Sometimes, it can be hard to tell if someone genuinely enjoys your company or is just going through the motions.

You would think if they weren’t feeling you, they’d just say, right? Well, sometimes it’s not that easy — especially not for women. Maybe she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, she doesn’t want to lose you as a friend, or she’s genuinely afraid of what your reaction might be if she rejects you. While hopefully you’re mature enough to handle it with grace, understanding, and kindness, she doesn’t know that. Instead of telling you outright that she doesn’t like you (at least not like that), you might notice her doing these things.
1. Her smile seems forced or disappears quickly.

When someone genuinely likes you, their smile is warm and natural. If her smile seems tight, brief, or fades quickly, it could be a sign she’s not feeling it. A real smile reaches the eyes and lingers, while a forced one is just for show.
2. She rarely makes eye contact.

Eye contact is one of the strongest indicators of genuine interest. If she frequently avoids looking directly at you or her gaze seems to wander, it might mean she’s not emotionally engaged. When someone likes you, they tend to lock eyes with you more often.
3. Her body language is closed off.

Pay attention to how she holds herself. If she crosses her arms, keeps her distance, or angles her body away from you, it’s a subtle sign she’s not comfortable. Someone who genuinely likes you will lean in, face you directly, and keep an open posture.
4. She doesn’t initiate conversations.

If you’re always the one starting the conversation or keeping it going, it could be a red flag. When someone likes you, they’ll actively engage, ask questions, and contribute to the flow of dialogue. A lack of initiative can point to disinterest.
5. Her responses are short and uninterested.

If her answers are mostly one-word responses or lack enthusiasm, she might just be going through the motions. Genuine interest leads to thoughtful, engaging replies, not flat or indifferent ones. Her tone and energy matter just as much as her words.
6. She doesn’t ask you personal questions.

Someone who likes you wants to know more about you. If she never asks about your life, interests, or feelings, it could be a sign that she’s not invested. Genuine curiosity is a natural part of liking someone, and a lack of it speaks volumes.
7. She cancels plans frequently.

Life happens, but if she regularly cancels or reschedules your plans, it’s a sign she may not be that into you. A woman who likes you will make an effort to spend time with you, not constantly find excuses to avoid it.
8. She keeps you at arm’s length emotionally.

If she avoids talking about her feelings, experiences, or personal life, she might be keeping a safe distance. People who like each other usually build emotional intimacy by opening up. If she keeps things surface-level, it may be intentional.
9. She doesn’t show physical affection.

Subtle touches, hugs, or leaning in close are signs of genuine interest. If she avoids any kind of physical contact or seems uncomfortable when you’re close, she might not be as into you as she’s pretending to be.
10. She seems distracted when you’re together.

If she frequently checks her phone, looks around the room, or seems more focused on anything but you, it’s a red flag. When someone genuinely likes you, they give you their attention and make you feel like you’re the priority.
11. She talks about other guys.

If she often brings up other men — whether they’re friends, coworkers, or exes — it could be a subtle way of signaling that she’s not interested in you romantically. People rarely talk about other potential interests if they’re genuinely focused on you.
12. She doesn’t remember things you’ve told her.

If she constantly forgets things you’ve shared, like your job, hobbies, or stories, she might not be paying close attention. When someone cares about you, they remember details because they value what you say.
13. She avoids making future plans.

When she dodges conversations about seeing you again or makes vague statements like “we’ll see,” it’s a sign she might not be invested. Someone who likes you will show enthusiasm about making future plans and follow through.
14. She seems overly polite or formal.

If she treats you with distant politeness rather than warmth, it might mean she’s not comfortable getting closer. A woman who likes you tends to be relaxed, playful, and more natural in her interactions, not stiff or formal.
15. She doesn’t share her opinions or thoughts.

If she’s always agreeable or avoids giving her true opinions, she may not be invested enough to share herself fully. Genuine connection involves expressing thoughts and feelings honestly. If she holds back, it could be a sign she’s not truly interested.
16. She seems relieved when the interaction ends.

Notice her demeanour when it’s time to part ways. If she seems visibly relieved, eager to leave, or quickly disengages, it’s a strong indication she’s been pretending. Genuine interest usually makes people want to extend the interaction, not escape it.