Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Hypocrites live a life based on double standards.

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They say one thing but do another, and they don’t see a problem with it. They may act as if they’re living life on the straight and narrow, but their behaviour often gives away their real game. Here’s how you can spot a hypocrite a mile away, whether it’s a colleague, friend, family member, or even a partner.

1. They’re quick to judge other people but can’t take criticism themselves.


These people will tear apart someone else’s choices or actions in a heartbeat, but the moment you point out one of their flaws, suddenly they’re all about “nobody’s perfect” and “you don’t understand my situation”.

2. They preach about healthy living but have terrible habits.

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You’ve met this type of person a million times — I know I have! They’ll lecture you about the importance of clean eating and exercise, all while puffing on a cigarette and demolishing a greasy takeaway. It’s like they think their words cancel out their actions.

3. They demand respect but treat everyone else like rubbish.

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These people insist on being treated like royalty, but have no problem belittling wait staff or speaking rudely to people working in the local shop. Apparently, respect is a one-way street in their world.

4. They complain about gossip, but are the biggest gossips themselves.


They’ll tut-tut about how awful gossiping is, then in the next breath lean in to whisper the latest office scandal. It seems they missed the memo about practising what you preach. They completely lack self-awareness of their own behaviour. That or they just don’t care!

5. They’re sticklers for rules — except when those rules inconvenience them.

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Speed limits, queues, workplace policies — they’ll insist everyone follows the rules to the letter. That is, until they’re running late or want special treatment. Then suddenly rules become more like suggestions.

6. They preach about honesty but lie regularly.

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These are the people who’ll give long speeches about the importance of truth-telling, all while spinning a web of lies about why they missed work or couldn’t attend a family event. Honesty is the best policy — for everyone else but them, apparently.

7. They talk about the evils of materialism but are obsessed with status symbols.

Envato Elements

They’ll wax lyrical about how money can’t buy happiness and criticise others for being materialistic. Meanwhile, they’re showing off their latest designer purchase and humblebragging about their latest holiday to Turkey.

8. They claim to be environmentally conscious but have wasteful habits.

Envato Elements

These people will lecture you about using a plastic straw while driving their gas-guzzling SUV to buy over-packaged products. It seems their environmental concerns only extend as far as judging other people. They don’t see a problem with it, either!

9. They talk about the importance of family but neglect their own.

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They’ll post sappy quotes about family being everything, but when it comes to actually spending time with their relatives or helping out, suddenly, they’re too busy or have other priorities. Don’t take them to task on it, or you’ll get an earful!

10. They preach about work ethic, but are lazy themselves.

Wavebreak Media LTD

These are the bosses who’ll drone on about hard work and dedication, all while spending half the day on social media or taking two-hour lunch breaks. Apparently, hard work is for everyone else but them. It’s infuriating!

11. They talk about kindness, but are mean to people all the time.

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They’ll share inspirational quotes about being kind and making the world a better place all over their social media accounts, but in real life, they’re quick to make cutting remarks and put people down. It seems their kindness is limited to their online persona.

12. They insist on punctuality, but are always late themselves.

Vadym Drobot

These people will lose it on you when you’re five minutes late, but they’ll stroll in 20 minutes after the agreed time without so much as an apology. Time is precious — but only their time, it seems. They exist on their own time zone, it seems.

13. They preach about financial responsibility, but are terrible with money.

Liubomyr Vorona

They’ll lecture others about saving and budgeting, all while racking up credit card debt on unnecessary purchases. Do as they say, not as they do, right? If they want to finance everything in their life to keep up with the Joneses, that’s their prerogative!

14. They talk about the importance of listening, but they constantly interrupt people when they’re talking.


These people will go on about how crucial it is to really hear people out, but try having a conversation with them, and you’ll find yourself constantly cut off mid-sentence. Listening is important — when other people are listening to them, that is.

15. They claim to value diversity, but make prejudiced comments.

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They’ll talk a big game about inclusivity and acceptance, but then make offhand remarks that reveal their own biases. It seems their appreciation for diversity has some very specific limits.

16. They preach about work-life balance, but are workaholics.

Yuri Arcurs YAPR

These are the managers who’ll encourage you to take time off and not overwork, all while sending emails at midnight and working through weekends. They wouldn’t know “balance” if it smacked them in the face!

17. They talk about the importance of privacy, but overshare and snoop.

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They’ll lecture about the sanctity of personal space and information, but have no problem airing their dirty laundry on social media or prying into other people’s business. Privacy is important — except when their curiosity gets the better of them.

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