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Dealing with a narcissist who’s trying to get a rise out of you can feel like navigating a minefield.

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It’s frustrating, exhausting, and sometimes downright infuriating. But there are ways to handle these situations that’ll leave you feeling empowered, not drained. Remember, you’re not alone in this, and with a little know-how, you can master the art of staying cool and collected when a narcissist tries to push your buttons.

1. Remember that their behaviour isn’t about you.

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It’s easy to take a narcissist’s provocations personally, but remember that their behaviour stems from their own insecurities and need for control. They want a reaction from you to feel powerful, so don’t give them the satisfaction. Instead, remind yourself that their words and actions are a reflection of their own issues, not yours.

2. Keep your cool and don’t engage in their game.

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Narcissists thrive on drama and conflict, so the best way to disarm them is to remain calm and collected. Don’t let them bait you into an argument or emotional outburst. Instead, respond with indifference or a simple, “I see things differently.” This shows them that their tactics aren’t working and you won’t play their game.

3. Establish and maintain firm boundaries.

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Narcissists often test boundaries to see how far they can push you. It’s crucial to establish clear boundaries and stick to them. If they cross a line, don’t hesitate to walk away or end the conversation. This sends a message that you won’t tolerate their disrespectful behaviour.

4. Don’t try to reason with them or argue your point.

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Trying to reason with a narcissist is a pointless exercise – it’s simply impossible. They’re not interested in hearing your perspective or reaching a compromise. They just want to win. Save your breath and energy for more constructive conversations.

5. Grey rock them with boring responses.


Grey rocking is a technique where you respond to a narcissist’s provocations with dull, emotionless responses. This makes them lose interest in trying to get a reaction out of you. For example, if they insult you, simply say, “Okay,” or “I see.” They’ll eventually realise that you’re not going to give them the attention they crave.

6. Take care of yourself.

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Dealing with a narcissist can be incredibly draining, so it’s important to take care of yourself. Make time for activities that nourish your soul and bring you joy. Surround yourself with supportive people who understand what you’re going through. Looking after yourself first and foremost will help you stay strong and resilient in the face of their provocations.

7. Don’t take their words or actions personally.


Remember, a narcissist’s insults and criticisms are projections of their own insecurities. They’re not a reflection of your worth or value. Don’t internalise their negativity or let it affect your self-esteem. Instead, focus on your strengths and positive qualities.

8. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist.

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Don’t hesitate to reach out to loved ones or a professional for support. Talking about your experiences can help you process your emotions and develop healthy coping mechanisms. A therapist can provide guidance and tools for dealing with narcissistic behaviour.

9. Set and enforce consequences for unacceptable behaviour.

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If a narcissist repeatedly crosses your boundaries or continues to provoke you, it’s important to establish consequences. This could mean limiting contact with them, refusing to engage in certain activities, or even ending the relationship altogether. Be clear about what you won’t tolerate, and follow through on your consequences. This will show them that their actions have real-world repercussions and that you’re serious about protecting yourself.

10. Don’t get sucked into their victim mentality.

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Narcissists often play the victim, blaming others for their problems and refusing to take responsibility for their actions. Don’t fall for their manipulation. Remember, you’re not responsible for their happiness or well-being. Stay focused on your own needs and priorities.

11. Focus on your strengths and accomplishments.

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Narcissists often try to undermine your confidence and make you doubt yourself. Don’t let their negativity affect your self-worth. Instead, focus on your strengths, accomplishments, and the positive aspects of your life. Remind yourself of the things you’re good at and the things you’ve achieved. This will help you stay grounded and resilient in the face of their provocations.

12. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people.

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One of the best ways to counteract a narcissist’s negative energy is to surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Spend time with friends and family who uplift you and make you feel good about yourself. Their love and encouragement will help you stay strong and maintain a healthy perspective.

13. Forgive yourself for any mistakes you may have made.


It’s natural to feel frustrated or even angry with yourself for getting caught up in a narcissist’s web. Remember, they’re experts at manipulation, and it’s not your fault for falling for their tricks. Forgive yourself for any mistakes you may have made and focus on moving forward. Learning from your experiences will help you better protect yourself in the future.

14. Move on and create a fulfilling life without them.

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Ultimately, the best way to respond to a narcissist’s provocations is to move on and create a life that’s fulfilling and joyful without them. Don’t let their negativity hold you back. Surround yourself with positive people, pursue your passions, and focus on your own happiness. This will show them that you’re not defined by their behaviour and that you’re capable of thriving on your own.