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Respect is a two-way street, and it’s something we all crave. But sometimes, we might be unknowingly sabotaging ourselves. If you’re wondering why people aren’t giving you the respect you deserve, it could be due to some habits you’ve developed. Let’s have a look at a few common behaviours that might be contributing to this issue.

1. You avoid expressing your true opinions.

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Maybe you keep quiet instead of disagreeing with someone in a meeting. Or you nod along with a friend’s opinion even if you don’t genuinely feel the same way. While a little diplomacy is important, constantly censoring your true thoughts might be a sign you’re afraid of being judged or disliked if people knew what you really believed. People respect those who stand up for what they believe in, even if it’s unpopular.

2. You constantly put yourself down.

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A little self-deprecating humour can be charming, but if you’re constantly putting yourself down, people might start to believe those negative things. It’s hard to respect someone who doesn’t seem to respect themselves. Try focusing on your positive qualities and accomplishments instead.

3. You gossip and spread negativity.

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Everyone enjoys a juicy story now and then, but if you’re the person who always has something negative to say about everyone, it won’t be long before people start to wonder what you say about them behind their backs. Gossiping erodes trust and makes you appear petty and unreliable. Focus on building people up instead of tearing them down.

4. You don’t keep your word.

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Whether it’s a promise to a friend or a commitment at work, failing to follow through on your word is a major respect killer. People need to know they can rely on you. If you’re constantly flaky or unreliable, they’ll quickly lose faith in you. Start small by making and keeping simple promises, and gradually build from there.

5. You blame everybody else for your mistakes.

Source: Unsplash

Everyone messes up sometimes. It’s how you handle those mistakes that matter. If you’re always pointing the finger at someone else, it shows a lack of accountability. Own up to your errors, learn from them, and move on. People respect those who take responsibility for their actions.

6. You interrupt and talk over people.

serious woman sitting outdoors on stepsSource: Unsplash

In conversations, it’s important to give other people a chance to speak. If you’re constantly interrupting or talking over people, it shows that you don’t value their opinions or perspectives. Active listening is key to building respect. Let people finish their thoughts before you jump in with your own.

7. You make promises you can’t keep.

woman in coffee shop looking to the rightSource: Unsplash

It’s tempting to say yes to everything, but if you’re constantly overcommitting and then failing to deliver, it will damage your reputation. Learn to set realistic expectations and say no when necessary. People will respect your honesty and integrity.

8. You’re always late.

serious man on beach looking to sideSource: Unsplash

Being chronically late shows a lack of respect for other people’s time. It suggests that you don’t value their schedules or consider their commitments important. Make an effort to be punctual, even if it means setting your alarm a little earlier or leaving the house a few minutes sooner.

9. You’re always complaining and negative.

man alone against hay baleSource: Unsplash

A little venting can be healthy, but if you’re constantly complaining about everything, it becomes draining for those around you. No one wants to be around a perpetual Debbie Downer. Try to focus on the positive aspects of your life and cultivate an attitude of gratitude. A positive outlook is contagious and will make you a more enjoyable person to be around.

10. You don’t take care of your appearance.

unhappy womanSource: Unsplash

While looks aren’t everything, taking care of your appearance shows self-respect and consideration for others. It doesn’t mean you have to be dressed to the nines all the time, but basic hygiene and grooming are important. When you put effort into your appearance, it signals that you value yourself and want to make a good impression.

11. You’re always trying to one-up everyone.

guy sitting outside in woods looking thoughtfulSource: Unsplash

A little friendly competition can be fun, but if you’re constantly trying to outdo everyone else, it comes across as insecure and attention-seeking. Celebrate other people’s successes and be genuinely happy for them. A supportive attitude will make you more likeable and respected.

12. You take credit for other people’s work.

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This is a major no-no in any setting, whether it’s at school, work, or in your personal life. Taking credit for someone else’s ideas or efforts is dishonest and disrespectful. Always give credit where it’s due, and be willing to share the spotlight. People will appreciate your integrity and humility.

13. You don’t listen to feedback.

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Everyone has room for improvement. If someone offers constructive criticism, don’t take it personally or get defensive. Listen to what they have to say, consider their perspective, and try to learn from it. People respect those who are open to feedback and willing to grow.

14. You’re dismissive of other people’s feelings.

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Everyone experiences a range of emotions, and it’s important to validate those feelings, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them. If you’re quick to dismiss or belittle someone else’s emotions, it shows a lack of empathy and understanding. Try to put yourself in their shoes and see things from their perspective. A compassionate approach will earn you respect and trust.

15. You try to control everything.

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A little organisation is good, but if you’re constantly trying to micromanage every aspect of your life and the lives of those around you, it can be suffocating. Learn to let go, trust people, and embrace a little spontaneity. People respect those who can go with the flow and adapt to change.