There’s nothing worse than spending time with someone who leaves you feeling exhausted, frustrated, and just… not great.

However unintentionally, some people are tough to be around, and women in particular tend to do and say certain things to make being in their presence a less than pleasant experience. It doesn’t mean she’s a bad person, by any means, but if she has any of these bad habits, she’s no doubt difficult to spend time with.
1. She constantly needs validation and approval.

If she’s always asking if she looks okay, if she made the right choice, or if she’s good enough, it can wear you out. A bit of reassurance is normal, but when it’s non-stop, it can feel like you’re on call 24/7 to make sure she’s feeling validated. It can overshadow real conversations and leave everyone feeling emotionally drained, as the focus is always on her.
2. She turns every conversation back to herself.

It’s like she’s always steering the conversation back to herself, no matter what you’re talking about. It might sound like she’s just trying to share, but it often ends up making you feel like your input doesn’t matter. After a while, you might find yourself avoiding deeper chats with her, knowing she’ll just redirect everything back to her again.
3. She thrives on drama.

She seems to get a kick out of stirring things up, whether it’s blowing minor issues out of proportion, starting arguments, or talking behind people’s backs. It’s exhausting to be around someone who constantly needs attention, especially if it’s at the expense of other people’s peace. Little disagreements can turn into huge dramas, making everything feel unstable.
4. She’s got something negative to say about pretty much everyone.

If she’s always pointing out what’s wrong with everyone or making cutting remarks, it’s hard to be around. While it might come from her own insecurities, constantly criticising other people can create a pretty toxic atmosphere. It’ll make those around her second-guess their every move, not knowing if they’ll be next on the chopping block.
5. She never owns up to her mistakes.

Blaming everyone else for what’s wrong in her life can make her come across as defensive. If she’s unwilling to own up to things she’s done or recognise her own faults, it can feel impossible to have an honest conversation with her. Instead of finding solutions, everything just stays unresolved, leaving everyone frustrated.
6. She’s always letting you down.

Constantly cancelling plans or being late to everything is more than just a little annoying—it’s a trust killer. If she’s unreliable, it’ll make people stop depending on her altogether. Over time, it gets harder to build any real connection, and people might even start avoiding making plans with her in the first place.
7. She plays mind games.

Manipulating people to get what she wants is a big red flag. Whether it’s making people feel guilty, twisting the truth, or trying to play the victim, these tactics just mess with people’s heads. It makes it hard to trust her, as you’re never quite sure if she’s being real or just playing a part to get what she needs.
8. She’s too competitive.

If she’s always trying to one-up everyone around her or turning every situation into a competition, it can make things feel uncomfortable. Relationships are about support, not rivalry. Instead of cheering people on, she’s so focused on “winning” that it creates unnecessary tension in the group.
9. She ignores boundaries.

Whether she’s oversharing personal details or just pushing people’s buttons, a lack of respect for boundaries can make her difficult to be around. Healthy relationships need space and respect, but if she keeps ignoring other people’s boundaries, it can feel like she’s crossing lines that leave people feeling drained and overwhelmed.
10. She complains all the time.

Constant negativity about everything—work, friends, life—can wear you down. Everyone vents now and then, but when it’s just a constant stream of complaints without any solutions, it makes everything feel pretty miserable. Over time, people might start steering clear of her just to avoid the negativity.
11. She won’t meet you halfway.

If she’s always stuck in “my way or the highway” mode, it’s going to be hard to get along. When someone’s so rigid and refuses to compromise, it puts a strain on relationships. You’ll always feel like the one giving in, and it can lead to some serious resentment in the long run.
12. She’s obsessed with appearances.

If she’s always talking about her own appearance or judging other people for theirs, it’s hard not to feel self-conscious. Being so shallow can make conversations feel superficial and leave people feeling like they’re being scrutinised. It’s hard to connect with someone when they’re focused on looks over anything meaningful.
13. She shares too much personal stuff.

When someone constantly spills their life details—or worse, talks about other people’s business—it can make her seem untrustworthy. People get overwhelmed when she unloads all of her drama, and it creates a one-sided relationship. It can also make people hesitant to share their own experiences, fearing they won’t be respected.
14. She holds grudges.

If she’s always bringing up past issues and never lets things go, it creates a tense environment. Holding grudges makes it hard to move forward in a relationship, and people start to distance themselves because they feel stuck in constant conflict. It’s draining and leaves everyone feeling like they can’t make progress.