Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Compassion is more than just being nice.

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It’s about truly understanding and caring about other people’s feelings and experiences. If you find yourself doing these 14 things, you might be more compassionate than you realise.

1. You listen without interrupting.

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When someone’s talking to you, you give them your full attention. You don’t just wait for your turn to speak or try to jump in with advice. Instead, you really hear what they’re saying, trying to understand their perspective. You know that sometimes, people just need to be heard.

2. You notice when other people are struggling.

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You’ve got a knack for picking up on subtle cues that someone’s having a hard time. Maybe it’s a coworker who seems more stressed than usual, or a friend who’s been quieter lately. You’re tuned in to how other people are feeling, even when they’re not saying it outright.

3. You offer help without being asked.

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When you see someone struggling, you don’t wait for them to ask for help. You step in and offer support in whatever way you can. Maybe it’s helping a neighbour with their shopping or offering to babysit for a friend who needs a break. You’re proactive in your kindness.

4. You don’t judge people for their mistakes.

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When someone messes up, you don’t jump to criticise them. Instead, you try to understand what led to their mistake. You know that everyone’s human and that we all slip up sometimes. You offer support rather than judgement.

5. You’re patient with people who are learning.

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Whether it’s a new colleague at work or a friend trying to pick up a new skill, you’re patient and encouraging. You remember what it’s like to be a beginner, and you’re happy to explain things as many times as needed. You celebrate small progress and offer gentle guidance.

6. You stand up for people.

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When you see someone being treated unfairly, you speak up. You don’t just stand by when other people are being bullied or discriminated against. You use your voice to defend those who might not be able to defend themselves, even if it’s uncomfortable or risky for you.

7. You try to see things from other people’s perspectives.

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You make an effort to understand where people are coming from, even when you disagree with them. You ask questions to learn about their experiences and beliefs. You know that empathy doesn’t mean agreeing with everyone, but it does mean trying to understand them.

8. You forgive easily.

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When someone hurts you, you don’t hold grudges. You understand that people make mistakes, and you’re willing to give second chances. This doesn’t mean you let people walk all over you, but you don’t let resentment poison your relationships.

9. You’re kind to yourself.

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Compassion isn’t just about how you treat people — it’s also about how you treat yourself. You don’t beat yourself up over mistakes or failures. Instead, you talk to yourself with kindness and understanding, just as you would to a friend who’s going through a tough time.

10. You celebrate other people’s successes.

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When good things happen to the people around you, you’re genuinely happy for them. You don’t let jealousy or competitiveness get in the way of celebrating other people’s achievements. You know that someone else’s success doesn’t diminish your own.

11. You’re mindful of how your actions affect other people.

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Before you act or speak, you consider how it might impact those around you. You’re aware that your words and actions can have consequences, and you try to minimise any harm you might cause. This doesn’t mean you walk on eggshells, but you’re thoughtful about how you interact with the world.

12. You make an effort to include outsiders.

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Whether it’s the new person at work or someone standing alone at a party, you make an effort to include them. You know how it feels to be left out, so you actively try to bring people into the fold. You’re the one who strikes up a conversation or invites someone to join your group.

13. You’re generous with your time and resources.

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When you have something to give — whether it’s your time, your skills, or material resources — you’re happy to share. You volunteer, you help friends move house, you donate to causes you care about. You understand that true wealth comes from what you give, not what you have.

14. You respect boundaries.

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While you’re always ready to help, you also understand the importance of boundaries. You don’t push people to open up if they’re not ready, and you respect when someone says no. You know that true compassion involves respecting other people’s limits and needs, even when they differ from your own.

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