Envato Elements

We all know that person. They’re always preening, bragging, and fishing for compliments. They might seem confident, but underneath it all is a deep-seated insecurity and a need for constant validation. If you find yourself relating to more than a few of these signs, it might be time to check your ego at the door.

1. You spend an excessive amount of time in front of the mirror.

Envato Elements

It’s one thing to check your hair and makeup before heading out, but if you’re constantly gazing at your reflection, adjusting your angles, and posing for imaginary paparazzi, it might be a sign that you’re a little too obsessed with your looks. Remember, beauty is fleeting, but a kind heart lasts forever.

2. You constantly fish for compliments.

Bernard Bodo

You post selfies on social media with captions like “Feeling ugly today,” hoping for a flood of comments telling you how gorgeous you are. You downplay your accomplishments or talents, just to hear someone else praise them. This constant need for validation can be exhausting for both you and the people around you.

3. You’re obsessed with your appearance.

Source: Unsplash

You spend a fortune on clothes, makeup, and hair products. You meticulously plan your outfits and spend hours getting ready for even the most mundane events. Your appearance is your top priority, and you feel incomplete without looking your absolute best.

4. You believe you’re better than everyone else.

Vladimirs Poplavskis

You have an inflated sense of self-importance, and you look down on those who don’t meet your standards. You might judge people based on their appearance, their job, or their social status. This superiority complex can alienate you from other people and prevent you from forming genuine connections.

5. You can’t handle criticism.


Any negative feedback, no matter how constructive, sends you into a tailspin. You take it personally and react defensively, instead of using it as an opportunity for growth. This hypersensitivity to criticism can stunt your personal development and hinder your relationships.

6. You’re always trying to one-up people.

woman mobileSource: Unsplash

Someone mentions their holiday, and you have to chime in with your even more luxurious trip. Someone talks about their promotion, and you have to brag about your bigger raise. You always need to be the centre of attention and have the best of everything.

7. You have a hard time admitting when you’re wrong.

Source: Unsplash

You’re so invested in maintaining your image of perfection that you can’t bear to acknowledge your mistakes or shortcomings. You’d rather deflect blame, make excuses, or even lie than admit that you’re not always right. This stubbornness can damage your relationships and prevent you from learning from your experiences.

8. You’re overly concerned with what other people think of you.

Envato Elements

You constantly seek approval and validation from other people, and you worry about what they think of your every move. You might change your behaviour, your opinions, or even your appearance to fit in or please everyone else. This need for external validation can lead to a loss of authenticity and prevent you from being true to yourself.

9. You name-drop excessively.

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You can’t help but mention your famous acquaintances, your exclusive memberships, or your expensive possessions in casual conversation. You believe it elevates your status and makes you more interesting, but in reality, it just comes off as obnoxious and insecure.

10. You have an inflated social media presence.

Envato Elements

Your Instagram feed is a carefully curated collection of selfies, luxury vacations, and perfectly plated meals. You spend hours editing your photos, crafting witty captions, and obsessing over the number of likes and comments you receive. Your online persona is more important than your real-life relationships.

11. You’re overly competitive, even in trivial matters.

Envato Elements

You can’t stand to lose, even in a friendly game of cards or a board game. You take everything as a personal challenge and measure your self-worth by your ability to outperform other people. This hyper-competitive attitude can create tension and conflict in your relationships.

12. You brag about your accomplishments (even if they’re not that impressive).


You never miss an opportunity to tell people about your latest promotion, your expensive new car, or your impressive marathon time. You believe your achievements are a reflection of your superior abilities and worth, and you feel the need to constantly remind people of your greatness.

13. You take an excessive number of selfies.

Source: Unsplash

Your phone is filled with photos of yourself, from every angle and in every outfit. You can’t resist snapping a selfie whenever you see a mirror, and you spend hours perfecting your poses and filters. Your obsession with documenting your own image borders on narcissism.

14. You’re always trying to be the centre of attention.

Envato Elements

You dominate conversations, interrupt people, and make everything about you. You crave the spotlight and feel neglected if you’re not the focus of everyone’s attention. This self-centred behaviour can be draining for those around you and make it difficult to form meaningful connections.

15. You’re constantly seeking external validation.

Source: Unsplash

You rely on compliments, likes, and followers to feel good about yourself. You’re insecure and have a fragile sense of self-worth, so you constantly seek approval and reassurance from other people. This dependence on external validation can lead to a never-ending cycle of seeking attention and feeling empty.