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Crushes aren’t just for primary school — we continue to be attracted to people throughout our lives.

However, knowing whether someone likes you can be tough, especially if they’re shy or simply not very forthcoming about their feelings. If you think someone might have a romantic interest in you, but you’re not quite sure, keep your eyes peeled for these signs.

1. They go out of their way to help you, even with small things.

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Someone who secretly admires you might offer to help you with tasks or errands, even if they seem trivial. This could be anything from holding the door open for you to offering to help you with a project. They might even go out of their way to do something nice for you, like bringing you coffee or surprising you with a small gift.

2. They remember little details about you and your conversations.

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If someone is paying close attention to you, they’ll likely remember details about your life, your interests, and your conversations. They might recall something you mentioned weeks ago or ask you about something you’ve been working on. This shows that they’re not just making small talk, but genuinely interested in what’s going on in your life.

3. They find excuses to be near you or start conversations.

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Someone who secretly admires you might find subtle ways to be near you, whether it’s sitting next to you in a meeting or “bumping into you” at your favourite coffee shop. They might also initiate conversations with you, even if they don’t have a specific reason to talk. This shows that they enjoy your company and want to spend time with you.

4. They laugh at your jokes, even if they’re not that funny.

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We all love to feel like we’re witty and charming, and someone who admires you might be more likely to laugh at your jokes, even if they’re not particularly hilarious. This doesn’t mean they have a bad sense of humour, but rather that they’re enjoying your company and want to make you feel good.

5. They subtly mirror your body language and gestures.

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When people are attracted to someone, they often unconsciously mimic their body language. This could be as subtle as crossing their legs when you do, or tilting their head in the same way. Mirroring is a sign of rapport and connection, and it can indicate that someone is interested in you.

6. They often compliment you on your appearance or accomplishments.

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Someone who secretly admires you might find opportunities to compliment you on your looks, your outfit, or your achievements. These compliments might be genuine, or they might be a way of expressing their attraction without being too obvious. Either way, it’s a sign that they notice you and appreciate you.

7. They get nervous or flustered around you.

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If someone is secretly attracted to you, they might get a little nervous or flustered in your presence. They might stumble over their words, blush, or avoid eye contact. This is a classic sign of infatuation, and it can be endearing if you’re interested in them too.

8. They find ways to mention you in conversations with other people.

Someone who secretly admires you might find ways to bring you up in conversations with mutual friends or colleagues. They might mention something you said, something you did, or simply how much they enjoy your company. This is a way of keeping you on their mind and subtly expressing their interest.

9. They tease you playfully or engage in light-hearted banter.

Eugenio Marongiu

Teasing can be a way of flirting and showing interest, especially if it’s done in a playful and light-hearted way. If someone is constantly poking fun at you or engaging in witty banter, it could be their way of trying to get your attention and build rapport. However, it’s important to make sure the teasing is good-natured and doesn’t cross any boundaries.

10. They get jealous or protective when you talk about other potential love interests.

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If someone secretly admires you, they might get a little jealous or protective when you mention other people you’re interested in. They might make subtle digs at the other person or try to downplay their attractiveness. This is a sign that they see you as more than just a friend and are worried about losing you to someone else.

11. They pay attention to your social media and interact with your posts.

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In the age of social media, one way to gauge someone’s interest is to see how they interact with your online presence. If they consistently like, comment, or share your posts, it could be a sign that they’re trying to stay connected and show their support. They might even go so far as to send you direct messages or engage in conversations on your posts.

12. They try to impress you with their talents or accomplishments.

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When someone is trying to win your affection, they might try to showcase their best qualities. This could involve talking about their achievements, demonstrating their skills, or simply trying to be their best self around you. They might even go out of their way to do something they know you’ll appreciate or find impressive.

13. They confide in you and share their personal thoughts and feelings.


Sharing personal information is a sign of trust and intimacy. If someone feels comfortable opening up to you and sharing their vulnerabilities, it could be a sign that they see you as more than just a casual acquaintance. This could also be a way of getting your support and building a deeper connection with you.

14. They give you thoughtful gifts or gestures that show they care.

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A thoughtful gift can speak volumes about someone’s feelings. If someone goes out of their way to get you something they know you’ll love or appreciate, it’s a clear sign that they’ve been thinking about you and want to make you happy. This could be anything from a small token of appreciation to a grand gesture of affection.

15. They ask people about you or try to get information about your life.

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If someone is secretly interested in you, they might try to find out more about you through mutual friends or acquaintances. They might ask about your interests, your hobbies, or your relationship status. This is a way of gathering information and getting a better sense of who you are and what you’re looking for in a partner.