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Relationships are like plants; they need nurturing and attention to flourish. But sometimes, our partners might be feeling a little wilted, and the signs aren’t always obvious. It’s important to pay attention to those subtle cues, as they could be indicators that your partner isn’t quite as happy as they seem.

1. Communication feels strained or forced.

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One of the first signs that something might be amiss is a noticeable change in communication. Conversations that used to flow naturally might now feel forced or awkward. Your partner might become less talkative or offer short, one-word answers. This could be a sign that they’re holding back or struggling to express their feelings.

2. There’s a decrease in physical affection.

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In a healthy relationship, physical touch is a natural way to express love and connection. If you notice your partner pulling away from hugs, kisses, or cuddles, it could be a red flag. This doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve lost all feelings for you, but it could indicate that they’re emotionally distant or unhappy.

3. They seem less interested in spending time together.

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Remember those spontaneous dates and fun outings? If they seem like a distant memory, it might be worth investigating. If your partner constantly finds excuses to avoid spending quality time with you, or if they seem indifferent to your invitations, it could be a sign that they’re not feeling fulfilled in the relationship.

4. You catch them in little white lies.

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While we all tell a fib here and there, a sudden increase in white lies could be a cause for concern. If your partner is becoming increasingly secretive about their whereabouts or who they’re talking to, it might be a sign that they’re trying to hide something or feeling trapped in the relationship.

5. They’re constantly irritable or moody.

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Everyone has bad days, but if your partner seems perpetually irritable or moody, it might be more than just stress. Pay attention to their overall demeanour If they seem easily annoyed, pick fights over minor issues, or quickly become defensive, it could be an indication that they’re harbouring unhappiness.

6. Their social media habits have changed.

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While not everyone’s a social media addict, a sudden change in your partner’s online behaviour could be a sign. If they’re spending an excessive amount of time on their phone, being secretive about their online activity, or suddenly interacting with new people, it might be worth discussing your concerns.

7. They seem disengaged during intimacy.

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Intimacy is a crucial aspect of any romantic relationship. If your partner seems physically present but emotionally distant during intimate moments, it could be a red flag. A lack of enthusiasm, eye contact, or emotional connection could indicate that they’re not feeling emotionally fulfilled in the relationship.

8. They become overly critical.

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Constructive criticism is healthy, but constant negativity isn’t. If your partner seems to find fault in everything you do, from your appearance to your hobbies, it might be a sign that they’re projecting their unhappiness onto you. Pay attention to how they express their dissatisfaction. If it’s done with a harsh or belittling tone, it’s definitely a concern.

9. They avoid making future plans with you.

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One way to gauge your partner’s investment in the relationship is through their willingness to make future plans. If they seem hesitant to commit to vacations, events, or even simple dates in the near future, it could be a sign that they’re unsure about the relationship’s longevity or their place in it. This reluctance might stem from their underlying unhappiness or a desire to keep their options open.

10. They express a longing for their single life.

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While reminiscing about the past is normal, pay attention to how your partner talks about their single days. If they frequently express a longing for the freedom and independence they had before, it could be a sign that they’re feeling stifled in the relationship. This doesn’t necessarily mean they want to break up, but it does suggest that they’re missing certain aspects of their single life.

11. They show a lack of interest in your life.

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Remember when your partner used to hang on to your every word, eager to hear about your day? If that enthusiasm has waned, it could be a red flag. A disengaged partner might stop asking questions about your life, hobbies, or friends. They might seem indifferent to your accomplishments or struggles. This lack of interest could be a sign that they’re emotionally checked out of the relationship.

12. They start picking fights over trivial matters.

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While disagreements are normal in any relationship, constant bickering over minor issues could be a symptom of deeper unhappiness. If your partner seems to be looking for reasons to argue, it might be their way of expressing their frustration or dissatisfaction. Pay attention to the nature of these arguments. If they’re recurring, disproportionately intense, or lack a clear resolution, it could be a sign that something’s wrong.

13. They stop making an effort in their appearance.

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While we all have lazy days, a consistent decline in your partner’s grooming habits could be a sign of low self-esteem or a general lack of interest in the relationship. If they stop making an effort to look their best for you, it could indicate that they no longer feel motivated to impress you or that they’re not feeling good about themselves in general.

14. They withdraw from physical intimacy.

unhappy couple fightSource: Unsplash

While a decrease in physical affection is a concern, a complete withdrawal from intimacy is a major red flag. If your partner consistently avoids physical touch, makes excuses to avoid intimacy, or seems completely uninterested in sex, it’s a clear indication that something is amiss. This lack of physical connection can be a symptom of emotional distance, resentment, or a loss of attraction.

15. They avoid discussing the future of the relationship.

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One of the most telling signs of unhappiness is a reluctance to discuss the future. If your partner avoids talking about your shared goals, dreams, or plans for the future, it could be a sign that they’re not envisioning themselves with you in the long run. This avoidance might stem from their unhappiness, doubts about the relationship, or a fear of commitment.