Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Overthinking can be the bane of your existence if you suffer from it.

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While it’s normal to feel anxious and mull things over occasionally, overthinking means you end up obsessing and fixating on things that are completely mundane and not that deep. If you struggle with this, you’re not alone. However, you also don’t have to let it define you. Here are some bad habits overthinkers often have that you’ll need to cut out completely if you want to regain a feeling of calm and sanity.

1. Always trying to predict the future

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If you catch yourself constantly playing out “what if” scenarios in your head, you’re probably overthinking. The future’s not set in stone, so trying to figure out every possible outcome is just exhausting. Try to focus on what’s happening right now instead of worrying about stuff that might never happen.

2. Replaying conversations in your head over and over

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Obsessing over what you said (or didn’t say) in a conversation is a classic overthinking move. Remember, most people are too wrapped up in their own stuff to analyse your words as much as you do. If you said something dumb, chances are everyone else has already forgotten about it.

3. Always looking for hidden meanings or agendas

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Not everything has a deeper meaning. Sometimes a text is just a text, and a look is just a look. If you find yourself constantly trying to decode people’s words or actions, you’re probably overthinking. Most of the time, things are exactly what they seem.

4. Taking way too long to make decisions

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If choosing what to have for lunch turns into a major life decision, you’re overthinking. While it’s good to consider your options, at some point you’ve got to just pick something and roll with it. Not every choice needs to be perfect.

5. Always asking for other people’s opinions

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It’s okay to get advice sometimes, but if you can’t decide anything without polling all your friends first, you might be overthinking. Trust your gut more often. You probably know what’s best for you better than anyone else does.

6. Beating yourself up over past mistakes

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We all mess up sometimes, but if you’re constantly replaying your mistakes and cringing, you’re stuck in overthinking mode. What’s done is done. Learn from it, sure, but then let it go. Dwelling on past slip-ups won’t change anything.

7. Assuming the worst in every situation

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If your mind always jumps to the worst-case scenario, you’re definitely overthinking. Most of the time, things work out fine. Try to balance out those negative thoughts with some positive possibilities too.

8. Obsessing over things you can’t control

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Worrying about stuff you have no power over is a waste of energy. Whether it’s the weather, other people’s actions, or world events, if you can’t change it, try not to let it take up too much space in your head.

9. Struggling to be present in the moment

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Overthinking often means you’re stuck in your head instead of experiencing what’s happening right now. If you’re always thinking about what’s next or what just happened, you’re missing out on the present moment.

10. Overanalysing your relationships

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If you dissect every interaction with your friends or partner, you’re probably overthinking. Healthy relationships don’t need constant analysis. Sometimes, it’s better to just enjoy the connection without trying to figure out what every little thing means.

11. Procrastinating because you’re trying to plan everything perfectly

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Waiting for the perfect moment or trying to plan out every detail before you start something is usually just overthinking in disguise. Sometimes, you’ve just got to dive in and figure things out as you go.

12. Taking everything personally

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If you assume every comment or action is somehow about you, you’re overthinking. Usually, people are caught up in their own stuff and aren’t thinking about you nearly as much as you imagine.

13. Struggling to accept compliments

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If someone says something nice about you, and you immediately start thinking of reasons why they’re wrong, that’s overthinking. Learn to take a compliment at face value. If someone thinks you’re awesome, maybe you are!