Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

In a healthy relationship, you should be able to talk to your partner about anything.

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You might feel a bit awkward or uncomfortable, but you should feel comfortable knowing that your partner won’t judge you and that they’ll answer you honestly. However, if you’re too scared to ask these questions — or to hear the answers — you may want to think about how strong your connection really is.

1. “Where do you see this relationship going?”

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You shouldn’t be afraid to ask your partner about the future. If asking where things are headed makes you nervous, it could be a sign you’re not on the same page. A relationship without clear direction can lead to confusion and unmet expectations.

2. “How do you feel about marriage?”

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Marriage is a big deal, and if you’re thinking about it, you should be able to ask your partner how they feel about it. Being scared to bring this up might mean you’re unsure of their commitment or worried about their response. It’s important to know if you’re aligned on long-term goals.

3. “Do you want kids?”

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This is one of those major life decisions that you shouldn’t tiptoe around. If asking about children makes you anxious, there’s a chance you’re avoiding a serious conversation about your future together. You both deserve to know where the other stands.

4. “How do you feel about how we handle money?”

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Money can be a touchy subject, but it’s one you need to be able to discuss openly in a relationship. If you’re scared to ask how they feel about your financial situation, it could mean you’re avoiding issues that will eventually cause tension.

5. “Do you feel supported in this relationship?”

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Asking your partner if they feel supported is essential for a strong relationship. If this question makes you nervous, you might be worried they’ll say no. It’s important to know if both of you feel valued and cared for in the relationship.

6. “Are we having enough sex?”

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Physical intimacy is an important part of many relationships, and you should be able to talk about it without fear. If asking this question feels too awkward or uncomfortable, it might be a sign you’re not as open with each other as you need to be.

7. “Is there something I could do better?”

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No one’s perfect, and it’s okay to ask your partner if there’s something you could improve on. If you’re scared to hear their answer, it might mean you’re avoiding criticism, but healthy relationships thrive on growth and communication.

8. “How do you handle conflict?”

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Conflict is inevitable, but how you handle it as a couple is crucial. If you’re scared to ask about how they deal with disagreements, it could be because you’re already worried about how they react in tough situations. It’s better to get this out in the open.

9. “What do you need more of in this relationship?”

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Asking your partner what they need more of helps you both feel understood and valued. If this question makes you nervous, you might be afraid that their answer will be something you’re not ready to give. It’s important to know what each other needs.

10. “Do you ever feel like we’re drifting apart?”

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This is a tough one to ask, but it’s necessary if you feel like something’s changed. If you’re scared to bring this up, it might mean you already sense distance and are avoiding the truth. It’s better to face it and work on it together.

11. “What are your boundaries?”

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Every relationship needs boundaries, and you should feel comfortable asking about your partner’s. If you’re hesitant to ask, it could be because you’re worried about crossing a line or have already noticed tension. Clear boundaries make for a healthier relationship.

12. “What’s your love language?”

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Understanding how your partner expresses and receives love is essential for a happy relationship. If you’re scared to ask, you might be unsure about how you’re meeting their emotional needs. It’s an important conversation that can help you connect more deeply.

13. “Do you trust me?”

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Trust is the foundation of any relationship, and you shouldn’t feel afraid to ask your partner about it. If this question makes you anxious, it could be a sign that trust has already been broken or is fragile in the relationship.

14. “What are your deal breakers?”

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It’s important to know what your partner’s deal breakers are, and you should be able to ask without fear. If you’re scared to know, it could mean you’re worried you might not meet those expectations, which can create underlying tension.

15. “How do you feel about our communication?”

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Open communication is crucial, and asking your partner how they feel about it can help strengthen your relationship. If you’re nervous about this question, it might be because you know there’s a problem that hasn’t been addressed. It’s better to bring it into the light than let it fester.

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