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Ever received a compliment and fumbled your response, leaving an awkward silence hanging in the air?

We’ve all been there! It’s not always easy to know how to react gracefully, especially when we’re taken by surprise or feeling a bit self-conscious. As it turns out, there are many ways to respond to compliments that feel genuine, confident, and not at all awkward. Here are some simple yet effective ways to accept compliments with grace.

1. Simply say “thank you.”

Marko Ristic

Sometimes, the simplest response is the best. A sincere “thank you” acknowledges the compliment without deflecting or downplaying it. It shows appreciation for the kind words and leaves a positive impression. Don’t underestimate the power of a heartfelt “thank you” to make both you and the compliment giver feel good.

2. Share the credit.

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If the compliment is about a project or accomplishment you achieved with other people, be sure to acknowledge their contributions. This shows humility and recognises that success often involves teamwork. You can say something like, “Thank you, but I couldn’t have done it without the support of my amazing team.”

3. Express how the compliment makes you feel.

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Let the person know that their kind words made your day. You can say, “That means a lot to me,” or “I’m so glad you noticed.” This shows that you value their opinion and appreciate the positive impact their compliment has on you.

4. Ask a follow-up question.

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If you want to keep the conversation going, ask a question related to the compliment. For example, if someone compliments your outfit, you could ask, “Really? I wasn’t sure if these colours worked together.” This shows you’re interested in their opinion and opens the door for further conversation.

5. Compliment them back.

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If it feels genuine, offer a compliment in return. However, make sure it’s sincere and specific, rather than a generic response. You could say something like, “Thank you! I really appreciate your style too. I love that scarf you’re wearing.”

6. Accept the compliment without deflecting.

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Many of us have a tendency to deflect compliments by downplaying our achievements or brushing them off. Instead of saying, “Oh, it was nothing,” try accepting the compliment with a simple, “Thank you, I’m glad you like it.” This shows confidence and acknowledges your own efforts.

7. Use humour to lighten the mood.

Source: Unsplash

If you’re feeling a bit awkward, a touch of humour can help. Respond to the compliment with a light-hearted joke or a self-deprecating remark. For instance, if someone compliments your cooking, you could say, “Thanks! I’m just glad I didn’t burn the kitchen down this time.”

8. Don’t overthink it.

Source: Unsplash

Sometimes, we get so caught up in trying to craft the perfect response that we end up stumbling over our words or sounding insincere. Just relax, be yourself, and respond in a way that feels natural and authentic. A simple, genuine response is often the most effective.

9. Embrace the awkwardness.

Source: Unsplash

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, a compliment can still feel a bit awkward. In those moments, it’s okay to acknowledge the awkwardness with a light-hearted comment like, “Wow, thanks! That was so unexpected, I’m not sure what to say.” This can break the ice and create a more relaxed atmosphere.

10. Don’t feel obligated to return the compliment.

Source: Pexels

While it’s nice to reciprocate compliments, don’t feel pressured to do so if it doesn’t feel genuine. A forced compliment can come across as insincere and detract from the positive exchange.

11. Avoid self-deprecating remarks.

© Lomb | Giuseppe Lombardo

While a bit of self-deprecation can be humorous, excessive negative comments about yourself can undermine the compliment and create an uncomfortable atmosphere. Instead of putting yourself down, focus on accepting the positive feedback and acknowledging your own worth.

12. Show genuine gratitude.

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Expressing genuine gratitude for the compliment shows that you value the person’s opinion and appreciate their effort to acknowledge your positive qualities. This can strengthen the connection between you and make the interaction more meaningful.

13. Use the compliment as an opportunity to connect.

Pavel Vladychenko

A compliment can be a great conversation starter. Use it as an opportunity to connect with the person, ask them questions, or share your own thoughts and feelings. This can lead to deeper conversations and stronger relationships.

14. Remember, it’s okay to feel good about yourself.

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Accepting compliments can be a way of acknowledging your own strengths and accomplishments. It’s okay to feel proud of yourself and allow yourself to bask in the positive feedback. Don’t let self-doubt or modesty rob you of the joy of receiving a compliment.

15. Practice makes perfect.

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If you’re not used to receiving compliments, it might feel awkward at first. But like any skill, responding gracefully to compliments can be learned and improved with practice. The more you practice accepting compliments, the more natural and comfortable it will become.

16. Don’t overanalyse the compliment.


It’s easy to overthink compliments, wondering if the person really meant it or if they have ulterior motives. Try to take the compliment at face value and trust that they’re being sincere.

17. Focus on the positive intent behind the compliment.

Igor Kardasov

Even if the compliment is a bit awkward or off-the-mark, try to focus on the positive intent behind it. The person is likely trying to make you feel good, so appreciate their effort and respond with kindness.

18. Remember, a compliment is a gift.

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A compliment is a gift of positive energy and appreciation. Accept it graciously, express your gratitude, and allow yourself to feel good about the recognition.