Instead of “How Are You?” Try These Better Phrases Instead

Asking people how they are seems natural in conversation, but it’s not the best way to strike one up.


Most people aren’t going to launch into their life stories — chances are, you’ll get a “fine” or “good” back, and that’s that. If you do want to dig a little deeper with someone, sometimes asking something more specific and open-ended gives them a chance to share more about themselves and their lives. Here are a few alternatives for “how are you?” (which is fine to use in moderation, but you shouldn’t stop there).

1. “What’s been the highlight of your day?”

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This one’s perfect for getting people to think about something positive that’s happened recently. It invites them to share something they enjoyed, no matter how small, and helps lift the tone of the conversation. It’s a nice way to connect with someone and steer away from the usual dull “How are you?” exchange.

2. “What’s new and exciting?”

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This question is fresh and upbeat, and it encourages the other person to share something exciting or interesting happening in their life. Even if they don’t have anything major to report, you’ve still opened the door to a conversation that’s a little more than just surface-level small talk.

3. “How’s everything going for you lately?”

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This one’s laid-back and shows you care about how they’ve been doing recently. It’s a good middle ground when you don’t want to pry too much but still want to catch up on what’s been going on in their life. It’s a casual check-in without feeling too formal or scripted.

4. “What’s on your mind today?”

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This question is direct and to the point. It gives someone the space to talk about whatever’s bothering them, something exciting, or just what’s been occupying their thoughts. It opens the door to a more genuine conversation, especially if they’re in the mood to talk.

5. “How have things been treating you?”

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This feels like a relaxed way to ask how someone’s been, without sounding like you’re reading off a checklist. It’s more personal than the typical “How are you?” and gives them the room to share about what’s been going on in their life, whether good or bad.

6. “How’s your week going so far?”

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Focusing on the week is a simple but effective way to get a snapshot of someone’s life right now. It’s perfect for both professional settings and casual hangouts, and it can lead to more specific details about their week that are easier to talk about than a vague “How are you?”

7. “What’s been keeping you busy?”

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This is a great conversation starter if you’re looking to talk about work, hobbies, or other personal projects. It shows interest in their life and what they’ve been up to. Plus, it opens up the floor for them to talk about anything they’re excited or passionate about.

8. “Anything interesting happen today?”

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It’s light, easy-going, and it opens up the conversation for anything interesting—big or small. Whether it’s a funny story or an odd little detail, this question helps keep things spontaneous and avoids the usual “fine” responses.

9. “How have you been feeling lately?”

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This one digs a bit deeper and shows you care about their emotional well-being. It invites a more honest conversation, especially with people you’re close to. It gives them space to talk about their mental state and what might be going on in their world emotionally.

10. “What’s the best thing that happened to you recently?”

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This is a great way to encourage someone to reflect on the positive things in their life. Instead of focusing on the usual “How are you?”, you’re directing their attention to something they can feel good about. It’s uplifting and helps make the conversation feel lighter and more engaging.

11. “How’s life treating you these days?”

Envato Elements

This question feels natural and offers a more open-ended opportunity for someone to share what’s been going on. It’s casual but thoughtful, and gives the other person a chance to open up about whatever’s been on their mind, whether life’s been smooth or a bit bumpy.

12. “What’s something you’ve been looking forward to?”


Talking about future plans can shift the conversation to a more optimistic note. It’s a great way to find out what excites someone or what they’re anticipating. It helps you both connect over something positive and get away from the day-to-day grind of small talk.

13. “Is there anything you’re excited about right now?”

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This question invites enthusiasm and allows the other person to share something they’re passionate or excited about. It can lead to a more dynamic conversation and show them you’re interested in what’s going on in their life beyond just the basics.

14. “What’s been challenging for you lately?”

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If you’re looking to go deeper, this question opens the door for someone to share their struggles. It’s a way to show empathy and offer support, especially if they’ve been dealing with something difficult. It’s perfect for building closer, more meaningful connections with people you know well.

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