We often measure wealth by how much money’s in the bank or the stuff we own, but that’s not everything.

Obviously, it’s naive to claim that money doesn’t matter, but being well-off is often about having access to things we take for granted and don’t think twice about. Here are just a few things that, if you have them, make you richer than most people in the world. A little gratitude might be in order!
1. A safe place to call home

Whether it’s a flat, a house, or even just a cosy room, having a place where you feel secure is a huge privilege. It’s more than just four walls and a roof — it’s somewhere you can relax, be yourself, and shut the world out. Many people live in uncertainty, so if you have a safe space to retreat to, you’re wealthier than you think.
2. Access to clean water

If you can turn on a tap and get clean, drinkable water, you’re already ahead of millions. For many, fresh water isn’t a guarantee, and they have to travel miles for it. The ability to stay hydrated, shower, and make a cup of tea without a second thought? That’s a luxury we often overlook.
3. Food on the table every day

Being able to eat when you’re hungry — and having options — is something many people can’t say. Whether it’s a fancy dinner or a humble toast-and-butter combo, if your meals are reliable and your fridge isn’t empty, you’re doing better than a huge chunk of the world.
4. The freedom to express yourself

If you can share your thoughts, wear what you want, or openly disagree without fearing for your safety, you’re living in a type of freedom many people don’t have. Self-expression might seem basic, but in many parts of the world, it’s a rare privilege.
5. Friends who’ve got your back

Having even just a couple of friends you can rely on is priceless. They’re the ones who cheer you on, listen to your rants, and make life feel less lonely. True friendships are like gold — rare, valuable, and worth more than any material wealth.
6. The ability to read and write

If you’re reading this right now, congratulations — you’re part of a fortunate group. Literacy opens doors to knowledge, jobs, and the wider world. It’s something many of us take for granted, but millions of people never get the chance to learn these basic skills.
7. Reliable healthcare access

If you can see a doctor when you’re sick or get medicine when you need it, that’s a huge advantage. In many countries, healthcare is either scarce or too expensive. Being able to look after your health without facing financial ruin is a kind of wealth that’s hard to put a price on.
8. The internet and a working phone or computer

Staying connected, Googling random questions, or binge-watching your favourite shows — it’s all possible if you have internet access and a device. The digital world keeps you informed, entertained, and connected to other people. Believe it or not, this kind of connectivity is still a luxury for many people.
9. Time to relax and unwind

If you can kick back and enjoy a bit of downtime, whether it’s a lazy Sunday or a quiet evening, you’re richer than you realise. Many people are caught in a relentless cycle of work and survival. Time to rest and recharge isn’t something everyone gets to enjoy.
10. The ability to pursue your interests

Whether it’s reading, painting, running, or playing video games, having hobbies is a sign of wealth. It means you have not just time, but also the mental space and freedom to enjoy life’s little pleasures. That’s a luxury not everyone has.
11. Clothes that keep you warm and dry

Having a wardrobe with clothes for different seasons, occasions, or moods is a privilege. If you’ve got a decent coat for winter or shoes that don’t leak when it rains, you’re luckier than many people who face the elements with little to no protection.
12. A job or income that supports you

It might not be your dream job, and Mondays might still be awful, but if you have a steady income that pays the bills, you’re doing better than many. Financial security — even if it feels basic — is something a large part of the world is still striving for.
13. Access to education or learning opportunities

Being able to learn new skills, attend school, or even watch free tutorials online is a huge advantage. Knowledge gives you options, and options give you power. In a world where education is often a privilege, having any chance to learn is a gift.
14. Good health or the ability to manage your health

If you wake up feeling well, or have the tools to manage your health challenges, you’re already ahead. Health is the foundation that lets you enjoy everything else. Many people struggle with health issues that limit their daily lives, making well-being a form of wealth we often overlook.
15. Love and support from family or chosen family

Whether it’s biological relatives or your chosen family, having people who love and support you is the ultimate richness. They’re the ones who care about your highs and lows, and their presence makes life feel meaningful. Money can’t buy that kind of wealth.