Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

As we age, society often pushes certain expectations on us that are absolute rubbish, in my opinion.

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After all, getting older doesn’t mean you have to conform to the outdated ideas people still cling to about ageing. Here are 18 things you absolutely don’t have to do just because you’re getting on a bit. In fact, you probably shouldn’t!

1. Stop wearing the clothes you love


There’s no age limit on personal style. If you love bright colours, graphic tees, or any other fashion choices, keep rocking them. “Age-appropriate” clothing is a myth. What matters is that you feel comfortable and confident in what you wear.

2. Give up on your dreams

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It’s never too late to pursue your passions or start a new career. Many people find success later in life. Whether it’s writing a novel, starting a business, or learning to play the guitar, your dreams don’t come with an expiration date.

3. Stop going to concerts or festivals

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Music doesn’t have an age limit. If you enjoy live performances, keep attending them. You might not fancy the mosh pit anymore, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the atmosphere and the music. Plus, many festivals now cater to a wide range of ages.

4. Settle for an unfulfilling relationship

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The idea that you should stay in a lacklustre relationship just because you’re older is rubbish. You deserve happiness and companionship at any age. It’s never too late to find a fulfilling partnership or to happily embrace being single if that’s your preference.

5. Stop learning new things

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Your brain doesn’t lose its ability to learn as you age. In fact, picking up new skills or hobbies can keep your mind sharp. Whether it’s a new language, technology, or craft, continuing to learn can be both enjoyable and beneficial for your cognitive health.

6. Give up on your fitness goals

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Physical activity is important at any age. While you might need to adjust your routine, you don’t have to give up on staying fit. Whether it’s gentle yoga, swimming, or weightlifting, find activities that work for you. Remember, it’s never too late to start exercising.

7. Stop being playful or silly

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A sense of humour and playfulness can keep you young at heart. Don’t feel pressured to always be serious just because you’re older. Laugh, joke, and be silly when the mood strikes. It’s good for your mental health and relationships.

8. Lose touch with pop culture


While you don’t need to know every TikTok trend, staying somewhat connected with current culture can be enjoyable and help you relate to younger generations. Don’t feel like you have to disconnect just because you’re not in the target demographic anymore.

9. Stop making new friends

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Friendship isn’t just for the young. You can and should continue to form new connections throughout your life. Join clubs, volunteer, or take classes to meet like-minded people. New friendships can bring fresh perspectives and joy to your life.

10. Give up on romance or intimacy

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Romantic relationships and physical intimacy don’t have to end as you get older. Many people find love later in life, and intimacy can remain an important part of relationships. Don’t let societal taboos dictate your romantic life.

11. Stop using social media or new technology


While you don’t have to be glued to your phone, staying connected through technology can be beneficial. Social media can help you keep in touch with family and friends, and new tech can often make life easier. Don’t shy away from it just because of your age.

12. Always put other people first

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As you age, you might feel pressure to always prioritise other people, especially family. But it’s important to maintain a balance. It’s okay to focus on your own needs and desires, too. Self-care isn’t selfish, it’s necessary for your health and wellness!

13. Stop taking risks or trying new experiences

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Life doesn’t become less adventurous with age unless you let it. While you might be more careful about the risks you take, don’t stop challenging yourself or trying new things. Whether it’s travelling to a new place or taking up a daring hobby, keep embracing new experiences.

14. Conform to stereotypical “older person” hobbies

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If you genuinely enjoy knitting or gardening, great! But don’t feel pressured to take up these hobbies just because they’re associated with getting older. Your interests should be based on what you enjoy, not what society expects of your age group.

15. Stop standing up for what you believe in

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Your voice and opinions don’t become less valid with age. Continue to advocate for causes you care about. In fact, with more life experience, your perspective on social and political issues can be particularly valuable.

16. Give up on your appearance

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Taking pride in your appearance isn’t vain, regardless of your age. If you enjoy fashion, makeup, or grooming, continue to express yourself. Looking good often translates to feeling good, and that’s important at any age.

17. Stop being open-minded about changing views

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While it’s easy to become set in your ways, staying open to new ideas and perspectives is important. The world is constantly changing, and being willing to adapt your views shows wisdom, not weakness. Keep listening, learning, and growing.

18. Feel guilty about enjoying your life

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There’s no age limit on having fun and enjoying life. Whether it’s travelling, indulging in your favourite foods, or spending time on hobbies, don’t let anyone make you feel guilty of it. You’ve earned the right to enjoy your life, so make the most of it!