soak up some sunshine.

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Turns out, our bodies are basically houseplants with more complicated emotions. We need sunlight to thrive! Try to get outside for at least 15 minutes a day, especially in the morning. It’ll help regulate your sleep cycle and give you a dose of vitamin D, which is crucial for mood regulation. Just don’t forget the sunscreen!

3. Prioritise your Zzzs.

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Sleep isn’t just a luxury — it’s when your brain does some serious maintenance work. Somewhere between 7 and 9 hours each night is a good goal to aim for, even if it’s not always possible. Create a bedtime routine, stick to a consistent sleep schedule, and turn your bedroom into a cosy sleep sanctuary. Your future, well-rested self will thank you.

4. Feed your gut-brain connection.

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What you eat affects more than just your waistline — it impacts your mood too. Focus on whole foods, plenty of fruits and veggies, and foods rich in omega-3s (like fish and nuts). Don’t forget about probiotics — a happy gut often means a happier mind. And hey, dark chocolate is good for you too, so enjoy that guilt-free!

5. Practice mindfulness and meditation.

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Taking a few minutes each day to quiet your mind can work wonders for your overall happiness. Don’t worry, you don’t need to become a zen master overnight. Start with just 5 minutes of focusing on your breath or using a guided meditation app. It’s like a mini-vacation for your brain.

6. Cultivate meaningful connections.

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Humans are social creatures, and good relationships are key to happiness. Make time for the people who lift you up, and don’t be afraid to reach out and make new connections. Quality over quantity is the name of the game here. And remember, vulnerability is the secret sauce of deep connections.

7. Find your flow.

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Ever lose track of time doing something you love? That’s flow, and it’s happiness gold. Whether it’s painting, coding, gardening, or solving puzzles, make time for activities that get you in the zone. It’s like a workout for your brain’s pleasure centres.

8. Practice gratitude daily.

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It might sound cheesy, but focusing on what you’re thankful for can rewire your brain for positivity. Try writing down three things you’re grateful for each day. They don’t have to be big — even small joys count. Over time, you’ll start noticing the good stuff more often.

9. Get your green on.

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Nature is a natural mood booster. Try to spend time in green spaces regularly, whether it’s a local park, a hiking trail, or even just tending to some houseplants. There’s something about being around plants that helps reset our stressed-out systems.

10. Laugh it up.

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Laughter really is good medicine. It releases endorphins, reduces stress hormones, and can even boost your immune system. Make time for things that tickle your funny bone, whether it’s watching comedy specials, sharing jokes with friends, or just being silly. Don’t take life too seriously — none of us are getting out alive anyway!

11. Set achievable goals and celebrate wins.

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Having a sense of progress and achievement is key to happiness. Set small, realistic goals and pat yourself on the back when you reach them. It could be as simple as making your bed every day or learning a new skill. Each little win gives your brain a happiness boost.

12. Practice self-compassion.

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Be kind to yourself — you’re doing the best you can. Treat yourself with the same compassion you’d show a good friend. Acknowledge when things are tough, give yourself permission to make mistakes, and remember that nobody has it all figured out. You’re human, and that’s perfectly okay.

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