Religion can be a prickly subject to discuss, especially when you’re chatting with someone whose beliefs are starkly different from yours.

However, respecting other people’s faith doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything they believe. It’s all about being a decent human and trying to understand where people are coming from.
1. Listen without judgment.

When someone’s talking about their faith, give them your full attention. Don’t interrupt or scoff at their beliefs, even if they sound strange to you. Everyone deserves to be heard without feeling judged. Being open-minded can lead to way more meaningful conversations and deeper understanding of different faiths.
2. Ask questions respectfully.

If you’re curious about someone’s beliefs, it’s okay to ask questions. Just make sure you’re doing it to learn, not to challenge or mock them. Saying something simple like, “Can you tell me more about that?” can go a long way.
3. For a love of all that’s holy, don’t try to convert them.

Your beliefs are your own, and theirs are theirs. Don’t try to convince them that your way of thinking is better or more correct. Respect goes both ways, after all. Remember that faith is deeply personal, and trying to convert people is disrespectful (and likely to damage your relationship).
4. Recognise the importance of their faith.

Even if you don’t believe in any higher power, understand that faith can be a central part of someone’s identity and daily life, and acknowledging its importance to them shows respect. A bit of recognition can help you understand their motivations and decisions better, even if you don’t share their beliefs.
5. Find common ground.

Most religions promote values like kindness, compassion, and helping people. Focus on these shared values rather than the differences in your beliefs. When you focus on the things you have in common, you can connect on a deeper level and find a bit of mutual understanding despite your different backgrounds.
6. Be mindful of religious holidays and practices.

Learn about important dates or practises in your friend’s religion. Wish them well on their holidays, and be understanding if they need to pray or fast at certain times. Doing these things shows that you value and respect their traditions, even if you don’t participate in them yourself.
7. Don’t mock or belittle their beliefs.

I feel like I shouldn’t have to say this, but please don’t make jokes about someone’s religion or dismiss their beliefs as silly or outdated. It’s hurtful and disrespectful, even if you don’t mean it to be. Remember that what seems funny to you might be deeply offensive to someone else, especially when it comes to matters of faith.
8. Respect their choices.

If someone’s faith influences their choices about food, drink, or clothing, respect that. Don’t pressure them to do things that go against their beliefs. Understanding and accommodating these choices is a good way to show that you value their commitment to their faith and respect their right to practice it.
9. Stand up against discrimination.

If you see someone being treated unfairly because of their faith, speak up. Defending people against religious discrimination is a powerful and important way to show respect. Your support can make a massive difference in creating a more tolerant and inclusive environment for people of all faiths. This is especially important given the current social climate in the UK!
10. Be open about your own beliefs.

It’s okay to be honest about your own beliefs or lack thereof. Just do it in a way that doesn’t put down their faith. Sharing your own perspective can lead to interesting discussions and mutual learning, as long as it’s done with respect and openness.
11. Don’t make baseless generalisations.

Not everyone who follows a particular faith believes or acts the same way, so don’t make blanket statements about entire religious groups. Recognising the diversity within religions helps prevent stereotyping and promotes a more nuanced understanding of faith communities.
12. Keep debates respectful.

If you do end up in a discussion about faith, keep it civil. Focus on understanding each other rather than proving who’s right or wrong. These conversations can be opportunities for growth and learning if you approach them with respect and an open mind.
13. Respect their privacy.

Some people are comfortable discussing their faith openly, while others prefer to keep it private. Follow their lead and don’t pry if they seem uncomfortable. Respecting these boundaries shows that you value their personal space and right to privacy in matters of faith.
14. Participate when invited.

If you’re invited to a religious ceremony or celebration, consider attending. It’s a great way to learn and show support, even if you don’t share the belief. Your presence can be a meaningful gesture of friendship and respect, and it offers you a chance to experience different cultural and religious practices first-hand.
15. Remember, actions speak louder than words.

Sometimes, the best way to show respect is simply by being a good friend. Your actions and how you treat them day-to-day matter more than any discussion about faith. Consistent kindness, support, and respect in your everyday interactions can have a more significant impact than any theological debate or religious discussion.