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Ever notice how some people just seem to click with everyone? It’s not always about being the life of the party or telling the best jokes. Sometimes, it’s about knowing what not to say. Certain topics can be real conversation killers, leaving people feeling uncomfortable or downright annoyed. So, if you’re looking to win some hearts and minds, here are a few things you might want to steer clear of.

1. Your detailed medical history.

Envato Elements

We all have our aches and pains, but launching into a graphic description of your latest ailment isn’t the best way to make friends. Trust me, people don’t need to know about your weird rash or that time you had food poisoning. Save those stories for your doctor or maybe a close friend who’s into that kind of thing. A little mystery can go a long way.

2. Your never-ending diet saga.

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Sure, it’s great that you’re taking care of your health, but constantly talking about what you can and can’t eat can get old fast. It can make people feel self-conscious about their own choices, or simply bored by your obsession with kale and quinoa. Focus on enjoying your food and let other people do the same.

3. Your exhaustive list of exes.

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We’ve all had our share of romantic mishaps, but airing your dirty laundry about past relationships isn’t exactly charming. It can make you seem bitter, gossipy, or even a little desperate. Plus, it’s just not very respectful to the people you used to be close to. Keep those memories tucked away and focus on the present.

4. Your unsolicited advice.

Source: Unsplash

Unless someone specifically asks for your opinion, resist the urge to dole out advice. It can come across as judgmental, condescending, or simply annoying. People like to figure things out for themselves, so unless they’re clearly struggling, let them navigate their own path. A listening ear is often more valuable than a lecture.

5. Your controversial conspiracy theories.

Source: Unsplash

Look, we all have our own beliefs, but spouting off about outlandish conspiracy theories isn’t going to win you any popularity contests. It can make you seem paranoid, gullible, or even a bit unhinged. Stick to topics that are more grounded in reality and less likely to spark heated debates.

6. Your endless bragging about your kids/pets.

Source: Unsplash

We get it, you’re proud of your little ones (furry or otherwise), but constantly gushing about their every move can be a major turn-off. Not everyone shares your enthusiasm, and some may even find it a bit obnoxious. Share those cute photos and stories sparingly, and be mindful of your audience.

7. Your superior knowledge on every subject.

male and female colleague chatting at cafeSource: Unsplash

It’s great to be informed, but nobody likes a know-it-all. Constantly correcting people, offering unsolicited facts, or dominating conversations can make you seem arrogant and dismissive. Remember, there’s always something new to learn, and everyone has their own unique perspective to offer.

8. Your financial woes.

Source: Unsplash

Money troubles are stressful, but constantly complaining about your lack of funds isn’t the best way to connect with people. It can make you seem negative, entitled, or even a bit desperate. Focus on finding solutions to your problems, and try to keep things light and positive when you’re socialising.

9. Your latest drama with your coworkers.

male and female colleague chatting at cafeSource: Unsplash

We all have those days when we just want to vent about our annoying colleagues, but constantly complaining about work can be a real drag for everyone else. It makes you seem negative, unprofessional, and even a little entitled. Plus, it can make people wonder what you say about them when they’re not around. Keep those office grievances to yourself or save them for a trusted confidant who won’t spill the beans.

10. Your obsessive fandom.

Source: Unsplash

It’s cool to have passions, but going overboard with your fandom can be a bit much for some folks. Constantly quoting your favourite film, dressing up in cosplay, or debating obscure trivia can make you seem a little out of touch with reality. Remember, not everyone shares your enthusiasm, so try to keep your geeking out to a minimum and be respectful of other people’s interests.

11. Your graphic details about your bodily functions.

Dmytro Sheremeta

This should go without saying, but nobody wants to hear about your bathroom habits, weird bodily noises, or gross medical procedures. It’s just plain TMI, and it can make people feel uncomfortable or even nauseous. Keep those details private and spare your friends and acquaintances the gory details.

12. Your political rants.

© Milenko Đilas - Veternik

We all have our own political views, but turning every conversation into a soapbox for your opinions can be a real mood killer. It can make people feel alienated, attacked, or simply bored. Save those debates for the appropriate forums and try to find common ground with people, even if you don’t see eye-to-eye on everything.

13. Your humblebrags disguised as complaints.


We all know the type: “Ugh, I’m so stressed about my upcoming holiday to Bali.” Or “I can’t believe I have to wear this designer dress to the gala tonight.” These backhanded compliments are not only annoying, but they also make you seem insecure and attention-seeking. Just own your successes and good fortune without trying to fish for compliments.

14. Your oversharing on social media.

© Eugenio Marongiu

In the age of social media, it’s easy to get caught up in sharing every detail of your life, but resist the urge to overshare. Constantly posting about your meals, workouts, relationship drama, or mundane daily activities can make you seem self-absorbed and a little desperate for validation. Keep things balanced and focus on sharing content that is meaningful, interesting, or entertaining.

15. Your negativity and cynicism.

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Nobody likes a Debbie Downer. Constantly complaining, criticising, or focusing on the negative aspects of life can be a real energy drain for everyone around you. It can also make you seem bitter, pessimistic, and even a bit toxic. Try to focus on the good things in life, practice gratitude, and cultivate a more positive outlook. People are drawn to those who radiate joy and optimism.