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Ever been in a conversation where something just feels… off? Maybe the person you’re talking to makes you feel uncomfortable, awkward, or even a little annoyed. It could be a sign that they’re lacking in the social skills department. It’s not always obvious, but there are some telltale signs that can give it away.

1. They constantly interrupt you. - #533d2296c857d

We all get excited and accidentally cut someone off, but if someone is constantly interrupting you mid-sentence, it’s a sign they’re not a great listener. They’re more interested in hearing themselves talk than actually having a conversation.

2. They make inappropriate jokes or comments.

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Humour is great, but it needs to be appropriate. If someone is making offensive jokes, insensitive remarks, or comments that make you uncomfortable, they clearly lack social awareness. It’s like they don’t know how to read the room.

3. They dominate the conversation.

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A good conversation is a balanced exchange. If someone is constantly talking over people and not giving anyone else a chance to speak, it’s a sign they’re not interested in hearing other perspectives. They just want to hear themselves talk.

4. They talk about themselves non-stop.

female friends laughing on streetSource: Unsplash

A little self-disclosure is fine, but if someone is constantly talking about themselves without showing any interest in you or your life, they’re probably pretty self-absorbed. It’s like they think they’re the only interesting person in the room.

5. They ask overly personal questions.

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It’s okay to be curious, but there’s a line. If someone is constantly asking, you personal questions you’re not comfortable answering, it means they don’t respect your boundaries. It’s like they don’t understand what’s appropriate to ask.

6. They make insensitive or hurtful remarks.

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Words can hurt, and someone who lacks social skills might not realise the impact of their words on other people. They might make comments that are insensitive, dismissive, or hurtful, without even understanding how they sound. That’s the definition of a lack of social skills.

7. They fail to pick up on social cues.

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Social cues are like the unspoken language of interaction. Someone with poor social skills might miss these cues, leading to awkward interactions. They might not notice when someone is bored, uncomfortable, or upset, making it hard to connect.

8. They have difficulty reading the room.

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Being able to read the room means understanding the social dynamics of a situation. Someone who lacks social skills might not be able to pick up on the mood of a group or the unspoken rules of a setting, leading to them saying or doing things that are totally out of place.

9. They overshare personal details.

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We all know that person who spills their life story within minutes of meeting them. Oversharing can be uncomfortable and make people feel like they’re being bombarded with information. It’s like they don’t understand the concept of TMI (too much information) and can’t read social cues.

10. They always have to be right.

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Ever met someone who argues just for the sake of arguing? It’s exhausting, right? People who always have to be right can be difficult to have a conversation with because they’re not interested in listening to other perspectives. It’s like they think their opinion is the only one that matters.

11. They don’t respect personal space.

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We all need our personal space, but some people just don’t get it. They might stand too close, touch you without permission, or invade your personal bubble in other ways. This can be uncomfortable and make you feel violated.

12. They’re constantly complaining or negative.

woman eyes coffee cupSource: Unsplash

No one wants to be around a Debbie Downer. If someone is always complaining about their life, their job, or the world in general, it can be a real drag. It’s like they’re trying to suck the joy out of everything.

13. They gossip and talk behind people’s backs.

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If you can’t trust someone to keep your secrets, can you really trust them at all? Gossiping and talking behind people’s backs is a major sign of disrespect and a lack of integrity. It’s like they don’t understand the importance of loyalty and trustworthiness in relationships.

14. They don’t apologise or take responsibility for their mistakes.

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We all mess up sometimes, but a person with good social skills will own their mistakes and apologise sincerely. If someone refuses to admit when they’re wrong or take responsibility for their actions, it’s a sign they’re immature and lack self-awareness.

15. They make you feel uncomfortable or anxious.

Source: Unsplash

Ultimately, if someone’s behaviour consistently makes you feel uncomfortable, anxious, or on edge, it’s a sign that something isn’t right. Trust your gut feeling and don’t feel obligated to spend time with someone who drains your energy or makes you feel bad about yourself.

16. They can’t maintain eye contact.

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Eye contact is an important part of communication, and someone who avoids it might be feeling uncomfortable, insecure, or dishonest. While some people may have conditions that make eye contact difficult, consistently avoiding it in social settings can make people feel uncomfortable and create a sense of distance.