Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

While selfishness feels like somewhat of an epidemic these days, there are some genuinely kind, caring people out there.

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They go out of their way to make other people’s lives easier just because they can, and they restore your faith in the world when all the bad stuff shakes it. Are you one of these people? If you do these things, you’re clearly a deeply nurturing person.

1. You offer your jacket when someone looks cold.

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Even if it means you’ll be a bit chilly, you can’t stand to see someone else shivering. You’re always the first to offer up your coat or jumper to keep other people warm. You’d give someone the shirt off your back if they needed it!

2. You always have a tissue or plaster handy.

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Somehow, you’re always prepared for life’s little emergencies. Runny nose? Paper cut? You’ve got it covered. Your bag is like a miniature first aid kit, ready for any situation.

2. You remember people’s food preferences and allergies.

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When you’re planning a meal or picking up snacks, you automatically consider everyone’s likes, dislikes, and dietary restrictions. You’d never dream of serving nuts to your friend with an allergy, or meat to your vegetarian colleague.

4. You’re the unofficial therapist in your friend group.

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People seem to naturally gravitate towards you when they need to talk. You find yourself listening to friends’ problems and offering advice, often without them even asking directly.

5. You always bring extra snacks.

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Whether it’s a day trip or a quick outing, you always pack more food than you need. You can’t bear the thought of anyone going hungry, so you come prepared to share.

6. You check in on people regularly.

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You find yourself sending “How are you doing?” texts or making quick calls to friends and family, especially if you know they’ve been going through a tough time. It’s just second nature to you.

7. You’re quick to offer help with tasks.

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When a friend mentions they’re moving house or a colleague is swamped with work, you’re the first to offer a helping hand. You don’t even think twice about it.

8. You notice when someone’s not feeling themselves.

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You have a knack for picking up on subtle changes in people’s moods. If a friend seems a bit off, you’re usually the first to notice and gently ask if everything’s okay.

9. You’re always prepared with water and snacks on outings.

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Whether it’s a short walk or a day trip, you always make sure to bring enough water and snacks for everyone. You’d hate for anyone to feel thirsty or peckish.

10. You go out of your way to make newcomers feel welcome.

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In social situations, you naturally gravitate towards people who look uncomfortable or left out. You make an effort to include them in conversations and help them feel at ease.

11. You remember important dates without needing reminders.

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Birthdays, anniversaries, important meetings — you seem to have a mental calendar for everyone in your life. You’re always the first with a card or a supportive text.

12. You often put other people’s needs before your own.


Whether it’s giving up the last slice of pizza or staying late to help a colleague, you often put other people’s needs first without even realising it. You want to make sure people are comfortable and happy, even if that puts you at a disadvantage at times.

13. You’re the peacemaker whenever there’s drama.

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When arguments break out, you find yourself trying to smooth things over and find compromises. You hate to see people at odds with each other, and you believe there’s no problem that can’t be solved with a bit of effort.

14. You automatically tidy up spaces, even if they’re not yours.

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You can’t help straightening pillows on a friend’s sofa or organising leaflets in a waiting room. You just want to make spaces more comfortable for everyone. You try not to overstep, of course, but you can’t help but pitch in.

15. You’re always ready with a compliment.


You notice when people have made an effort with their appearance or done well at something, and you make sure to let them know. Boosting people’s confidence comes naturally to you.

16. You’re the one people call in a crisis.

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Somehow, you’ve become the go-to person when things go wrong. Whether it’s a flat tyre or a broken heart, people know they can count on you for support.

17. You often anticipate what other people need before they ask.

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You’re already grabbing a glass of water for your friend before they realise they’re thirsty, or you’re offering a pen to your colleague before they’ve asked for one. You’re tuned into other people’s needs.

18. You’re patient with people who need extra time or explanation.

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Whether it’s an elderly person struggling with technology or a child learning to tie their shoelaces, you never rush people. You’re happy to take the time to help and explain things clearly — you never lose patience, and that’s a rarity.

19. You create comfortable environments without thinking.

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You automatically adjust lighting, offer cushions, or turn down loud music to make sure everyone’s comfortable. Creating a cosy atmosphere is second nature to you.

20. You celebrate other people’s wins as if they were your own.

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When your friends or family achieve something, you’re genuinely thrilled for them. You love to make a fuss and ensure their accomplishments are properly celebrated.

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