Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Interviewing for a job isn’t like it used to be — it’s a whole lot more ridiculous these days.

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Instead of simply answering questions like “why do you want to work here?” and “what skills do you bring to the table?” some hiring managers are taking a quirkier approach and coming up with some pretty out-there queries that, while fun, seem a bit out of place in a professional situation. I asked TSH readers some of the weirdest questions they’ve ever been asked when going for a job, and here’s what they said. Would you like being asked these?

1. If you were a kitchen appliance, which one would you be and why?


This one’s a real head-scratcher. Are you dependable like a fridge, or do you heat things up like a microwave? It’s not just about picking your favourite gadget — it’s about how you see yourself in the workplace. Maybe you’re the office kettle, always ready to help people brew up new ideas.

2. How would you explain colour to someone who’s been blind since birth?

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Talk about a challenge! This question really makes you think about communication and creativity. How do you describe something visual using other senses? It’s like trying to explain music to someone who’s never heard a sound — tricky, but not impossible if you put your mind to it.

3. If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

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This classic gets a revival for a reason — it’s a real window into what makes you tick. Are you going for laugh with comedians, or aiming to solve world hunger with humanitarian heroes? Your choices say a lot about your values and interests. Just don’t say you’d invite the interviewer — that’s a bit on the nose, isn’t it?

4. How would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

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Bet you didn’t see this one coming in a job interview! It’s not just about your zombie film knowledge — it’s about how you approach unexpected problems. Do you hunker down or go on the offensive? Your zombie strategy might just reveal your real-life crisis management skills.

5. If you could remove one word from the dictionary, what would it be and why?

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This one’s a bit of a curveball. It’s not just about picking a word you don’t like — it’s about considering the impact of language. Maybe you’d bin a negative word, or maybe you’d choose something that’s always rubbed you the wrong way. Either way, it shows how you think about communication and its effects.

6. What would you do if you found a penguin in the freezer?

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Now here’s a pickle! This question is all about how you handle bizarre situations. Do you panic? Call animal control? Or maybe you’d check if anyone’s pulled a prank on you first. Your answer shows how you approach unexpected problems and whether you can keep a cool head (pun intended) in weird circumstances.

7. If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

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Everyone’s inner child perks up at this one. But it’s not just about flying or super strength — it’s about what you value most. Maybe you’d choose mind-reading for better communication, or time manipulation to meet all your deadlines. Your choice can reveal a lot about what you think is important in life and work.

8. How many times a day do a clock’s hands overlap?

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This one’s a real brain-teaser. It’s not just about getting the right answer (which, by the way, is 22) — it’s about how you approach problem-solving. Do you guess? Try to work it out logically? Or admit you haven’t the foggiest? Your approach says a lot about how you tackle tricky situations at work.

9. If you were a brand, what would your slogan be?

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This question really puts you on the spot. It’s like trying to sum up your entire personality in a catchy phrase. Are you “Just Do It” determined, or more “Have a Break” laid-back? Your slogan choice can give a glimpse into how you see yourself and what you think your best qualities are.

10. How would you design a spice rack for someone who can’t see?

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Here’s a question that really makes you think about accessibility and design. It’s not just about labelling things in braille — you’ve got to consider texture, smell, and even sound. This one shows how creative you can be when faced with a unique challenge. Plus, it might make you appreciate your spice rack a bit more!

11. If you were a type of food, what would you be?

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This isn’t just about picking your favourite snack. Are you a reliable staple like bread, or more of an acquired taste like Marmite? Maybe you’re a bit spicy, or perhaps you’re the glue that holds everything together, like eggs in a cake. Your food choice can say a lot about how you see your role in a team.

12. How would you convince a four-year-old to eat broccoli?

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Now here’s a real challenge! This question tests your persuasion skills and creativity. Are you going for the “it’ll make you grow big and strong” approach, or turning it into a game? Your strategy here could show how you might handle tricky clients or stubborn colleagues. Just don’t suggest covering it in chocolate — that’s cheating!

13. If you could travel anywhere in time, where and when would you go?


This one’s a real trip! It’s not just about picking your favourite historical era — it’s about what interests you and why. Are you off to see the dinosaurs, or maybe popping by to give yourself some advice five years ago? Your choice can reveal a lot about your curiosity, your values, and maybe even your regrets.

14. How would you explain social media to someone from the 1950s?

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Talk about a blast from the past! This question tests your ability to explain complex ideas simply. How do you describe something we take for granted to someone who’s never even seen a computer? It’s like trying to describe a smartphone to your great-gran — tricky, but not impossible if you break it down. Your approach shows how well you can communicate and adapt your message to your audience.