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Life is full of different personalities, and while some people bring positivity, others are downright toxic.

It’s important to be able to spot these traits so you can protect yourself and your happiness. Here are some red flags to look out for in people, so you can create a more positive and supportive environment for yourself.

1. They criticise and belittle people non-stop.

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A toxic person loves to put people down, making snide remarks or subtle digs disguised as jokes. They might criticise your appearance, your choices, or even your dreams and aspirations. This behaviour stems from their own insecurities and need to feel superior, but it leaves you feeling drained and discouraged.

2. They’re always the one who’s been done wrong.

Yuri Arcurs

Nothing is ever their fault. Toxic people love to play the victim, blaming everyone and everything else for their problems. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions and always find a way to make themselves look innocent. This behaviour can be exhausting and frustrating, as it prevents any healthy conflict resolution.

3. They thrive on drama and chaos.

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A toxic person’s life is often a soap opera, filled with drama, conflict, and chaos. They create problems where there are none, stir up trouble, and love to be the centre of attention. Being around this kind of person can be emotionally draining and leave you feeling anxious and stressed.

4. They’re manipulative and controlling.

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Toxic people often try to control those around them, using guilt, manipulation, or even threats to get what they want. They might try to isolate you from your friends and family, or make you feel guilty for pursuing your own interests. This behaviour can be damaging to your self-esteem and leave you feeling trapped.

5. They just can’t bring themselves to be happy for other people’s success.

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Instead of celebrating your achievements, a toxic person might downplay them, make you feel guilty, or even try to sabotage your efforts. They are envious and resentful of your success because it highlights their own insecurities and shortcomings.

6. They suck the energy out of every room.

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Spending time with a toxic person can leave you feeling drained and exhausted. They are like energy vampires, sucking the positivity out of you and leaving you feeling emotionally depleted. This is because they feed off your energy and thrive on negativity.

7. They’re never wrong (even when they clearly are).

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A toxic person will never admit they are wrong, even when faced with overwhelming evidence. They will twist the truth, deflect blame, and argue relentlessly to prove their point. This behaviour can be infuriating and make it impossible to have a healthy discussion or disagreement.

8. They’re masters of passive-aggressiveness.

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Instead of expressing their feelings directly, a toxic person will resort to passive-aggressive tactics, like backhanded compliments, subtle insults, or the silent treatment. This behaviour can be confusing and frustrating, as you never know where you stand with them.

9. They gossip and spread rumours.

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A toxic person loves to talk about people behind their backs, spreading rumours and gossip to create drama and stir up conflict. They thrive on the attention and power they gain from being in the know, even if it means hurting people in the process. This behaviour can create a toxic environment.

10. They’re jealous and possessive.

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Toxic people often struggle with insecurity and jealousy. They might be jealous of your relationships, your achievements, or even your possessions. They might try to control who you spend time with or make you feel guilty for pursuing your own interests. This behaviour can be suffocating and limit your personal growth.

11. They’re inconsistent and unreliable.

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You can’t count on a toxic person to follow through on their promises or commitments. They might cancel plans at the last minute, flake out on responsibilities, or change their mind without warning. This behaviour can be frustrating and disruptive, leaving you feeling let down and disappointed.

12. They take but never give.

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A toxic person is always looking for what they can get from you, whether it’s attention, favours, or material possessions. They rarely reciprocate, leaving you feeling used and unappreciated. This one-sided relationship can be emotionally draining and leave you feeling empty.

13. They’re emotionally unavailable.

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While a toxic person might be charming and charismatic on the surface, they often struggle with deep-seated emotional issues. They might be unable or unwilling to form genuine connections with people, leaving you feeling lonely and unsupported. This emotional distance can be hurtful and prevent you from building a meaningful relationship.

14. They refuse to apologise or take responsibility.

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Even when they’ve clearly hurt you, a toxic person will rarely apologise or take responsibility for their actions. They might try to blame you, make excuses, or simply ignore the issue altogether. This lack of accountability can be incredibly frustrating and make it difficult to move forward.

15. They leave you feeling worse, not better.

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Unsplash/Jandre Van Der Walt

Perhaps the most telling sign of a toxic person is how they make you feel. After spending time with them, do you feel drained, stressed, or negative? Do you feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells or trying to please them? If so, it’s a sign that this person is not good for your well-being. Healthy relationships should uplift and energise you, not leave you feeling depleted.