Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Being able to roll with the punches is one of the most important qualities you can have.

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After all, life is going to throw some pretty messed up things at you over the years, and your ability to adapt and adjust rather than becoming overwhelmed and feeling paralysed in the face of change will make all the difference. Here are some signs your flexibility likely saves you a lot of trouble.

1. Last-minute changes to plans don’t stress you out.

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When your friends ring you up and say they’ve changed the meet-up spot, you don’t bat an eye. You’re cool with going with the flow and adjusting your plans on the fly. It’s not a big deal to you if things don’t go exactly as planned.

2. You can work productively in different environments.

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Whether it’s a noisy café, a quiet library, or your own living room, you can get stuff done. You don’t need a specific setup to be productive. You adapt your work style to fit wherever you find yourself.

3. Trying new foods doesn’t scare you.

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When you’re faced with a menu full of dishes you’ve never heard of, you get excited rather than nervous. You’re always up for tasting something new, even if it looks a bit odd. Food adventures are your thing.

4. You’re okay with not being an expert right away.

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When you start something new, you don’t expect to be brilliant from day one. You’re cool with the learning process and don’t get frustrated when you’re not immediately great at something. You know it takes time to build skills.

5. Technology updates don’t freak you out.

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When your phone or computer needs an update, you don’t put it off for weeks. You’re happy to learn new features and aren’t bothered by changes to the interface. You see tech updates as a chance to discover cool new stuff.

6. You can strike up conversations with all sorts of people.

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Whether you’re chatting with your neighbour or someone from a completely different background, you find common ground. You’re comfortable talking to people from all walks of life and can adjust your communication style to suit different folks.

7. Unexpected roadblocks don’t derail your whole day.

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When something throws a spanner in the works — like a flat tyre or a cancelled appointment — you don’t let it ruin everything. You figure out a workaround and carry on with your day. It’s just a bump in the road, not the end of the world.

8. You’re open to changing your mind when presented with new information.

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If someone shows you evidence that contradicts what you believe, you’re willing to reconsider your stance. You don’t dig your heels in just to save face. You see changing your mind as a sign of growth, not weakness.

9. You can find ways to enjoy yourself in unexpected situations.

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Stuck in a long queue? You’ll strike up a conversation or use the time to catch up on podcasts. Rainy day ruined your outdoor plans? You’ll come up with a fun indoor alternative. You make the best of whatever situation you’re in.

10. Criticism doesn’t crush you.

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When someone gives you feedback, even if it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, you don’t crumble. You take it on board, think about how you can improve, and move forward. You see criticism as a chance to get better, not as a personal attack.

11. You’re comfortable with not having all the answers.

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When you don’t know something, you’re not afraid to admit it. You’re happy to say “I don’t know” and then go find out. You see gaps in your knowledge as opportunities to learn, not as failings.

12. Change in your work environment doesn’t throw you off.

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New boss? Different team structure? You take it in your stride. You’re quick to adjust to new ways of working and can maintain your productivity even when things around you are shifting.

13. You can adjust your communication style for different audiences.

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Whether you’re explaining something to a kid or presenting to a room full of experts, you can tailor your message. You’re good at reading the room and adjusting how you speak to make sure you’re understood.

14. Cultural differences intrigue rather than intimidate you.

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When you encounter customs or beliefs different from your own, you’re curious rather than judgmental. You’re eager to learn about other cultures and can respect and adapt to different ways of doing things.

15. You’re willing to take on roles outside your comfort zone.

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If your team needs someone to step up and do something you’ve never done before, you’re game to give it a go. You’re not afraid of trying new roles or taking on unfamiliar responsibilities. You see it as a chance to stretch yourself.

16. You can function without your usual routine.

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While you might prefer your normal routine, you can cope when it gets disrupted. If you can’t hit the gym like usual or have to skip your morning coffee, you find ways to adapt. You don’t let changes to your routine throw your whole day off.

17. You see problems as puzzles to solve, not insurmountable obstacles.

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When faced with a challenge, your first thought is “How can I figure this out?” rather than “This is impossible.” You approach problems with a can-do attitude, looking for creative solutions rather than giving up when things get tough.

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