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Everyone gets hyped up sometimes,  but are you the person your friends secretly call “The Stress Express?” Are you constantly on edge, a stickler for rules, or always ready to pounce on any perceived infraction? Obviously, I’m not here to judge. Instead, here are a few signs that you might be a tad uptight and how to chill out a bit. After all, life’s too short to be a tightly wound ball of stress.

1. Your socks are always perfectly matched.

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No, really! If you meticulously fold and pair your socks like they’re going on display in a museum, it might be time to loosen up a bit. Life is messy, and so are socks. Embrace the chaos, let a few go missing, and maybe even wear mismatched pairs for a day. Who knows, you might discover a newfound appreciation for the rebellious sock that dares to break free.

2. You haven’t broken a single rule since childhood.

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Remember that time you coloured outside the lines in kindergarten and felt a pang of guilt? Yeah, that’s a sign you might be taking life a bit too seriously. It’s okay to bend (or even break) the rules occasionally, as long as it doesn’t harm anyone. Order dessert for breakfast, wear pyjamas to the grocery store, or sing off-key at the top of your lungs. A little rebellion can be surprisingly liberating.

3. You’ve never laughed so hard that you snorted.

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If you haven’t experienced the sheer joy of an uncontrollable snort-laugh, you might be missing out on one of life’s simple pleasures. It’s a sign that you’re letting loose, being silly, and not taking yourself too seriously. So, next time a joke tickles your funny bone, let that snort fly! It’s a badge of honour, not a faux pas.

4. You always have a detailed five-year plan.

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Planning is great, but having every minute of the next five years meticulously mapped out might be a sign of a control freak in the making. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes the best adventures happen when you throw caution to the wind. Embrace spontaneity, allow for detours, and remember that sometimes the most exciting destinations are the ones you stumble upon unexpectedly.

5. You can’t stand even a speck of dust.

Yuri Arcurs

Do you find yourself constantly dusting, vacuuming, and straightening up? While cleanliness is admirable, obsessing over every speck of dust can be a sign of excessive rigidity. Relax, let your hair down, and maybe even skip a cleaning day or two. Remember, a lived-in space is a sign of a life well-lived.

6. You correct people’s grammar mid-conversation.

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We all know that grammar nerd who can’t resist pointing out every misplaced comma or dangling modifier. While correct grammar is important, interrupting a conversation to correct someone’s language can be a major mood killer. Let it slide once in a while, and focus on the content of the conversation, not the syntax.

7. You never eat food with your hands.

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If you always use a fork and knife, even for pizza or tacos, you might be missing out on some sensory delights. Sometimes, the best way to experience food is to get a little messy. Dig in with your fingers, lick your plate clean, and savour the primal joy of eating with abandon. Who cares if you get a little sauce on your chin?

8. You’re always early to everything.


While punctuality is a virtue, being perpetually early can be a sign of anxiety or a fear of missing out. Allow yourself to be fashionably late once in a while. Breathe, relax, and enjoy the journey, not just the destination. You might be surprised at how freeing it feels not to be constantly rushing against the clock.

9. You have a designated spot for everything in your fridge.


Does your refrigerator look like a meticulously organised Tetris game? While it’s nice to have some order, assigning a specific spot for every condiment and leftover container might be a tad excessive. Embrace a little chaos in your fridge, let those pickles mingle with the olives, and who knows, you might stumble upon a surprisingly delicious flavour combination.

10. You’ve never danced in the rain.


Remember that childlike joy of splashing in puddles and twirling under the raindrops? If you haven’t experienced that in a while, it might be time to unleash your inner child. Rain doesn’t have to be a gloomy inconvenience; it can be an invitation to dance, laugh, and embrace the messy beauty of life. Who cares if you get a little wet? Sometimes, the most unexpected moments lead to the fondest memories.

11. You always follow the recipe to a T.

Source: Unsplash

Cooking is an art, not a science. While following a recipe can be a good starting point, don’t be afraid to experiment and add your own personal touch. Swap out ingredients, try new combinations, and see what happens. You might just discover your new favourite dish. And even if it’s a flop, at least you had some fun along the way.

12. You have a spreadsheet for everything.

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Do you track your expenses down to the last penny? Do you have a spreadsheet for your holiday itinerary, your grocery list, and your daily to-do list? While organisation is helpful, over-reliance on spreadsheets can stifle spontaneity and creativity. Sometimes, it’s okay to let go of the reins and see where life takes you. You might be surprised at the unexpected joys that come your way when you don’t have everything planned to the minute.

13. You can’t stand unexpected changes to your plans.

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Does a cancelled flight or a last-minute change of plans send you into a tailspin? While it’s natural to feel frustrated, try to see these unexpected twists as opportunities for adventure and flexibility. Embrace the change, adapt your plans, and see where the detour takes you. Remember, the most memorable experiences are often the ones that don’t go according to plan.

14. You’re always the designated driver.

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Are you always the responsible one, the one who never indulges in a spontaneous night out? While it’s important to be safe and responsible, don’t let it prevent you from having some fun. Let loose once in a while, have a few drinks, and let someone else take the wheel. You might discover a side of yourself you never knew existed.

15. You’ve never skinny-dipped.


Okay, maybe this one’s a bit out there, but have you ever considered the exhilarating freedom of skinny-dipping under the stars? It’s a way to connect with nature, feel vulnerable, and embrace your body without judgment. If the opportunity arises, and you feel safe, why not give it a try? You might just discover a newfound appreciation for your own skin and the beauty of the natural world.

16. You avoid trying new things.

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Are you stuck in a routine, hesitant to venture outside your comfort zone? Trying new things can be scary, but it’s also essential for growth and self-discovery. Sign up for that cooking class you’ve been eyeing, try a new sport, or strike up a conversation with a stranger. You might be surprised at how much joy and excitement these new experiences can bring.

17. You have a specific place for your keys, wallet, and phone.


If you have a designated spot for everything and panic when something is out of place, it might be time to embrace a little disarray. While it’s good to be organised, don’t let it rule your life. Allow yourself to misplace your keys once in a while, or let your phone wander off the charging pad. A little bit of chaos can be a good thing, reminding you that life is meant to be lived, not perfectly organised.