
Ever get that gut feeling that someone’s not being completely honest with you? It’s like you can sense they’re hiding something or twisting the truth. While we all want to believe the best in people, sometimes it’s important to be aware of the signs that someone might be deceiving us. Here are some red flags to keep your eyes peeled for.

1. They avoid eye contact.

When someone’s being dishonest, they often have a hard time looking you straight in the eye, Psychology Today points out. They glance away, fidget, or avoid your gaze altogether. This is because maintaining eye contact can be a sign of confidence and sincerity, and they don’t want to give themselves away.

2. They give vague or evasive answers.

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When you ask them a direct question, they beat around the bush, change the subject, or give you half-truths. They use a lot of filler words like “um,” “uh,” or “you know” to buy themselves time to come up with a plausible response. They may also repeat your question back to you or ask you to clarify it, hoping you’ll drop the topic.

3. Their body language doesn’t match their words.

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Their facial expressions, gestures, and posture can often reveal more than their words. They say one thing, but their body language says something entirely different. For example, they might smile while telling you a lie or cross their arms defensively when they’re feeling uncomfortable. Pay attention to these non-verbal cues, as they can often be more reliable indicators of their true feelings.

4. They become defensive or overly emotional.

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When you question their honesty or confront them about their behaviour, they tend to become overly defensive, angry, or emotional. They might try to turn the tables on you, accuse you of being paranoid or accusatory, or even play the victim. This emotional reaction is often a way to deflect attention from their own dishonesty and make you feel bad for questioning them.

5. They change their story or contradict themselves.

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If you catch someone in a lie, they usually try to cover it up by changing their story or contradicting themselves. They might forget what they said earlier or give you a different version of events. This inconsistency in their story is a clear sign that they’re not being truthful.

6. They overcompensate with details or explanations.

couple fightSource: Unsplash

Sometimes, when someone’s lying, they’ll try to make their story more believable by adding unnecessary details or explanations. They might go into elaborate descriptions or offer unsolicited information that doesn’t really add anything to the story. This overcompensation is a sign that they’re trying too hard to convince you of their honesty.

7. They’re overly eager to please or agree with you.

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If someone is always agreeing with you, never challenging your opinions, or constantly trying to please you, it could be a sign they’re being insincere. While it’s nice to be around people who are agreeable, it’s important to have relationships where you can be honest and express your true feelings without fear of judgment or rejection.

8. They avoid answering questions directly or change the subject.

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When you ask them a question, they may answer with a question of their own, change the subject, or give you a vague or unrelated response. They might also try to deflect the question by making a joke or making you feel like you’re being too nosy or demanding. This avoidance tactic is a common sign of dishonesty.

9. They blame other people or make excuses.

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When things go wrong, they’re quick to point the finger at someone else or come up with a laundry list of excuses. It’s never their fault, always someone else’s. This lack of accountability makes it hard to trust them or rely on them when it counts.

10. They get defensive when questioned.

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If you dare to question their version of events or ask for clarification, they get super defensive. It’s like they can’t handle being challenged or having their authority questioned. They get angry, deflect, or even try to turn the situation around on you.

11. They seem overly secretive or guarded.

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They dodge questions, avoid giving straight answers, or be vague about their whereabouts or activities. This secrecy can create a sense of unease and distrust, making you wonder what they’re hiding.

12. Their stories don’t add up.

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If you pay close attention, you might notice inconsistencies or contradictions in their stories. Details change, timelines don’t make sense, or they may even forget what they’ve told you in the past. These inconsistencies can be a major red flag that something fishy is going on.

13. They’re too good to be true.

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If someone seems perfect, always has a solution for everything, or never seems to have any problems, it could be a sign that they’re not being entirely honest. No one is perfect, and it’s normal to have flaws and struggles. If someone seems too good to be true, they probably are.

14. They try to control the narrative.

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They try to twist your words, gaslight you, or make you doubt your own perception of reality. They want to control the story and make themselves look good, even if it means sacrificing your well-being or distorting the truth.

15. They lack remorse or guilt.

Igor Emmerich

Even when caught in a lie or confronted about their behaviour, they probably show no remorse or guilt. They may even try to justify their actions or blame you for their mistakes. This lack of accountability and empathy can be a major red flag in any relationship.

16. You feel uneasy or suspicious around them.

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Sometimes, our gut instinct is the best indicator of all. If you consistently feel uneasy or suspicious around someone, even if you can’t pinpoint why, it’s worth paying attention to those feelings. Your intuition might be picking up on subtle cues that something’s not right. Trust your gut and be cautious when dealing with people who give you a bad vibe.